President to propose free community college on Friday

And can someone PLEASE ******* explain to me how we're going to accommodate an enrollment surge when community college campuses around the nation already face a lack of space?

There isn't enough faculty, classrooms, computers, parking space, and seats to accommodate everyone. Classes already get snatched up fast and a lot of folks who wait too long to register are assed out because there simply isn't a class open to them.

They've got to settle for the wait-list and for folks to drop out of a class for a seat to open up.

So PLEASE pray tell, how are we going to accommodate everyone?

The best professors' classes are snatched up early. Then folks are left with the riff raff of the community college teaching world. I'm talking professors who can barely speak English (think foreign Indian types) and have HORRIBLE interpersonal skills that do not help students learn subject matter.

So community colleges are going to have to get more of those types to create classes, why? Because Universities take the best professors, that's why.

A lot of you can't even begin to fathom the logistics at hand here. :lol: Too ******* busy singing kumbaya and we are the world to realize how great an undertaking this would be for so many community colleges.

Wake up.
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I too am tired of hearing this 'I'd rather' BS. I don't like the defense budget spending either, but why should the government (tax payers) pay for people to go to college? You same guys spouting that BS is here are probably the same who are on that 99% **** and think the government should also wipe everyones debt clear. Get real. The entitlement in America is too real. When you graduate high school you aren't owed anything, period. It is like earning your way is a completely foreign concept to a lot of you. No one forces you to go to college, or to take out huge loans, but most 18 year olds don't have the money so that's what you have to do, and that's how it's always been. Obama is no savior, and isn't doing anything for anyone by not getting government backed loans out of college.
imo spending the time and money to improve grade school education quality is more important than two free years of college

being more efficient with the time people spend in school > allowing people to spend more time in school
No one forces us to gonto college yet that's the ******* model we have to follow. I wish I could become an engineer without having a degree and racking up hella debt, but that aint the case.
Are you kidding me?  Cry all you want, the USDOLLAR still reigns supreme.  The euro is DONE and is in free fall. No other currency or country can compare to the US. NO BODY!

The USA gives more hand outs in many shapes and forms.  NO ONE is blaming the POOR.  People ARE BLAMING individuals who DO NOT PULL THEIR WEIGHT.  They are BLAMING the leechers that 'thrive' with the welfare.  Like said, the US is full of opportunities.  It's just the lazy people who want every thing spoon fed to them.  They are soft, silly, naive, and dumb.  It is THEIR CHOICE to remain poor.

You said it yourself.  You've BAILED OUT CORPORATE AMERICA, and so look at the results.  YOU continue to FEED the leechers and what has it done?  Yeah, I'd think I rather spend the money saving Michael Jordan than Luc Longley, if the situation called for it.

America had a long head start, bruh...

Stop pretending like government budgets and cats on wall street buying their third home >>>>> quality of life of the citizens.

Still don't see the point. If there are already pell grants available for individuals coming from low-income households then this plan only helps people who can already afford CC but aren't willing to make the sacrifices needed to attend.

It's not for the impoverished (because they already have grants available) it's for the middle class individual who isn't willing to part with certain luxuries so they can better their own lives.

Seriously, prove to me that this isn't the case. If you can't qualify for pell grants that's because you or your family makes enough money to take care of themselves. Instead of cable TV or a monthly car note people could be going to college.

Folks just want to make ******* excuses and have other people give them everything.

You cannot be serious with this post.

And that whole overcrowded issue is a different issue at hand. This country has opened only 1 college in the last 50 - 75 years I believe. Or it may be one UC. Either way there aren't enough schools to accomodate all those who want / need an education. That isn't the students fault.
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And wouldn't this essentially just become 13th and 14th grade, with some requirements?

If people shouldn't get to go to the CC for free...

Might as well not pay for 11th and 12th grade across the state, right?

What's the difference between an 18 year old and a 16 year old?
And wouldn't this essentially just become 13th and 14th grade, with some requirements?

If people shouldn't get to go to the CC for free...

Might as well not pay for 11th and 12th grade across the state, right?

What's the difference between an 18 year old and a 16 year old?

Imagine how rough a situation our country would be in if they removed the free primary and secondary education because no one's "entitled " to it. It's pathetic how selfish these guys are.
And wouldn't this essentially just become 13th and 14th grade, with some requirements?

If people shouldn't get to go to the CC for free...

Might as well not pay for 11th and 12th grade across the state, right?

What's the difference between an 18 year old and a 16 year old?
Imagine how rough a situation our country would be in if they removed the free primary and secondary education because no one's "entitled " to it. It's pathetic how selfish these guys are.
I hope none of these guys ever went to public school or had a library card with the **** they're spouting.
No one forces us to gonto college yet that's the ******* model we have to follow. I wish I could become an engineer without having a degree and racking up hella debt, but that aint the case.
I read the most eye opening article yesterday on just how hard it is, financially, to be a scientist.

You basically live in a constant state of debt, it's crazy. I'll try to see if I can find it.

EDIT: Found it

These colleges damn near own these people
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I hope none of these guys ever went to public school or had a library card with the **** they're spouting.

I read the most eye opening article yesterday on just how hard it is, financially, to be a scientist.
You basically live in a constant state of debt, it's crazy. I'll try to see if I can find it.

EDIT: Found it
These colleges damn near own these people :smh:

It's because we have to do double the work. Not to sound as if other professions have it easy, but that's how it is.
Being a legal adult who isn't entitled to anything in this world, other than the opportunity to earn a living. 

So how do you pay for college by yourself... Since you're 18, no work experience, no education, no car...

What job do you get? Minimum wage is below living standards... Can't eem get an apartment on 7.25...

Still don't see the point. If there are already pell grants available for individuals coming from low-income households then this plan only helps people who can already afford CC but aren't willing to make the sacrifices needed to attend.

It's not for the impoverished (because they already have grants available) it's for the middle class individual who isn't willing to part with certain luxuries so they can better their own lives.

Seriously, prove to me that this isn't the case. If you can't qualify for pell grants that's because you or your family makes enough money to take care of themselves. Instead of cable TV or a monthly car note people could be going to college.

Folks just want to make ******* excuses and have other people give them everything.


I guess you don't know anybody whose parents made too much money so they didn't qualify for grants but they didn't make enough to set aside minimum 7K a year without struggling? Financial aid solely looks at how much you make but doesn't account for expenses

I guess you don't know anybody whose parents made too much money so they don't qualify for grants but their parents refuse to help them with school?

Yeah .. this bill is surely for people who can afford to pay tuition and just choose not to :rolleyes
Being a legal adult who isn't entitled to anything in this world, other than the opportunity to earn a living. 
So how do you pay for college by yourself... Since you're 18, no work experience, no education, no car...

What job do you get? Minimum wage is below living standards... Can't eem get an apartment on 7.25...
i think what he's trying to say is if you want something you cant afford (in this case education) you might have to live below living standards to make up for the fact that you cant afford it. 
ME66 doesn't like the idea of helping with education but has no problem using our tax dollars to shoot his toy guns in the woods on a base

Makes sense
So how do you pay for college by yourself... Since you're 18, no work experience, no education, no car...

What job do you get? Minimum wage is below living standards... Can't eem get an apartment on 7.25...

Most people I know take out loans and have part time jobs, and work full time in the summer or on breaks. Don't give me that "they're too expensive" BS. If you're highly motivated enough, have a set plan and go after a degree that can get you a profitable career, while also earning what you can while in enrolled, you can come out just fine. If you come out with a degree in fine art, liberals arts, music etc, don't get mad when you aren't earning what you wished you were.   not saying debt free, but you won't be an indentured servant your whole life
Being a legal adult who isn't entitled to anything in this world, other than the opportunity to earn a living. 

So how do you pay for college by yourself... Since you're 18, no work experience, no education, no car...

What job do you get? Minimum wage is below living standards... Can't eem get an apartment on 7.25...
i think what he's trying to say is if you want something you cant afford (in this case education) you might have to live below living standards to make up for the fact that you cant afford it. 

Wait, accept poverty was the suggestion?

I can tell a lot of you haven't left the comfort of parents that are able to financially support you. Everything is so dry cut and black and white in your world, there's no flexibility to your arguments. That's not real life.
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