***President George W. Bush has pardoned RAPPER John Forte!!***


Jan 28, 2008
I was like WTH? George W. pardons a coke smugglin rapper? Sorry if late.


President George W. Bush has pardoned rapper John Forte, an affiliate of the Fugees, who has been serving prison time for smuggling drugs, sourcestold us.

Forte was one of 14 persons that Bush has pardoned or granted commuted prison sentences.

This wave of White House pardons is Bush's latest, as he has less than two months in his presidency. A pardon cannot be overruled.

Forte was arrested at Newark International Airport in 2000 and charged with possession with intent to distribute cocaine and conspiracy to distribute. Policecaught him accepting a briefcase with about $1.4 million worth of liquid cocaine in it.

Forte was hit with a 14-year sentence in a federal penitentiary under minimum sentencing laws even though it was his first offense and he was a non-violentoffender. He began his bid in jail in 2001 and has fought the laws vehemently.

Through the ordeal, he maintained his innocence and turned down a plea deal.

John Forte has released two albums, Poly Sci and I, John.

John found an ally in legendary singer Carly Simon and her son Ben Taylor, both close friends. Forte lived at Simon's estate in Martha's Vineyard forabout six weeks in 1999 and even spent the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with the family. Simon and Taylor have lobbied on Forte's behalf since hewas incarcerated.

Much speculation has been made of others Bush may opt to pardon. Most of these involved those that government employees that may have unjustly interrogatedsuspected terrorists in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center.

A pardon of these cases would severely impede president elect Barack Obama from investigating such crimes.

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"George Bush cares about black people"[/color]
This black people stuff need to end. Stop isolatingyourself and quote stuffs like "oh black people will get this and that" "Obama will do this and that.for black people."
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"George Bush cares about black people"[/color]
This black people stuff need to end. Stop isolating yourself and quote stuffs like "oh black people will get this and that" "Obama will do this and that.for black people."

You need to calm down
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"George Bush cares about black people"[/color]
This black people stuff need to end. Stop isolating yourself and quote stuffs like "oh black people will get this and that" "Obama will do this and that.for black people."
You just took that a little too seriously.

I'm black....If that matters.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"George Bush cares about black people"[/color]
This black people stuff need to end. Stop isolating yourself and quote stuffs like "oh black people will get this and that" "Obama will do this and that.for black people."

Okay chief.

I'm surprised this dude got pardoned.
i remember a long time ago, bush saying john forte was his favorite rapper and i was like
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"George Bush cares about black people"[/color]
This black people stuff need to end. Stop isolating yourself and quote stuffs like "oh black people will get this and that" "Obama will do this and that.for black people."
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Hey, loser.. callate su boca. I just switched up what Kanye said a while back : "GeorgeBush doesn't care about black people" .. go do something with yourself.[/color]
Originally Posted by DMan14

i remember a long time ago, bush saying john forte was his favorite rapper and i was like
We should have realized then that Carly Simon was the puppetmaster of this entire administration.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious
Second I heard "Learn to flip though dough, with the money they got" I lost it
. This dude must've beat the guts out of one ofthe bush twins or something.

Track is
Doesn't look like he'll have a room at Wyclef's house when he gets out:

[h2]Wyclef Jean Loses Miami Beach House[/h2]MIAMI BEACH (CBS4) ― Governor Charlie Crist hasconsidered suspendingforeclosures during the holiday season. It could be a big boon to South Florida, where rates are generally high than most other citiesaround both the Sunshine State and the Country.

Worse, foreclosures are affecting everybody. It appears being famous doesn't save you from the bank, as rapper and producer Wyclef Jean has found out.

On the outside, the home being built on Miami Beach looks like any other luxury home. But a quick records check finds the property, owned by a big name, is introuble. Jean has sold 30 million albums, but apparently couldn't keep up with his mortgage.

The $2.4 million waterfront mansion on Pine Tree Drive is now owned by a bank. The house is scheduled to be sold at the Miami-Dade Courthouse next month, alongwith a handful of liens by the construction crews, who never finished, and more than $100 thousand in unpaid taxes.

Neighbors were surprised by the news. "I really think he's a great musician and he's come a long way and gone through a lot in terms of hishistory and his life," said neighbor Sara Poses. "I don't know what the circumstances are but I feel bad for him."

Jean is just the latest in a tidal wave of Florida foreclosures. In Miami-Dade County, banks have filed foreclosure on a record 46 thousand homes. To put thatin perspective, the number is more than what the entire state of Florida every year from 1979 to 2006.

Other celebrities are finding their assets slipping through their fingers. Late night entertainer Ed McMahon and NBA star Latrell Sprewell lost homes in thecrashing market, proving nobody is off-limits.

"It's happening everywhere and I think that's what everyone needs to think about," Poses told CBS4 Reporter David Sutta.

CBS4 News tried to reach Jean's attorney, but did not get a call back. It appears Jean made a deal with his bank to pay off his debt by next year, butdefaulted again.

The home is slated to be auctioned off December 12th.

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