Pretty sure i smelled crack or meth today

I don't think I've ever seen a phone booth in NYC and I've lived here my whole life .....
should have been rocking this

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secondhand crack smoke is worse than doing it yourself.

your hair is gonna start falling off in a couple of days, if not sooner. after, you will start to bleed from your orifices.

if you care for your loved ones, PLEASE stay away from them. you're still radioactive.

Call the Center for Disease Control ASAP and QUARANTINE YOURSELF.
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OP your about to come down with a bad case of whitneyhoustonkneecaps.I feel bad for you.
damn, OP was my dude...hate it had to be him.

RIP you just kilt the club |I
Comments got my man shook over here...:lol:

Y'all see how he tryna back track?

Naww b, too late. You already sniffed that crack.

It wont be long 'till you offering to OhSnap people for some cheeseburgers.



Lmaoooooo. I was thinking the same thing!
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