Post Your Last Hospital Visit...

My last hospital visit, I came out with this.

I got attacked by a Pit Bull while walking home from the store a couple years ago. Didnt have Health Insurance at the time so it was $500 for the emergency room visit and Tetnis (sp?) shot. |I
Me and sum friends stole a security go-cart sum years ago...ran into a chain closing off the escape route i had to get stiches in my lower gum
Last time I was at the hospital for myself was for an MRI in 2009 to see what was causing a month long headache.
Don't wear sunglasses to play basketball. I put the pic in a spoiler because some people might not be too keen with the cut.

Why would anyone wear sunglasses to play ball?

You must be a pretty boy.

Last hospital visit was for a dislocated wrist.

I guess you guys have never played basketball in the morning with the sun blaring down on you. I can't see ish from the weak side when I'm rebounding, therefore I wore sunglasses.
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