precautions to take when engaging in a meetup? vol. Craigslist (no dateline)

just make sure you wear a bullet proof vest

Bring some friends, but don't make it obvious that they're there.

Have them acting like secret agents.
Originally Posted by WAARmachine

Bring some friends, but don't make it obvious that they're there.

Have them acting like secret agents.

you might as well just wire him and have a cable van parked across the street....
^nah homie, cable van is too obvious, it's gotta say "flowers by irene" on the one'll be the wiser
The best place to do a meet up where lots of cash is changing hands would be a bank. There usually an officer there to keep things under control for both thebuyer and the seller.
Buying electronics is risky, but you will need to get a some signed documentation the PS3 is in working condition before you buy if you are not able to test itout.

Good luck.
pretty much what everyone said...

ive done meetups many many times, but this one time it was at HIS HOUSE..i was a bit nervous and i had a small crowbar in my pants..pause.. it all went im never nervous meeting someone at their house
not the 80gb, that there is $500 PLUS %%*% 8.25 LA county sales tax

youre looking near 540 give or take a few buckies.

still trying to negotiate where to do this, im shootin for a starbucks off of hughes
Honestly, I don't think it is a good idea to purchase this PS3 used like that.

Just put in $100 more and get the 80GB brand new or get the other one that is $400.

What if you get it and it breaks after a couple of uses, then you will be S.O.L.

I don't really like buying stuff second hand, especially sneakers, but I understand why some of you guys do.
dudes claiming its still sealed in the box, which is why im considering it.

ive got tons of nerd friends who mod systems with their eyes clsed in case something went wrong.
Originally Posted by Tank Johnson

^nah homie, cable van is too obvious, it's gotta say "flowers by irene" on the one'll be the wiser

NO! it should be Niketalk Plumbing
test the ps3 out if possible. ie. find a place and power it up
Best advice so far. Make sure you test the playstation or make sure that it's brand new. Trust me, the people that are going to screw you overthe hardest are those that will do it with a smile on their face and not with pointing a gun at you.
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