PS3|PSP THD: Dirty is shutting us down, help us get to 25k before tomorrow!

Solider of Fortune is going to be off the hook i cant wait is it still droping 11-15-07

Detroit Pistons​
elnino good game but im just to beast :pimp:

Courtesy of the HD DVD has no chance in HD war
Executive Jean-Paul Eekhout has said that his company is 100 per cent committed to the Blu-ray Disc format and that he is absolutely certain it will win out over HD DVD. In an interview with, Eekhout spoke about the prospect of TDK releasing recordable HD DVD discs in the future.

"Long before the two HD recordable formats had names, TDK developed core technologies for post-DVD products," said Eekhout. "TDK Corporations' research and development efforts were in fields of material research, manufacturing technologies and hard coating.

"We judged the Blu-ray Disc recordable and rewriteable product concepts to be the superior format in terms of capacity, durability and performance. TDK's core technology aligned very well with the BD-R/RE concepts and there exclusively supports the BD format."

TDK loves Blu-ray

Courtesy of 4 Announced
Free Radical revealed today on their official website that TimeSplitters 4 is in development. The site opens with a teaser revealing a Halo 3 type intro but it quickly changes into the quirkiness of TimeSplitters revealing a monkey in a Master Chief suit.

It's back! Featuring even more crazy characters, devastating weapons and heart pounding hot sweaty action. It's funny, it's frantic and it'll do things you've never seen before! No, not naked girls, even better than that! We can't tell you the details yet, the monkeys have a loaded banana pressed against our skull, but this game will take the first person shooter to gaming nirvana. Save the world or die laughing, Timesplitters 4 is coming to getcha!

My Take :pimp:

Courtesy of 1up.comPS3 SingStar pushed back, possibly 2008
SCEA has confirmed the news to 1UP and refused to specify a new release date, even one within a "end of 2007" timeframe. Here's their official comment:

"In an effort to provide consumers with the most robust experience on the PlayStation 3, and access to a diverse catalog of downloadable content, the date of SingStar PS3 has been pushed back. We hope to have a new launch date confirmed in the near future. With a strong lineup currently available for the PS2 including SingStar Rocks, SingStar Pop, SingStar '80s, SingStar Amped and the limited edition SingStar Pop Ceramic White PlayStation 2 bundle, the franchise will continue to provide fun for the entire family this holiday season."

My Take:

Courtesy of Gamepro.comAnalyst: LittleBigPlanet to sell a lot of PS3 hardware
"I can't say enough positive things about Little Big Planet," Pachter told Gamasutra. "There were looks of delight on the faces of the people playing it and people watching it in Tokyo. It looks like a genre-defining game [with] the potential to move consoles."

LittleBigPlanet was first shown at the Game Developers Conference in March to positive reception. BBC technology editor Darren Waters said of the game, "LittleBigPlanet is perhaps one of the most dazzling demos I've seen in the last 10 years."

The game is a multiplayer platformer that allows players to spontaneously construct their own levels for sharing and playing them over the PlayStation Network. A demo will be released later this year before the final game arrives sometime in early 2008.

My Take:SonofTony :wow:

Courtesy of presse-start.comAssassin's Creed : Collector Box Contents's Pictures
Quote: has just published the first pictures of the European collector box of Assassin's Creed waited on PC for 2008, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 for the 15 of november.

There'll be 3 versions of the game :

- Collector : including special packaging, and Altar's figurine (~13inches) for 90 -> ~126$
- Pre Order : including metal box with a holographic numbered sticker, a comic book, and a bonus DVD for 70 -> ~98$
- Normal edition : including Assassin's Creed Game for 70 -> ~98$.

My Take:

Courtesy of Game Informer MagazineFirst details and title of next Team ICO-Game!?
Upcoming Issue of Game Informer to feature first details and title of next Team ICO-game

First glimpse of ICO-successor: Ueda reveals next game.
While the whole world is occupied with playing the third Halo-game, Game Informer got the chance to get the first real news about Team ICOs next generation game for Playstation 3. Instead of having some lukewarm chitchat we went home with material for a whole feature - this feature. After having created two such completely different experiences as ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, one could wonder where the next game would go. Fighting giants in HD? No, thanks god Fumito Ueda who we talked to chose another different, unique setting: The whole game is one gigantic, wide flat desert. Ueda described it as being like Death Valley (California), only being different in one department: Its not really a flat area. Thats what it looks like when youre hundreds of meters above ground. Actually, the whole area is interspersed with canyons. A lot of them, and all of different width and depth.

The key of the game is, so says Ueda, to explore these canyons and find 'something'. What this something' is will be revealed at a later time. Now, what is it thatll make this game so special one might ask. Besides the breath-taking setting of this enormous desert with canyons all over the place, the way you explore those is what makes the difference: The main character will travel by utilizing a glider, which allows him to fly through the air. Its not some high-tech glider, but seemingly a traditional glider, made of wood and cloth. What makes this so unique is that you freely, and we cannot put enough emphasize on that, fly around that desert, dive into these canyons and jump off the glider to run around without it. From what weve seen theres never before been that feeling of flying around in the sky, combined with this scale of environment. One thing that returns from both previous games is the ability to climb. While diving into canyons youll have to climb back to the surface, having a glider and not a motor-driven vehicle. The information you read until now was exciting, and we should end this article with something exciting, as well: The working title of Team ICOs third game is 'The Last Canyon'. Having seen how many canyons this game has were looking forward to find out more about the titles meaning.

My Take:

Also my fye had a 50% off on all games selection
360 has been reviewed on IGN. That's really good. Hopefully the PS3 version's rating will be just as good...that is, whenever it decides to come out. Check it:

PS3 Orange Box release still TBA

On October 19, Xbox 360 and PC users will obtain Valve Softwares latest creation, Orange Box.

However, gamers anticipating the release of the PlayStation 3 version are still very much dark as there still has not been an official word on its release date.

Currently the publisher, Electronic Arts, has no tentative release date for Orange Box on the PS3 as they are probably waiting for a green light from developer Valve Software. It is worth noting that many retailers are pointing at a November 16 or November 23 date but unfortunately, that may not be the case.

This may not come as a surprise to many who have been following the development of the game, as it was formerly revealed that the PS3 version would indeed come after the PC/Xbox 360 versions. However, with a solid date yet to be revealed, PS3 owners could possibly be forced to wait until early 2008 to get their hands on the compilation

The Orange box includes Half-Life 2, HL2: Episode One and Episode Two, Portal and Team Fortress 2.

Portal is an intriguing game where players take the role of scientist Gordon Freeman. The game is based in the world of Half-Life 2 where characters and objects feature a robust physics engine combined with impressive AI.

The console versions of the game will come equipped with the full length Half-Life 2 game as well as HL2: Episode One and Episode Two add-on levels and the Portal puzzle game and Team Fortress 2.

Bad news for those waiting for Kane and Lynch(including myself):

From PSU:

No online co-op for Kane & Lynch

Today in gaming multiplayer is becoming more and more popular among casual and hardcore gamers alike.

With the success of many titles that features in-depth online multiplayer, it is almost becoming a trend for many developers to implement some sort of online capacity within their games. However for Kane & Lynch, the focus is something entirely different.

"It's quite important in the single player and co-op that we're portraying characters and we're also portraying scenarios. It would have been nice to come up with something completely new. There are things with Lynch's Psycho mode, which work out differently in co-op, the healing method and things like that, but it is a more traditional approach. We feel that's what players want. Co-op is about good times, says Jens Peter Kurup of IO Interactive.

"It's a matter of focus, choosing what you want to deliver at what time. We looked at it and decided it was too much of a risk to change our code to be very very good at that, and we're not going to be very very good at other elements. I'll miss the online co-op, but not terribly."

So there you have it; Kane & Lynch will not feature any type of online co-op. However, that should not deter anyone from purchasing the title, as it is expected to be one of the most significant PS3 releases thus far.

Check back with PSU as we bring you more on Kane & Lynch as soon it becomes available.
-| H.C.I.C. |-
Respect the Head Chog in Charge​
For the Smackdown vs. Raw fans(Nino!! lol), PSU has an exclusive interview with Dan Ryan from THQ. Check it out

here. :lol:
-| H.C.I.C. |-
Respect the Head Chog in Charge​
I can't wait for more info on the Team Ico project. I loved both Ico and Shadow of Colossus.
SIX-TIME WORLD CHAMPIONS: 91 - 92 - 93 - 96 - 97 - 98​
- Pre Order : including metal box with a holographic numbered sticker, a comic book, and a bonus DVD for 70 -> ~98$
- Normal edition : including Assassin's Creed Game for 70 -> ~98$.
Those Who Stay Will Be Champions
Wanted sz. 8 or 8.5: Michigan Jewel AF1 Mid
^I'm guessing that's for the pre-order of the regular one.

Speaking of pre-orders, you can pre-order the Dual Shock 3 here.
-| H.C.I.C. |-
Respect the Head Chog in Charge​
Woodside: I think you intimidate Chanucey. Dude has never played up to his ratings from beyond the arc. You have no idea how mad I get when he misses. Haha... it's all good tho bro, I'll see you in that lobby again! Good game.

NCTwin: Good looks on the interview. Hmm, does all of this thread know that I'm gonna be first in line for that game? Haha, man it's seriously my most anticipated game of 2008 and my preorder has been made at Best Buy for weeks. Are you buying it? We're gonna have a King of the Ring or Royal Rumble once the game releases and have all the NTers in on it. Thanks for the interview though; definitely a good read. That tilting the controller and seeing through the superstar's eyes on entrance sounds interesting.

IHeartBoost: The Assassin's Creed Special Edition (with figurine, mini guide, and DVD) is releasing at Best Buy for 69.99 (10 dollars more is well worth it). And yes, that will be the one I'm buying. :pimp:

PSN ID: MoMoney848
Here, I figured I'd supply the link.

Assassin's Creed gives you the chance to shape events during a pivotal moment in human history. This Limited Edition version comes with a collectible figure, mini strategy guide, a bonus disc with behind-the-scenes info and much more.
Limited Edition: Assassin's Creed

PSN ID: MoMoney848
Um... not promising anything on Jade calling you. They auctioned that version of the game off on eBay. Went for around 42 cents, sorry you missed it :lol:

PSN ID: MoMoney848
This is for SonofTony, I know dude is highly anticapating this game and after checking up on it more and more the last couple of days, I can see why. Game is gonna be phenomenal. The fact you can create worlds and add them to PSN and people can d/l them and play them, . So much more to this game, yall should def check out some videos at gametrailers

PSN ID:THEh8er83​
whoever cops fifa08.. let me get a review.. i've been playing the demo and it's dope but difficult to score.. i miss manager mode and building club teams..

also does anyone have any new info about EA fixing Madden 08's franchise mode?? 360 got their fix and we have to wait forever...

psn id... justreason
I haven't heard anything about that update. What about you Boost

From IGN:

Sony Doubling Archive Output in Japan
Two updates planned per month.
by Anoop Gantayat

October 10, 2007 - Sony Japan has updated its PlayStation Store with another set of PlayStation classics for download to the PSP and PS3 at the low cost of 600 yen.

There are a few big titles in the list, including King's Field III and Alundra. Here's the full list of games that go live on 10/10.

Sanwa Pachinko Paradise (Irem)
Sanwa Pachinko Paradise 2 (Irem)
Alundra (Sony)
XII Jumbo (Sony)
Popologue (Sony)
Hanafuda Graffiti Koikoi Monogatari (Hamster)
Echo Night #2 (From Software)
King's Field III (From Software)

Bigger than any of these games, though, is the news that this is just the first of what will be two archive updates this month. From now on, Sony will be updating the Japanese version of the archives twice a month.

With an increase in output, maybe they'll manage to tap dry the full PlayStation catalog at some point.
-| H.C.I.C. |-
Respect the Head Chog in Charge​
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