Post your favorite pizza place vol. mmm thats good


formerly nosepiker
Feb 10, 2006
Nothing like Domino's on a rainy afternoon.

Everytime I walk by Grimaldi's the line is around the block, #$$% must be good.

Rosarios in LES is my spot.
Only way Domino's is your favorite pizza place, if domino's is the only pizza you've ever had. even then, it still really shouldnt be yourfavorite.
The place I've had real pizza other than Pizzahut/Little Caesars was at Giordanos in Chicago, deep dish pepperoni
Too bad I won't be able to get this for a long time. I need you NYC NTer's to hook this up asap.
damn I wish we had the pizza options you NYers have.

for Gourmet Pizza it is hands down Pizzeria Mozza

for regular pies I like Joe's on Bleecker (the west coast version out in Santa Monica... cant speak to the original Joe's in NY). Its about as close toa NY pie as we are gonna get out here in LA.
i dont know the name of it i but its across the street from dr jays on fordham road and it sits on the corner and looks like it has no doors

best pizza i ever had in my life
i dont know why people hate on dominos... its not bad for commercial pizza... its not the best but it aint terrible... my favorite is papa johns but for realpizza anything in ny is good to me...
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