Proactiv ?

Dec 21, 2009
I don't really have acne but onces in a blue i get a zit and i was watching NBA TV and the commercial come one and it got me thinking. Has anyone actually got super clear skin from using it ?
i wanna buy it, but i heard once you stop using it, it sends your pores into overactive mod which results in more pimples.
I used it and when I stopped my acne did come back. It does work really well though but sometimes drys out your skin.
It worked for me in the beginning but it ended up drying my skin. I cancelled my subscription but they already sent the other box so I have to send it back.
I used some imitation one from like K-Mart or something when I was younger, it did the job. I'm pretty sure proactiv works too you just have to make sure you do it everyday and not be lazy.
Originally Posted by sladewilson

it doesnt work for black people

This is true. Most of the products out dont work for black people who dont have as oily skin. I used Accutane. It is a prescribed pill and you use it for 4-6 months. My skin is clear and havent had a problem since 07. Maybe one small one every so often but not like it was
Originally Posted by dbailey86

Originally Posted by sladewilson

it doesnt work for black people

This is true. Most of the products out dont work for black people who dont have as oily skin. I used Accutane. It is a prescribed pill and you use it for 4-6 months. My skin is clear and havent had a problem since 07. Maybe one small one every so often but not like it was
There is a class action lawsuit against Accutane because the drug causes several complications.
Maybe this works for people with accession acne

But if you have pimples on the regular do not waste your money. Go see a dermatologist. Tried proactiv did not work went to a professional got prescription stuff worked well.
Originally Posted by dbailey86

Originally Posted by sladewilson

it doesnt work for black people

This is true. Most of the products out dont work for black people who dont have as oily skin. I used Accutane. It is a prescribed pill and you use it for 4-6 months. My skin is clear and havent had a problem since 07. Maybe one small one every so often but not like it was

Yea, accutane is good. Stopped taking it though.
Why doesn't ProActiv work for black people? Isn't it just Benzol Peroxide, because that works for me when I get razor bumps really bad.
Worked like a charm for me. Used it for two months and acne never returned.

I was 24 with high school kid acne when I just said +**$ it, and tried it
I don't know if having light skin helped though. Everything I bought from a store would dry my face up like 

...... and I'm Mexican!
I used one kit and pimples were gone

I think its cause I grew out of it but it could have worked
I use it. It works if you keep at it. Sucks because when you actually run out, don't expect a clear face. You gotta keep up with this product in order to see results.

And I noticed that on weeks where I drink a lot of water, I have clearer skin.
Proactiv changed my life no jokes it works incredible I had the worst acne on my chest back and shoulders proactiv cleared me in a week. I wish I hadn't taken so long to try it. I had acne BAD too like disgusting... Now not
I used this like 6 years ago. My acne wasn't too bad but enough to annoy me. I used it for a couple months and my face was super clear. worth it in my book 
Though accutane is effective, it has some severe side effects. \

I would first suggest daily treatment by using Cetaphil facial wash twice a day.
-Don't overscrub, ~20 seconds is good.
-Don't apply too much pressure when washing/drying your face.

Afterwards apply, a topical gel (something with 2.5% benzoyl peroxide). Anything with higher concentrations is just manipulated for marketing purposes. 2.5% is just as effective as 10% and it won't dry your skin out as much as the 10%.

I recommend:

Afterwards, apply a moisturizer. I've tried numerous moisturizers, but I find Neutrogena to have the best matte finish without any of that grease feel. The only con is that it doesn't have SPF.

I used to have severe acne in high school. I tried everything from proactiv, several consultations with my dermatologist leading me to use prescription topical medications such as tazorac and benzaclin. It finally got to the point where I had to use accutane for ~6 months. Though it was effective, it was hell. Just from the description of how it effects your body's physiology is enough to tell you that this type of medication can cause some real harm to your body.

I currently use the above regimen and it's been great!
Originally Posted by trak1sh

I used it and when I stopped my acne did come back. It does work really well though but sometimes drys out your skin.

Sometimes? It did it everytime for me. I would reccommend it though OP along with washing your face with cold water, and not touching your face
ive been bad and tried everything, proactiv didnt work for me. so far best thing for me has been normal toothpaste. dries up the pimples and "zaps" em in a sense
Originally Posted by sladewilson

it doesnt work for black people

So not true

Well not to me...I used proactiv for 2 years and it worked perfectly fine for me.
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