Power Outages... Again!?

Jun 18, 2005
So I'm driving home, almost there, then by kent :frown:

Hella filthy!
Team Friends With Benefits
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. I really hope the power dosent go out again. Granted mine was only off for like 20 hours, and half of those I was either sleep or at work, but still, its such a hassle. my mom who lives further up Petrovitsky didnt get her power back on for like 5 days
Just look at it as 30 more pounds of awesomeness
man mine was out for 5 days last time, just by albertson's >:

"If I've learned one thing, it takes money to make money kid."
mine has gone out 3 different times, each time for a while. It went out as recently as the 29th. God apparently hates west seattle.
Team Negrodamus​
i guess this time wasn't as big... i got power back at noon :b
Team Friends With Benefits
Im moving to a new apt on petrovitsky this week, ill be damned if the power is out.
oo206oo is more awesome than you. Don't argue.

You can hate if you want to, but you're wasting your time.
^you'll live by dunks206 then...what an honor....

saw a major spark here at like 7 in the morning, scared the @#%$ outta me since i was in my room, and i didn't know what was going on
Hit me up on AIM-DaAznFella [email protected]
Kent is mad crazy
"If I've learned one thing, it takes money to make money kid."
Last time I lost power was the wind storm a couple weeks ago...damn Seattle weather has been crazy lately
I live right down the street from Safeway, right behind Panther Lake Elem. & I had power.
We should've partied or something.
aka sickplicity/justinnikes
i hate power outages....i cant do ANYTHING....i have to turn into EL and paint some shoes but they turn out as crap.....or i just skateboard
Team Pacific Northwest​

It's starting to get windy here. Oak Harbor. The lights/power have been flicking since about 11 pm. I hope I don't wake up without power =\
Team Pacific Northwest​
I was hopin power wouldnt go out
thank god it didnt
that wind was kickin in like it was gonna go out for awhile
Team Pacific Northwest​
yo dunks206....wth happened to the jack in the box sign down the hill from your house? like out of 5 panels...only 1 is still up....hahhahahah i droved by and i did a triple take
Hit me up on AIM-DaAznFella [email protected]
yo dunks206....wth happened to the jack in the box sign down the hill from your house? like out of 5 panels...only 1 is still up....hahhahahah i droved by and i did a triple take
Team Pacific Northwest​
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