Pro's and Con's of Joining the Military?

Nov 11, 2007
For the last week I been seriously considering enlisting in the army, either coast guard or air force. My brother was in the army and came out ahead, he'snow an investment advisor and is caking. My cousin joined last year and she's now getting her college paid for and has a good job on the base. When mycousin enlisted my whole family begged her not to join, but why, I didn't really know.. I graduated college a year ago, everyone says the military is the"last resort" but now I'm starting to see it as an opportunity. What are your thoughts? Yay or nay? Pro's and con's? Why or why not?
if you finished college why would you ever want to join the military

and a con is you may get killed over there

bout 3 of my good friends have been killed over there
Same I might do ROTC for tution but I dont wanna get thrown in the system till after grad school. After grad school Im all theirs
PRO: you can say you were in the military. you can probably kill the majority of the people you meet in the future with ease. they pay for your college.

CONS: you get paid crap. PTSD FTL. Loss of Limbs FTL. Accomplishing relatively little with your life FTL. possibility of dying ftl.
The worst that could happen is you die in combat

But your family will be set financially.
pro- you get paid to travel, you get benefits, you can say you served your country, it's a secure job so you won't stress about getting laid off.

con- you might not be able to see your family as often, you might die (depending on what your job is and which branch), you get stationed in the middle of nowhere.
Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

PRO: you can say you were in the military. you can probably kill the majority of the people you meet in the future with ease. they pay for your college.

CONS: you get paid crap. PTSD FTL. Loss of Limbs FTL. Accomplishing relatively little with your life FTL. possibility of dying ftl.
Don't listen to this
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

PRO: you can say you were in the military. you can probably kill the majority of the people you meet in the future with ease. they pay for your college.

CONS: you get paid crap. PTSD FTL. Loss of Limbs FTL. Accomplishing relatively little with your life FTL. possibility of dying ftl.
Don't listen to this

word...i hope he was joking with that advice...
I'm thinking about the Navy.....i grad college in dec '09...cant see myself going to grad school at the moment. Maybe later. If I can't findsomething in my field of engineering, I might take the last resort and go into the NAVY. smh

Hey annyone know how much r they gonna pay a individual with a degree (Bachelors)?
Well the Biggest Con is possibly being killed.

Pros: Medical for life, discounts, good experience for another job.
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

I am about to graduate and plan to join the Navy, I'm not ready for no 9-5


- the military is a 9-5. sometimes longer depending on whats going on at the time.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

I am about to graduate and plan to join the Navy, I'm not ready for no 9-5


- the military is a 9-5. sometimes longer depending on whats going on at the time.

my man aint ready for a 9-5 but he ready to go to war
Con: Having a Republican President start a war for no reason and forcing you go fight for him/Palin
Pro: You'll have a nice funeral
I don't know what you're talking about regarding pay because I know for a fact Officers are caking and that's not even including off base housingallowance, bonuses, overseas pay, free health dental etc with all the bonuses and allowances an officer with 3-4 years can make around 65k
Originally Posted by DaGreatJ

Con: Having a Republican President start a war for no reason and forcing you go fight for him/Palin
Pro: You'll have a nice funeral

I'm amazed at some of the people we have in our society.
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

I am about to graduate and plan to join the Navy, I'm not ready for no 9-5


- the military is a 9-5. sometimes longer depending on whats going on at the time.

my man aint ready for a 9-5 but he ready to go to war

lol I didn't mean it like that. I just meant I want to experience more before I settle down and figure out what I want to do.
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