Post your favorite books

Feb 13, 2003
-Man's Search For Meaning
-The DaVinci Code
-A Clockwork Orange
-The Autobiography of Malcolm X

Wanna know what people on here are reading and recommend
So many but to name a couple
- The Autobiography of Malcolm X
- Soul on Ice
- Manchild in the Promised Land
-The Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass
- Malcom X Speaks
- Souls of Black Folks
- The Miseducation of The Negro
-Ender's Game
-Voices from the Street
-Catcher in the Rye
-Die Softly
-The Neverending Story
-Heroes: Saving Charlie
-A Scanner Darkly
The Meditations On First Philosophy and Discourse On Method by Rene Descartes
Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Being and Nothingness by John-Paul Sartre

- Tical.
Angels & Demons
Kane & Abel
Catcher in the Rye
To Kill a Mockingbird
Interview with a Vampire
Huck Finn

And most of the books in the Prey Series by John Sanford
Originally Posted by Glory Glory Hallelujah

To Kill a Mockinbird
The Color Purple
And a couple of books by Eric Jerome Dickey that no one (definitely not dudes) would know.

I cannot for the life of me understand what people see in Eric Jerome Dickey's books. My mom reads his stuff all the time, i just don't get it
...Some that stand out right now.
Don Quixote (Favorite book ever)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
The Prophet
Driven From Within
The Brothers Karamazov
The Odyssey
Leaves of Grass
The Stranger
Crime and Punishment
in no order

hp 1-7
west of jesus
the kite runner
the giver
tuesdays with morrie
5 people you meet in heaven
where the red fern grows
hatemail from cheerleades (rick reilly used to write for sports illustrated)

books im workin through currently that are great:
the tender bar
way of the peaceful warrior

books that are on my list after those above:
th liars club
for one more day
l.o.t.r. series
catcher in the rye
Originally Posted by mco85

Originally Posted by Glory Glory Hallelujah

To Kill a Mockinbird
The Color Purple
And a couple of books by Eric Jerome Dickey that no one (definitely not dudes) would know.

I cannot for the life of me understand what people see in Eric Jerome Dickey's books. My mom reads his stuff all the time, i just don't get it
LMAO, you just don't understand. His +%## is on point!
The Outsiders
Lord of the Flies
Can't think of anything else. I dont read much. I should though.
Lolita - Vladamir Nabakov
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
Battle Royale - Koushun Takami
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