Post Your New Eras*59-Fiftys*etc... VOL. INFINITY NOW W/ Henz0/Thunderchunk/Icy's FAQ ON PG.1

nah the only reason Id leave the sticker on is if the fitted has the discolored circle on the brim. Otherwise I rip it off and put it on my notebook.

yo myshirts you guys gonna have an update in time for the 35% off sale on the 25th?
Originally Posted by dakid23

Too me leaving the new era sticker is like leaving a price tag on a piece of clothing. Just doesn't flow with me.
Me to the sticker makes it look cheap.....

I agree... to me its like leaving that giant cardboard tag on the back pocket of my new jeans... I don't need everyone to think that my cap is new all thetime... oh well, to each his own.

Merry Christmas guys...

Lighting doesn't do it justice.
Originally Posted by henz0

Prymone, Yeah I still got it..

MYSHIRTS has the fastest shipping in history
, ordered yesterday.. Got it this morning
... I shoulda ordered the fitteds, but I didnt think they were gonna get here in tim... This was sunday night also
leaving the sticker on a fitted while wearing it just looks goofy as hell to me, no offense to anyone that does that

was hoping for a white sox or two in the cc update, oh well maybe next time
only sticker i leave on my fitteds is the authenticity sticker on the underbrim, other then that every sticker comes off
I leave the sticker on, to me its like taking your shoe laces off your sneakers.

It looks booty without the sticker on.
why cant we get more seattle mariner fitteds??

please CC..i guarantee if you guys start doing them, i will buy them in a size 7 3/8-7 1/2 (the teal brimmed seattle joint i ordered was SUPER small)
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