Post your tales of Simpin , Thirst , Dirty Mackin or Stalking

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

aww man. i started going to the this new doctor's office. Met this cute light skin thing. was simping from the start. bringing her lunch at her job and stuff. I was bad, even knowing she had a man. he even came to my bday party. shorty breaks up with her man and we would spend late night smoking in the park. One day she comes to my crib to use the computer. Was searching and firefox with its autocomplete show some of my pron sites. Shorty started looking thru my collection. Asks me if i'm gonna fap. i say, yeah when she leaves. Ends up going to my bathroom and she shows me boobies so I could fap. that becomes our routine. show me boobs so I could fap. I started tricking to get the box. Even took her to AC and foot the whole bill. anyway I get a dorm roon next semester. Shorty would come over and not gimme any. One day she, and my boy come to chill. My boy was drunk and she starts getting at him hard. end up going to his crib but he claims they aint smash. Dead the shorty right there. she would text or fb me but I tell if she aint trying to smash, I aint with it. Oh wells.

Oh I forgot, i bought her a sidekick and paid her bill for like 3 months. what was I thinking.

   gatdamn homie

really tho what was you much losing going on in this story.
^^^^ yeah I lost hard. got the Sidekick for cheap but $50 a month for 3 mothns for no vajajay. smh. And she aint let me take no pics or else they would be on HGF right now.
^^^^ yeah I lost hard. got the Sidekick for cheap but $50 a month for 3 mothns for no vajajay. smh. And she aint let me take no pics or else they would be on HGF right now.
Originally Posted by kilojules64

When I was 17 I had been dating this guy for 2 years. We were drinking in my friend's basement (his parents didn't know so we couldn't go upstairs) and my boyfriend at the time got obliterated. He had to poo and couldn't hold it so he went on the floor of the boiler room -_____-
He was too drunk to clean it up so I had to because I wasn't going to let that stink up my friend's whole house and I was too ashamed to tell him what happened.

Almost 4 years later and I still cringe every time I think about that night belrhqwpebiqpweihafirhqbwer BLECH.

well cot damn
Originally Posted by kilojules64

When I was 17 I had been dating this guy for 2 years. We were drinking in my friend's basement (his parents didn't know so we couldn't go upstairs) and my boyfriend at the time got obliterated. He had to poo and couldn't hold it so he went on the floor of the boiler room -_____-
He was too drunk to clean it up so I had to because I wasn't going to let that stink up my friend's whole house and I was too ashamed to tell him what happened.

Almost 4 years later and I still cringe every time I think about that night belrhqwpebiqpweihafirhqbwer BLECH.

well cot damn
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

This is more about another dude stalking my girl.

So I was with this chick, she was from Harlem. It all started at Rucker Park while we were hanging out. There was this dude grilling us from his car. It was an old, black Benz and he was just staring at my girl with his hat turned back. He was clearly checking out my girl's legs, but who wasn't, so no biggie. She loved me, and my love was real, so I could handle some competition. We just strolled off.

So my girl takes the bus everyday to work. I'm not worried, MTA buses are fairly safe, but I come to find out that this dude is following my girl. She saw him stalking everyday, laying in the cut, and crushing hard for my girl. A few days later, this dude actually approaches her trying to spit game. He says something like he know me from around the way, that she's only been with me for five months, that I drink too much, and smoke too much, while he works out everyday thinking about her. He's telling her how he doesn't want to violate our relationship, but he has really graphic sex dreams about her. C'mon son, seriously? My girl just ignores dude as he goes off into tangents. Luckily it's a busy bus stop, so he won't do anything crazy.

Fast forward a few days, my girl is at the mall. She calls me telling me dude is there trying to creep, again. So I tell her to wait for me at Footlocker, and I drive over there. I come into the store and meet her, and she points to dude sitting on the bench outside the store. At this point, I'm about to swing on him, but I was going to talk **** out with him first.

I was like, "Yo son, are you stalking my girl? Dude find another girl to crush on."
He was like, "Nah man, this is love. This is more than a crush. I've been watching her for as long as I can remember. She's all I could ever want and ask for."
For some reason, I got really mad and knocked dude out. My girl and I just bounce before security comes.

Lucky for him, she didn't see him around anymore. People around the neighborhood said that he sold his car and moved out of state.
Apparently, he's a chef now at some shark facility, go figure, huh.


How did you guys let this go over your head?

Is this the stalker?


As soon as i read that part i knew who the stalker was. This post had me crying

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

This is more about another dude stalking my girl.

So I was with this chick, she was from Harlem. It all started at Rucker Park while we were hanging out. There was this dude grilling us from his car. It was an old, black Benz and he was just staring at my girl with his hat turned back. He was clearly checking out my girl's legs, but who wasn't, so no biggie. She loved me, and my love was real, so I could handle some competition. We just strolled off.

So my girl takes the bus everyday to work. I'm not worried, MTA buses are fairly safe, but I come to find out that this dude is following my girl. She saw him stalking everyday, laying in the cut, and crushing hard for my girl. A few days later, this dude actually approaches her trying to spit game. He says something like he know me from around the way, that she's only been with me for five months, that I drink too much, and smoke too much, while he works out everyday thinking about her. He's telling her how he doesn't want to violate our relationship, but he has really graphic sex dreams about her. C'mon son, seriously? My girl just ignores dude as he goes off into tangents. Luckily it's a busy bus stop, so he won't do anything crazy.

Fast forward a few days, my girl is at the mall. She calls me telling me dude is there trying to creep, again. So I tell her to wait for me at Footlocker, and I drive over there. I come into the store and meet her, and she points to dude sitting on the bench outside the store. At this point, I'm about to swing on him, but I was going to talk **** out with him first.

I was like, "Yo son, are you stalking my girl? Dude find another girl to crush on."
He was like, "Nah man, this is love. This is more than a crush. I've been watching her for as long as I can remember. She's all I could ever want and ask for."
For some reason, I got really mad and knocked dude out. My girl and I just bounce before security comes.

Lucky for him, she didn't see him around anymore. People around the neighborhood said that he sold his car and moved out of state.
Apparently, he's a chef now at some shark facility, go figure, huh.


How did you guys let this go over your head?

Is this the stalker?


As soon as i read that part i knew who the stalker was. This post had me crying

Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

aww man. i started going to the this new doctor's office. Met this cute light skin thing. was simping from the start. bringing her lunch at her job and stuff. I was bad, even knowing she had a man. he even came to my bday party. shorty breaks up with her man and we would spend late night smoking in the park. One day she comes to my crib to use the computer. Was searching and firefox with its autocomplete show some of my pron sites. Shorty started looking thru my collection. Asks me if i'm gonna fap. i say, yeah when she leaves. Ends up going to my bathroom and she shows me boobies so I could fap. that becomes our routine. show me boobs so I could fap. I started tricking to get the box. Even took her to AC and foot the whole bill. anyway I get a dorm roon next semester. Shorty would come over and not gimme any. One day she, and my boy come to chill. My boy was drunk and she starts getting at him hard. end up going to his crib but he claims they aint smash. Dead the shorty right there. she would text or fb me but I tell if she aint trying to smash, I aint with it. Oh wells.

Oh I forgot, i bought her a sidekick and paid her bill for like 3 months. what was I thinking.

   gatdamn homie

really tho what was you much losing going on in this story.
im honestly disgusted

keep the stories coming in though
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

aww man. i started going to the this new doctor's office. Met this cute light skin thing. was simping from the start. bringing her lunch at her job and stuff. I was bad, even knowing she had a man. he even came to my bday party. shorty breaks up with her man and we would spend late night smoking in the park. One day she comes to my crib to use the computer. Was searching and firefox with its autocomplete show some of my pron sites. Shorty started looking thru my collection. Asks me if i'm gonna fap. i say, yeah when she leaves. Ends up going to my bathroom and she shows me boobies so I could fap. that becomes our routine. show me boobs so I could fap. I started tricking to get the box. Even took her to AC and foot the whole bill. anyway I get a dorm roon next semester. Shorty would come over and not gimme any. One day she, and my boy come to chill. My boy was drunk and she starts getting at him hard. end up going to his crib but he claims they aint smash. Dead the shorty right there. she would text or fb me but I tell if she aint trying to smash, I aint with it. Oh wells.

Oh I forgot, i bought her a sidekick and paid her bill for like 3 months. what was I thinking.

   gatdamn homie

really tho what was you much losing going on in this story.
im honestly disgusted

keep the stories coming in though
Originally Posted by RO RO 8

Originally Posted by trhee

^ You get your eyebrows and manicure done though forreal?
yeah man gotta stay fresh to death. and females love getting manicures together. clean nails are better for smashing 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Ok but what about your eyebrows? What part of the game is that? [/color]

Originally Posted by eldribblebachelor

Well niketalk idk were to begin .. it all started off on MySpace got this request from the finest lil latin chick u could ever put eyes on .. her name was Jessica so we get to chopping it up an talkin, txting, sending the dirty pics an a few months later we arrange this meeting at her house for some party type steez .. so ya boy jumped in the polo an said id ride out bein young an couldn't drive i had the parents ride with me .. she was in houston i was in my city called Baytown about 45 mins away .. she sends the address .. i Google map stuff an find out her hide out .. on the way got the lecture on safe sex speech from my people .. an we pull up on the street was madd ghetto .. calling up the brawds phone .. no answer no replys .. nothing .. so i stop look at the directions an noticed i juss had the street name .. no house # .. so i get down an ask to mexican complected chicks if they noe a Jessica on this street .. so one was a crack head type the other a ****** .. so as i carried the flowers i had bought for this chick sitting in the car .. i get a call from Jessica saying she is sorry an that she hadda talk to me .. well after leaving the street she tells me she was the ****** i talked to looking for jessica .. i was broken .. shattered an lectured the whole drive back home ..

Originally Posted by eashawty

i was in 10th grade & this chick was my girl for like the whole 1st semester. man real talk, i might have been in love wit this chick cause i had never really felt like that before. normally i just wanted the guts. sumtime at the beginnin of the next semester we kinda stopped talkin & she started messin wit another dude. My lil simp heart couldnt take it & i wrote her this page long note bout how i felt about her & how she broke my heart. i gave it to her & i think i ended up gettin suspended for the rest of the week for sum unrelated @$%@. when i came back to school the next week, she had showed everybody the note while i was suspended & they was all tryna make fun of me. callin me t-pain & @$%@ cause i told ol girl she had me sprung. that *!#*$ tried me almost as hard as i tried myself, i learned my lesson. like boosie say "got my heart broke at 14 that was way way back, but all the girls after that it was straight pay back." she the whole reason im heartless bout these females now
Originally Posted by RO RO 8

Originally Posted by trhee

^ You get your eyebrows and manicure done though forreal?
yeah man gotta stay fresh to death. and females love getting manicures together. clean nails are better for smashing 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Ok but what about your eyebrows? What part of the game is that? [/color]

Originally Posted by eldribblebachelor

Well niketalk idk were to begin .. it all started off on MySpace got this request from the finest lil latin chick u could ever put eyes on .. her name was Jessica so we get to chopping it up an talkin, txting, sending the dirty pics an a few months later we arrange this meeting at her house for some party type steez .. so ya boy jumped in the polo an said id ride out bein young an couldn't drive i had the parents ride with me .. she was in houston i was in my city called Baytown about 45 mins away .. she sends the address .. i Google map stuff an find out her hide out .. on the way got the lecture on safe sex speech from my people .. an we pull up on the street was madd ghetto .. calling up the brawds phone .. no answer no replys .. nothing .. so i stop look at the directions an noticed i juss had the street name .. no house # .. so i get down an ask to mexican complected chicks if they noe a Jessica on this street .. so one was a crack head type the other a ****** .. so as i carried the flowers i had bought for this chick sitting in the car .. i get a call from Jessica saying she is sorry an that she hadda talk to me .. well after leaving the street she tells me she was the ****** i talked to looking for jessica .. i was broken .. shattered an lectured the whole drive back home ..

Originally Posted by eashawty

i was in 10th grade & this chick was my girl for like the whole 1st semester. man real talk, i might have been in love wit this chick cause i had never really felt like that before. normally i just wanted the guts. sumtime at the beginnin of the next semester we kinda stopped talkin & she started messin wit another dude. My lil simp heart couldnt take it & i wrote her this page long note bout how i felt about her & how she broke my heart. i gave it to her & i think i ended up gettin suspended for the rest of the week for sum unrelated @$%@. when i came back to school the next week, she had showed everybody the note while i was suspended & they was all tryna make fun of me. callin me t-pain & @$%@ cause i told ol girl she had me sprung. that *!#*$ tried me almost as hard as i tried myself, i learned my lesson. like boosie say "got my heart broke at 14 that was way way back, but all the girls after that it was straight pay back." she the whole reason im heartless bout these females now
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