Primetime Hours @ the Gym Unappreciation Post - I'M MAD AS [SKA] HECK [SKA] AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE!!

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

they start kicking people out (Gym closes at 11:55 image).

Thats why I can't do Ballys

I always stick with 24 Hour X Sport

I hate it, but there isn't a 24 Hour Fitness that is a reasonable distance to my house. Reasonable, as in too damn far my %%+ would be too lazy toworkout.
Don't worry man it usually dies down during the winter time anyway. Thats when you find out who is a real gym head.
I leave the office at 3 and workout @ 4, right before the crowds start piling in. I have had the pleasure of working out during peak hours
24 hrs at 10:30pm FTW!...but since i have night cLasses this semester and work at 7am...recentLy ive been going at the Y after work and before cLass so idont beat the rush at 24 but the best thing about the Y is that no one to wait for the machines and you dont have to try to find where the free weights are butthe bad thing is not much booty to focus on
but then again i shouLd befocus on my workout riite?!
...cant heLp it femaLes are just adistraction overaLL
I can't imagine waking up @ 5 am to work out.

I have a hard time waking up @ 7-7:30 to go to work in the morning.


But yeah, that whole thing about the gym being packed at the time I need to go, is basically why I stopped going. It threw me all off.

Maybe I should start going in the morning...
2-5pm is primetime for basketball though

people standing around all up on you in the weight room
Originally Posted by The Technodrome

lol @ the idea of Bastitch working out


but yea school gym memberships damn near aint worth it. its already included in fees, so it aint like you can get around payin for it. we got greatfacilities with cable TV on the workout equipment and all that, but u gotta work in sets with like 3 other cats to get a workout during prime hours
. we multiple facilities tho, just the main facility is the most convenientlyaccessible right in the middle of campus
Originally Posted by dreClark

I can't imagine waking up @ 5 am to work out.

I have a hard time waking up @ 7-7:30 to go to work in the morning.
honestly, that's how i felt at first and after a week you just get used to it.

after getting my workout done in the morning, i feel more energized the rest of the day so i just made the 5-6am sessions a daily thing.
24 Hours FTW. During the summer (on off days), I would be in the gym from 5-8pm to hoop, then eat dinner and come back around midnight to lift, get some extrashots up, etc.
It gets busy at my la fitness from 4-8 but I find I can generally get my workout done smoothly. UNLESS it's shoulder day, because when I work shouldersduring those hours I never seem to find the weights I want....
Get out of work at 4 and go straight to 24hour Fitness. It doesn't normally get busy till about 5:30 and that's normally when I start to wrap up myworkout. I found that I can't workout in the morning either. I just don't have enough energy to get a good workout in.

The other thing I dread is the post New Years crowd. The gym gets 40% busier from all those resolutionists. Jan-Mar sucks!
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