\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

Dodged a HUGE bullet today on the way in to work. I live in rural NC (Buies Creek, right by Campbell University if anyone is familiar with the area). The road I take to get to the main highway is dark, and most morning's I usually meet 1 maybe 2 cars if I leave late. So I pull out, and not a mile down the road I see these headlights of this car riding my bumper. So I speed up a little, and he's still too close.

There is a four way intersection with a stop sign coming up so I had already made it up in my mind that once I got to that stop sign I was going to leave him. So I cut off my TC, and I floored her I hit 100 at my top speed. The car behind me was nowhere in sight for about a half mile or so, but then I notice the headlights gaining so in my head I was thinking I'm going to wait for him to get close enough and I'm going to pull again.

At this point I'm going about 70 once he gets back close, blue lights flash he cut them on and off. When I say my heart sunk. So this man follows me for like another 3 miles or so until we reach this small town. I figured he was waiting to get around some lights before he pulled me over. I see the Mcdonald's and gas station on my left so I turn in because if I'm going to get pulled over I would rather it happen there. I look back and he keeps on going.

My only guess is it was too early in the morning and he didn't want to deal with it, or he had somewhere to be. Either way. I'm beyond thankful cause he had me dead to rights.
Dodged a HUGE bullet today on the way in to work. I live in rural NC (Buies Creek, right by Campbell University if anyone is familiar with the area). The road I take to get to the main highway is dark, and most morning's I usually meet 1 maybe 2 cars if I leave late. So I pull out, and not a mile down the road I see these headlights of this car riding my bumper. So I speed up a little, and he's still too close.

There is a four way intersection with a stop sign coming up so I had already made it up in my mind that once I got to that stop sign I was going to leave him. So I cut off my TC, and I floored her I hit 100 at my top speed. The car behind me was nowhere in sight for about a half mile or so, but then I notice the headlights gaining so in my head I was thinking I'm going to wait for him to get close enough and I'm going to pull again.

At this point I'm going about 70 once he gets back close, blue lights flash he cut them on and off. When I say my heart sunk. So this man follows me for like another 3 miles or so until we reach this small town. I figured he was waiting to get around some lights before he pulled me over. I see the Mcdonald's and gas station on my left so I turn in because if I'm going to get pulled over I would rather it happen there. I look back and he keeps on going.

My only guess is it was too early in the morning and he didn't want to deal with it, or he had somewhere to be. Either way. I'm beyond thankful cause he had me dead to rights.

what do you drive? Maybe he just liked your car and was riding your *** to see it in action?
Bruh why tf would u run away from a cop when u were doing nothing wrong? Lol

also why do u turn off traction control to get to 100? That made me lol

It was 5 am..It's pitch dark I clearly didn't know it was a cop....and I let off I could've kept going but there was a curve.
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