Post Your Ringtone Vol. Turn that +!+ Off!

I had to do it...

SMH at y'all buying ringtones...
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

Always on vibrate.


for my cell phone alarm i'll use a random song i'm feelin at the moment though. i like to switch it up a lot so i don't get used to the tone wakingup
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

when it says "who am i?" i look on the caller id to see "who it is"
I like your style.
I got some wack a** Wayne ringtone.Time to change. Joint gets on my f***in' nerves everytime. *headed to*
For the Wifey - P.Y.T - Michael Jackson

Everyone else - Hero - Nas

Messages - Curb Your Enthusiasm theme song
Aight here we go. NT, which should I go? I'm thinkin' the second cuz it kinda goes wit the theme. haha. "They say who dat?". Both beats gohard.
incoming calls- illy.. T.I
text- money in tha bank... weezy
email- threats.. young chris
aim- hi hater.. T.I verse
andre 3000 verse from green light when i get general calls

"i got 5 on it" when the
regulars call

intro to american terrorist when i get notifications (g1)

"i put you in a beach house on the coast of costa rica........" when this one hispanic chick im messing with calls
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by cane174

^^ I have a Sidekick ... only way to use ringtones is by Downloadin them
One of the main reasons why SKs suck.
Have you tried myxertones? I'm sure a lot of people are hip to it now but it might work for you.
We gon make it FTW!
Texts is a voice sayin mail muhh-ucka from euro trip ill send it to you, if you want it just pm me.
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

buying ringtones? websites?

i just pop the cd in the dvd player . turn the tv up and press record.

I used to do that when we didn't have internet.

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