Post your hospital stories

so on the day i was born a man with the same name as me died in the wing above mine.
kinda crazy i guess
Originally Posted by buggz05

I overdosed on motion sickness pills once. My sister got scared and rushed me to the ER, but I was trippin balls chillaxin and hallucinating. When I got there they made me drink liquid charcoal, I thought it was an oreo blizzard and I smashed it in one gulp.

They had me hooked up to a heart and breathing machine. If anybody's ever been hooked up to one, you know they got the censors hooked up to your body, and the monitor has a line that goes up and down w/ your breathing and beeps with your heart rate. I swore it was an arcade game. I noticed that I could control the path of the space ship (the line) and I could dodge the meteors and shoot down the aliens (the grid on the monitor I guess, I dunno...) with the "game control" buttons on my chest. So I started tappin the buttons, my flight skills were on point. I noticed if I could hold my breathing, I could apply the brake. I was killin them aliens, luke skywalker didn't have nothing on me.
I was ziggin and zaggin through meteors. The music from the game was getting fast paced through each level of the game(which was really the heart monitor beeping crazily from me tapping the buttons). Next thing I know 3 nurses bust through the door tripping over each other, to come save my life. They took one look at me and busted out
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