Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

Originally Posted by HP31308


Spoiler [+]
where'd u get this dock from?
That is nexus dock. All i did was create my own theme and get icons from deviant art and other sources. I actually got that theme from the object dock theme site.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81
Which dock is that, Nexus?
it's xwindows dock 5.6

Looks nice, how does it compare to Nexus and Object Dock?

I've never used Nexus dock, but I find XWD easier to use than object dock
and I just think it a looks better overall, there are a lot of different XWD
skins on deviant art too.

I try it out, its aight but it cant dock on top and also the magnify option don't work if you have Avydesk 1.4 (which I do). Damn. Is there any other dock that can do live reflections and can dock on top screen?
it runs fine with avedesk 1.3 thats what my setup is. avedesk 1.3 + XWD
Thanks, time to fix my setup.
Where are those Tisdale pics from? I rather have the link to that then the OG wallpaper, if that's possible.
got bored with the windows 7 taskbar.
the music player is just winamp, i figured it's easier to just do it that way than downloading a skin for rainmeter
Originally Posted by HP31308

Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

Originally Posted by HP31308


Spoiler [+]
where'd u get this dock from?
That is nexus dock. All i did was create my own theme and get icons from deviant art and other sources. I actually got that theme from the object dock theme site.
can you post a link for that particular theme?
Originally Posted by omgitswes

got bored with the windows 7 taskbar.
the music player is just winamp, i figured it's easier to just do it that way than downloading a skin for rainmeter

Fam, you gotta tell me whatever you've downloaded to make this happen. Weather, dock, music player, clock-- the whole nine. PM me if necessary. Is the start menu accessible like this?
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Originally Posted by omgitswes

got bored with the windows 7 taskbar.
the music player is just winamp, i figured it's easier to just do it that way than downloading a skin for rainmeter

Fam, you gotta tell me whatever you've downloaded to make this happen. Weather, dock, music player, clock-- the whole nine. PM me if necessary. Is the start menu accessible like this?

the music player is just winamp, and i downloaded a skin (void_dark) and i dragged it to the bottom like that so it stays above everything so i can access the controls.
the clock and weather, i used rainmeter i can't remember what the skin for the clock is called but you can just download clock skins from devaintart. and the weather is already installed under the enigma config

dock is just rocket dock with the blank theme. and icons are Lucid Icons on the other desktop thread there's a guide on how to work with rainmeter. and yes it's just moved to the side and did auto hide. it comes up whenever my mouse goes over to the right and it's annoying as hell
Originally Posted by omgitswes

the music player is just winamp, and i downloaded a skin (void_dark) and i dragged it to the bottom like that so it stays above everything so i can access the controls.
the clock and weather, i used rainmeter i can't remember what the skin for the clock is called but you can just download clock skins from devaintart. and the weather is already installed under the enigma config

dock is just rocket dock with the blank theme. and icons are Lucid Icons on the other desktop thread there's a guide on how to work with rainmeter. and yes it's just moved to the side and did auto hide. it comes up whenever my mouse goes over to the right and it's annoying as hell
That's why I don't use docks, despite how much I would love one. I used ObjectDock for a while, but it slowed down my computer too damn much, but at least it had a start button. RKLauncher is cool and allows you to hide the taskbar, but it's not very customizable.
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