Posters/pictures on your walls in your 20's. Yay or Nay?

Originally Posted by Noskey

This is the only poster I have on my walls. It's framed btw.


Then I have a flag and a real old ceramic looking painting thing that my mom would kill me for throwing out.

Where'd you get this? Link?
Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by Noskey

This is the only poster I have on my walls. It's framed btw.

Then I have a flag and a real old ceramic looking painting thing that my mom would kill me for throwing out.

Where'd you get this? Link?

Here's a link for All Posters.

Being honest, I just picked up a $10 frame from Target for it
But it still looks clean, in case you dont want to drop $125 for a pro looking frame.
My second guessing of the things on my wall wasnt from anyone else criticizing it. I was just looking at it and I was like, nah this has to go. But at the same time I dont want to take them down. IDK

Thanks everyone for your input. I was thinking about getting a frame for my All-Star Game one and scraping everything else.
& it also really depends on what the print/photo is. As long as it's tasteful and in moderation/clean

In general though, the more "childish" posters make rooms look cluttered
i've framed some of my artwork & put it up on my wall, as well as some other paintings i've bought from places i've been to. so long as it doesn't look juvenile, i don't see an issue with someone posting up stuff on their wall.
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