pregnancy: life changing experience

Congrats! OP I'm 28 and my girl is six months pregnant. We don't live with each other at the moment, so I don't deal with as much of the madness asyou will.

She does say and do some crazy things. It takes a lot of discipline to walk away from an argument. Just remember it's a kid in there.

God's blessings to you and your GF

It seems that you and your GF have a solid foundation already and thats a great start. As other people have posted, her modd swings will be a trip. Even moreso after the baby is born because she will be coming off a "hormone high" if you will. Post-partum depression is crazy and every women deals with itdifferently. I wife would get jealous of anyone hold our son when he was first born. plus the fact that we weren't together very long before it happened,she wasn't ready for the way my family acts. I come from a big family which means if someone is willingto hold my child, i can rest. She took it as themstepping over boundries and questioning her abilities as a mother. and congrats op. My son is now 2 and his bro or sis is coming in Feb.
You were shocked? If you didn't use protection which obviously you didn't how in the hell would you be shocked she got pregnant?
Tsssssssssssst... My fiancee had hyperemesis so her pregnancy wasn't the norm, she was throwing up 12-15x's a day during the 1st trimester,couldn't even keep water down, she would have dry heeves because there was nothing in her to come up. By far thee craziest and most stressful thingI've ever watch someone endure.

Be prepared to hear some of thee most illogical statements you've ever heard in life G and you will be wrong if you refute them and point out that she isout of her square, which will cause her to become depressed and upset with you. Which leads me to my next point.

She's going to be manic emotionally, one minute she'll be excited because she can feel the baby moving the next she will be extremely depressed becauseshe can't fit her clothes. Worried if you will find her attractive when she's the size of a beach ball. By far the most difficult thing for me to dealwith.

Everything you've heard about the cravings are REAL.... Ice Cream, Flaming Hots, and a Pickle, with a Lemonade at 12:45am... Yup.

If she's not a big talker be prepared for that to change, if she is be prepared for that to increase as she will start asking you questions you really donot care about and you will be wrong if you elicit the natural response.

Bottomline she will be all over the place and you have to maintain a steady reassuring pressence, do this by being there as much as possible even when she isdrying you up a wall. Go to as many doctors appointments as possible. Just Support Her because her body isn't her own anymore and its about to go throughall types of wierd changes that we can only observe just to bring your child into the world.

Good Luck G.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100


but nah congrats
Originally Posted by Amunfei24

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by Much Respected

Not sure if a 27 year old would want advice from NT's high schoolers.


But yea you're 27 and she's your GF and you've been living with her for a while.

You ever thought that maybe she was getting anxious about maybe you never popping the question so she "accidentally forgot" to take her birth control? Don't think it hasn't been done before. As the tick of the biological clock gets louder, the more drastic the measures become.

The plot thickens.

I was thinking the same thing.

I never used birthcontrol but if it was to happen, I would hold my own and be a good father. I'm content and happy with her and now we will have a kid together so I don't regret anything. I'm just nervous honestly bc I will bring it up to my mom and family which I'm sure they'll be real ecstatic and plus we will buy a place by years end for the $8000 first time home buyer credit.
First time home buyer credit FTW! My cousin is doing the same thing but CONGRATS are due to you and your wifey

I don't have any kids of my own and I'm only 21 but I used to be a full-time nanny (now only once a week) and I've been taking care of these kidsfor 4 years. Here are some pointers:
1. Don't buy too many newborn sizes, they grow QUICK so it's best to buy 3-6 month clothing.
2. Stock your diapers ... go to Costco and get the Kirkland Signiture wipes as they are strong and aren't filled with a ton of soap like the other wipes.
3. Try not to make a habit of warming the bottles. We used to use room temp water; it makes life a lot easier when you have to runn errands or go out and youdon't need to find a microwave. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to never warm it up; I'm just saying if you're home during the day andit's just a regular feeding I would use room temp water.
4. Making bottles before hand -- just having the formula in the bottle makes it easier for when you're on the go or need that bottle made fast.

Need anything else? PM me ... I know wayyy to much about kids. Can't wait to have my own ... in 6 years hahaha.
Originally Posted by Fade On You

You were shocked? If you didn't use protection which obviously you didn't how in the hell would you be shocked she got pregnant?

Bc we thought she was a while back but she wasn't and the doc said she may need to take some pills to get pregnant but apparently we don't need it.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Tsssssssssssst... My fiancee had hyperemesis so her pregnancy wasn't the norm, she was throwing up 12-15x's a day during the 1st trimester, couldn't even keep water down, she would have dry heeves because there was nothing in her to come up. By far thee craziest and most stressful thing I've ever watch someone endure.

Be prepared to hear some of thee most illogical statements you've ever heard in life G and you will be wrong if you refute them and point out that she is out of her square, which will cause her to become depressed and upset with you. Which leads me to my next point.

She's going to be manic emotionally, one minute she'll be excited because she can feel the baby moving the next she will be extremely depressed because she can't fit her clothes. Worried if you will find her attractive when she's the size of a beach ball. By far the most difficult thing for me to deal with.

Everything you've heard about the cravings are REAL.... Ice Cream, Flaming Hots, and a Pickle, with a Lemonade at 12:45am... Yup.

If she's not a big talker be prepared for that to change, if she is be prepared for that to increase as she will start asking you questions you really do not care about and you will be wrong if you elicit the natural response.

Bottomline she will be all over the place and you have to maintain a steady reassuring pressence, do this by being there as much as possible even when she is drying you up a wall. Go to as many doctors appointments as possible. Just Support Her because her body isn't her own anymore and its about to go through all types of wierd changes that we can only observe just to bring your child into the world.

Good Luck G.

Wow thanks for the knowledge, sighs, I will have to step up to the plate and be prepared for everything. I'm wondering when I should tell my family as Ibelieve she is 4 or 5 weekns in?
Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by Amunfei24

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by Much Respected

Not sure if a 27 year old would want advice from NT's high schoolers.


But yea you're 27 and she's your GF and you've been living with her for a while.

You ever thought that maybe she was getting anxious about maybe you never popping the question so she "accidentally forgot" to take her birth control? Don't think it hasn't been done before. As the tick of the biological clock gets louder, the more drastic the measures become.

The plot thickens.

I was thinking the same thing.

I never used birthcontrol but if it was to happen, I would hold my own and be a good father. I'm content and happy with her and now we will have a kid together so I don't regret anything. I'm just nervous honestly bc I will bring it up to my mom and family which I'm sure they'll be real ecstatic and plus we will buy a place by years end for the $8000 first time home buyer credit.
First time home buyer credit FTW! My cousin is doing the same thing but CONGRATS are due to you and your wifey

I don't have any kids of my own and I'm only 21 but I used to be a full-time nanny (now only once a week) and I've been taking care of these kids for 4 years. Here are some pointers:
1. Don't buy too many newborn sizes, they grow QUICK so it's best to buy 3-6 month clothing.
2. Stock your diapers ... go to Costco and get the Kirkland Signiture wipes as they are strong and aren't filled with a ton of soap like the other wipes.
3. Try not to make a habit of warming the bottles. We used to use room temp water; it makes life a lot easier when you have to runn errands or go out and you don't need to find a microwave. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to never warm it up; I'm just saying if you're home during the day and it's just a regular feeding I would use room temp water.
4. Making bottles before hand -- just having the formula in the bottle makes it easier for when you're on the go or need that bottle made fast.

Need anything else? PM me ... I know wayyy to much about kids. Can't wait to have my own ... in 6 years hahaha.

Thanks for thos pointers omg, I'm freakin out seriously, I'm trippin now haha! I know I can do this but I'm a bit nervous but she's not havingit until like march 2010.
When I found out about mine, I was NOT happy. College kid with no place to stay, and on top of that, I was broke. Igot a nice job, though and started saving, so it's not all that bad. Sure, it's a lot of work, and the child will test you and your girl'srelationship, but it's worth it in the end if you guys can stick it out. Me and the mother of my child aren't together, but we are really good friendsand I feel like my son has made us stronger people.

PM me for more advice if you need some more.
Originally Posted by Amunfei24

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Tsssssssssssst... My fiancee had hyperemesis so her pregnancy wasn't the norm, she was throwing up 12-15x's a day during the 1st trimester, couldn't even keep water down, she would have dry heeves because there was nothing in her to come up. By far thee craziest and most stressful thing I've ever watch someone endure.

Be prepared to hear some of thee most illogical statements you've ever heard in life G and you will be wrong if you refute them and point out that she is out of her square, which will cause her to become depressed and upset with you. Which leads me to my next point.

She's going to be manic emotionally, one minute she'll be excited because she can feel the baby moving the next she will be extremely depressed because she can't fit her clothes. Worried if you will find her attractive when she's the size of a beach ball. By far the most difficult thing for me to deal with.

Everything you've heard about the cravings are REAL.... Ice Cream, Flaming Hots, and a Pickle, with a Lemonade at 12:45am... Yup.

If she's not a big talker be prepared for that to change, if she is be prepared for that to increase as she will start asking you questions you really do not care about and you will be wrong if you elicit the natural response.

Bottomline she will be all over the place and you have to maintain a steady reassuring pressence, do this by being there as much as possible even when she is drying you up a wall. Go to as many doctors appointments as possible. Just Support Her because her body isn't her own anymore and its about to go through all types of wierd changes that we can only observe just to bring your child into the world.

Good Luck G.

Wow thanks for the knowledge, sighs, I will have to step up to the plate and be prepared for everything. I'm wondering when I should tell my family as I believe she is 4 or 5 weekns in?

Don't get me wrong G, its an experience that you will cherish for the rest of your life. I'm just giving you the cliff notes on the rough parts so thatyou can have some clue as to what to expect. One things for sure, you two will have the opportunity to build a bond that can bounce your relationship into adifferent plateau. Bringing a child into this world is something that links two people together forever, enjoy it bro.
And pay attention to what these dudes is sayin about what be comin out of these females' mouths...youmight...wait...YOU WILL HEAR SOME OF THE MOST BLATANTLY DISRESPECTFUL !%#* YOU'VE EVER HEARD from her in the next 9-12 months, fam. I'm dead #$!serious.

That's exactly why I said it will test ya'll relationship...and most importantly, your patience.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

And pay attention to what these dudes is sayin about what be comin out of these females' might...wait...YOU WILL HEAR SOME OF THE MOST BLATANTLY DISRESPECTFUL !%#* YOU'VE EVER HEARD from her in the next 9-12 months, fam. I'm dead #$! serious.

That's exactly why I said it will test ya'll relationship...and most importantly, your patience.

I think "THE MOST BLATANTLY DISRESPECTFUL !%#* YOU'VE EVER HEARD" is and understatement.... It aint easy to deal with either.
Support is the number one thing. Seymore pretty much has it all covered for you, but I'll add on to what hesaid.

A lot of times, you'll have to bite your tongue. When people say "the truth hurts," that phrase reallyshines in this situation. Think about what you say to her before you say it. You have to remember you're not dealing with the most stable person in theworld at the time. She's pregnant...this is a major life-changing situation, and people cope with it in many different ways. Her emotions will definitelybe in the palm of her hand, which is why you (as the man) have to be there and be strong.

Be prepared for pointless arguments about ###$ you don't give a damn about. It is damn near normal to havethoughts about going upside her head at times because she will push you to the edge.

On the upside...all of this will form a bond between ya'll that you'll cherish for the rest of your life. Ifyou can get through hard times, it'll all pay off.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]NOTE:[/color] I didn't read thethread, but I assumed you were thinking keeping the baby. If this ISN'T true, DO NOT mention abortion or adoption to her. YOU WILL learn the definition ofa "woman scorned" the hard way. Take my word for it.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Lincey whats good with it... how old is your little man now?
He'll be three months on the 28th. Lil man is so damn big
! I didn't think he'd growthis fast, but I'm not trippin. I'm tryna breed me a lil NBA star or NFL star.
Congrats OP! Its really a trip at first. I know when i first found out i was like damn i dont know what to do. I was 19 at the time, wasnt in school, didnthave a job, pretty much going nowhere in life. My daughter is 1yr an 3mos now and she is the greatest thing in my life. Really caused me to grow up and handlemy business. It will be hard at first but its all worth it.

Also make sure you are there for the birth. It is a crazy experience.

Good luck with everything.
Originally Posted by j671

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100


but nah congrats

its not so bad. the sex is quite better, if the (b) in her doesn't come out, then thats 3x better during the pregnancy.

support her ALOT

change some diapers too while the baby's little, cuz when she turns 2 (like mine) the doo-doo gonna change. Think about wiping adult sized crushed turds ina pamper.
NO Good bruh.

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Lincey whats good with it... how old is your little man now?
He'll be three months on the 28th. Lil man is so damn big
! I didn't think he'd grow this fast, but I'm not trippin. I'm tryna breed me a lil NBA star or NFL star.
Lil' Clinton Portis
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Lincey whats good with it... how old is your little man now?
He'll be three months on the 28th. Lil man is so damn big
! I didn't think he'd grow this fast, but I'm not trippin. I'm tryna breed me a lil NBA star or NFL star.
Lil' Clinton Portis
Man Pregnancy scares me. Just watchin my niece and nephew (1 and 2) for a few hours scares the S!!! out of me.
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