PREACHER VOL. AMC Taking Preacher to pilot

hand2handking hand2handking I was thinking the same thing about Cassidy, in the comic he def it a reach to say that he was holding back? But at the same time i don't remember him using any super strength/speed this season.

I've been planning on getting the graphic novel
i was under the impression he was in love with tulip

unless he his feelings were just bloodlust to kill her?

i dont think he was holding back the story just had to make their desire equal to their strength i guess

so jesse was superhuman in that moment

does genesis give jesse physical abilities too? :nerd:
I like the subplot of Dennis not being responsible/trustworthy with the gift. He's like a toddler who is now able to walk going around and being reckless. I wonder if Cass is going to have to put him down.

That's become an often used storyline with vampires now. New ones are out of control and either learn to control it or get killed.

Just finished the finale and it was real good. Wondering how polular this show is. It's different and very violent with a lot of weird stuff happening. I dunno anyone else irl who watches it.
Wonder what the ratings are for this show. I dunno anyone who watches it. It’s a shame since it’s such a unique and enjoyable show.
Show is great. I tend to watch it when I get a chance on demand. I still feel like I'm not helping when I do that tho
So has the show lost its steam for some of yall or is it that its on a different time wnd day?

I'm still in. Just had to refresh my memory.
Cassidy just being stubborn and dumb at this point. Its annoying, wouldn't mind if he died.

:lol: @ God.

The Tombs :pimp:
I need Eugene and Hitler back. I love the fact that I really can’t recommend this show to anyone. You have to have a ****ed up sense of humor and not be a tight *** about religion to even stand a chance.
I would love to see Saul and Hitler working at Cinnabon and arguing with each other.

Eccarius and Cassidy reminds me of that Joey Diaz bit about Barnabas Collins.
Thought Cassidy found others that understand him but that Plot twist :wow: dude is :evil:

Lara being in love with Herr Starr :lol:
It was a good season albeit a bit of a sidetrack from the main objective.

Didn't care for the Cassidy subplot with vamps but I always didn't care for it.
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