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Originally Posted by 1C3M4M

I have some questions about my New PS3 Slim, if anybody can help answer them that will be greatly appreciated:

My PS3 is using HDMI, I put in Uncharted 2, and when explosions and high noise stuff happens in the game, the sound gets all muffled and fuzzy. This only happens with my PS3, if I were to watch TV, no problems. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to fix it?

Also, do you guys prefer Wireless or Wired connection?

BTW this system, graphics is

I can only answer 1 of your questions. I prefer wireless. Some people have problems with wireless though. It just kinda depends on your overall connection. Ihave had an lag/slow download issues whatsoever. Just try thm both out if you can.
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

This is gonna sound crazy but I read somewhere that you could create up to a million diff type of guns on boarderlands
2.X million guns u can make
ill pick it up since its 39.99 right now
I know I cant be the only one who thinks Borderlands looks lame as @+$+.

Anyone see those prizes for the MW2 sweepstakes thing? I'm trying to get me that ghillie suit to match the NVG's
Be playing MW2 lite with my airsoft guns.
Wired connection is my preference since signal stays strong.

Wireless is what I use mostly because I'm too lazy to run wires through my ceiling.
Originally Posted by 18key

Anyone see those prizes for the MW2 sweepstakes thing? I'm trying to get me that ghillie suit to match the NVG's
Be playing MW2 lite with my airsoft guns.
. you mean the monster prizes
Originally Posted by 18key

I know I cant be the only one who thinks Borderlands looks lame as @+$+.

Anyone see those prizes for the MW2 sweepstakes thing? I'm trying to get me that ghillie suit to match the NVG's
Be playing MW2 lite with my airsoft guns.

--- only been hearing good things about borderland

---- Link to the sweepstakes
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by 18key

I know I cant be the only one who thinks Borderlands looks lame as @+$+.

Anyone see those prizes for the MW2 sweepstakes thing? I'm trying to get me that ghillie suit to match the NVG's
Be playing MW2 lite with my airsoft guns.

--- only been hearing good things about borderland

---- Link to the sweepstakes
I dont know. The commercial makes it look unpromissing, but that's all I've seen/heard about it.
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Marvel Ultimate Alliance is full of bugs....

I beat it on Super Heroic, and playing it again on Legendary, it should add all the items I missed on teh first play through, but it just ends up deleting all one I found.
great game though. whats your team?

my team was wolverine, spiderman, thor, and deadpool. until i got nick fury. dudes a beast. his moves couldve been better though

I was going through switching up on the fly to unlock as many 2nd costumes as possible.

I went Anti-Reg and had a similair line-up.... Thor, Cap, Logan, and Remy/Deradpool

Thor is a damn tank, his and Captain Americas Fusion basically beat SPOILER Nick Fury END SPOILER for me.

Wolverine was great for killing grunts because his normal attacks are so quick.

The fourth slot was split between Deadpool and Gambit. Remy is a BEAST in MUA 2

Storyline was awesome. I wish DC would do a game around the Kingdom Come arc.
dam i need to send my PS3 off to get fixed or buy a new one ASAP...too many good titles comin out
Lol anyone else get the message from SavageGore? "Clan of camping" He must've had alot of deaths.
Originally Posted by Capo617

Lol anyone else get the message from SavageGore? "Clan of camping" He must've had alot of deaths.
i always get angry messages... (aimbot, hacker, camper,etc., etc.)
[h1]Final Fantasy XIII Update[/h1]

[h2]Plus, the latest on Versus, Agito, and The 3rd Birthday.[/h2]

by John Tanaka


October 21, 2009 - Tetsuya Nomura and Motomu Toriyama have dished out the latest on Final Fantasy XIII in this week's Famitsu. For those who've been keeping up with the game, the comments from the two are particularly revealing this time.

Let's start off with some character trivia. Recently, we shared details on Oerba Yun Fang, the sexy black haired girl from the Tokyo Game Show trailer who, although a l'Cie like Snow and the rest of the main cast, appears to support the government. It turns out that she wasn't so sexy when the FF project began. According to Nomura, she was originally scheduled to be a male character. When they switched her to female, they decided to give her a sexy quality, which they removed from Lightning in order to differentiate the two. So remember -- Lightning originally had sex appeal, Fang was originally a guy.

In other character trivia, Nomura revealed that Sazh's character setting was originally going to be even more ridiculous. How can you get more ridiculous than having a baby Chocobo residing in your 'fro? How about by placing a hat on top of that 'fro? Let's hope we'll get to see some concept art for this one!

Toriyama didn't really share anything in the way of trivia, but he did give us one big hint on a future character reveal. What's the one character name you always see in a Final Fantasy game? If you answered Cid, pat yourself on the back (and somewhere else if you like). While not specifically mentioning Cid's name, Toriyama did say that a familiar Final Fantasy character will have a major role in FFXIII.

Toriyama also shared some technical details on the game. Save data will take up 500KB. Trophy data takes up 3,080KB (yes, it looks like the game supports Trophies!). In case you were stocking up munitions for a big system wars battle, there won't be a hard disk installation.

Worried about load times? Don't be. The only time you'll see load times is when you transition from town to field. Once you're out on the field, the game is seamless. Toriyama explained that the game's tech staff tackled loading early on in order to keep the experience as smooth as possible.

Nomura also shared some details on some of his other projects, including Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy Agito XIII, and The 3rd Birthday.

Visitors to Square Enix's Tokyo Game Show booth were shown what looked like first gameplay footage of Versus XIII. This footage, Nomura stressed in the interview, was just test footage.

Towards the end of the footage, we got to see main character Noctis running about an expansive open field with giant dinosaur-like creatures roaming about. The giant beasts had no textures, explained Nomura. The staff put the creatures in as a means of testing how large they could make them (they were pretty big!).

A town sequence shown prior to the field sequence featured some human characters who shined with a white color. There won't be any such characters in the actual game, Nomura revealed.

The actual Versus XIII gameplay experience, explained Nomura, will be an extension of Kingdom Hearts, but blended with the "newness" and "nostalgic feel" of Final Fantasy. The development staff is placing a particular emphases on the game's level design.

There will be some sort of partner system, with characters moving independently of one-another, but always connected. The TGS footage apparently had a window in the lower right of the screen displaying the position of your partner characters. This window probably won't make it in, as it gets in the way of making players feel like they're in the game.

We'll get our first real look at non test footage for Versus XIII some time next year. At earliest, we'll have to wait until E3.

On Agito, Nomura said that the Tokyo Game Show battle footage represented something close to the final form of the battle system. The game is, at present, quite difficult, he said. Expect Agito to enter the spotlight more next year.

Finally, Nomura touched just a bit on The 3rd Birthday. This PSP sequel to Parasite Eve was shown minimally during the Square Enix TGS video reel. The blurred bits of gameplay shown during the reel made it look like a third person shooter. The footage was blurred, explained Nomura, because there were some areas that the staff did not want to show. We'll get updates on the game starting next year.
I'm not even looking forward to playing XIII much anymore after playing that demo. The story will be the only reason.

Versus XIII however...
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

I'm not even looking forward to playing XIII much anymore after playing that demo. The story will be the only reason.

Versus XIII however...
To each his own.

Personally, besides MW2, this is the only game I'm REALLY looking forward to.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

I'm not even looking forward to playing XIII much anymore after playing that demo. The story will be the only reason.

Versus XIII however...
To each his own.

Personally, besides MW2, this is the only game I'm REALLY looking forward to.


There are some other games dropping I am looking for. But when either of these two drop, its lights out.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

ArsnalJ23 wrote:
PH3N0M3N0N wrote:
I'm not even looking forward to playing XIII much anymore after playing that demo. The story will be the only reason.

Versus XIII however...
To each his own.

Personally, besides MW2, this is the only game I'm REALLY looking forward to.


There are some other games dropping I am looking for. But when either of these two drop, its lights out.

Jetpac > Chris... Yo Chris I was on PS3 last weekend (Uncharted 2) you missed your golden importunity to game with ya boy
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

I'm not even looking forward to playing XIII much anymore after playing that demo. The story will be the only reason.

Versus XIII however...
To each his own.

Personally, besides MW2, this is the only game I'm REALLY looking forward to.


There are some other games dropping I am looking for. But when either of these two drop, its lights out.

Pretty much.

FFXIII was my primary reason for buying my 60gig at $1600
on releaseday (yea.. I was one of THOSE people)... so I don't want this game, I NEED it.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

ArsnalJ23 wrote:
PH3N0M3N0N wrote:
I'm not even looking forward to playing XIII much anymore after playing that demo. The story will be the only reason.

Versus XIII however...
To each his own.

Personally, besides MW2, this is the only game I'm REALLY looking forward to.


There are some other games dropping I am looking for. But when either of these two drop, its lights out.

Jetpac > Chris... Yo Chris I was on PS3 last weekend (Uncharted 2) you missed your golden importunity to game with ya boy


So I'll have to wait 6 months until you turn in on next? I guess when you have Halo expansions dropping to keep 360 off life support, you gotta support em,right?

FFXIII was my primary reason for buying my 60gig at $1600
on release day (yea.. I was one of THOSE people)... so I don't want this game, I NEED it.

Yea, the SOLE reason I went with the $600 PS3. Whatever console Final Fantasy drops on is the one I will buy, simple as that.

Also, just beat Dissidia.... kind of. Beat Chaos.... still have to head to Inward Chaos...
Anybody that is a fan of Fallout needs to check out Borderlands.
Basically Multiplayer Fallout (More co-op than versus.)
Controls are exactly like COD (cept no proning)
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

theprocessofbelief wrote:

ArsnalJ23 wrote:

PH3N0M3N0N wrote:

I'm not even looking forward to playing XIII much anymore after playing that demo. The story will be the only reason.

Versus XIII however...
To each his own.

Personally, besides MW2, this is the only game I'm REALLY looking forward to.


There are some other games dropping I am looking for. But when either of these two drop, its lights out.

Pretty much.

FFXIII was my primary reason for buying my 60gig at $1600
on release day (yea.. I was one of THOSE people)... so I don't want this game, I NEED it.


Did you not think there would be more coming?

I got mine thanks to some girl breaking up with her dude before Christmas.
Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Anybody that is a fan of Fallout needs to check out Borderlands.
Basically Multiplayer Fallout (More co-op than versus.)
Controls are exactly like COD (cept no proning)
Who are you again?
[h2]Super Street Fighter IV's final boss being made even tougher to beat[/h2]
by Ben Gilbert { Oct 20th 2009 at 11:00PM }


We're not sure how to break this to you, so we're just going to say it straight up: Super Street Fighter IV is going to have an even tougher (read: cheaper) Seth than Street Fighter IV. But we've got good news alongside that: You won't be forced to fight him over and over until you unlock that last playable character, as they'll all be unlocked right from the get go!

After Capcom's Seth Killian spoke with Kotaku earlier today regarding the unbelievably cheap final boss (can you tell we're bitter?), we shot an email to him to make sure he hadn't misspoke when he said, "Seth will be even cheaper and more irritating." Killian clarified his statement for us, saying, "[SSFIV producer Yoshinori] Ono himself promised that Seth would be even more challenging ... 'cheaper' and 'more irritating' are premature since the AI isn't finished but he isn't going to be a pushover."

When we wrote back, terrified that we'd never get to play the game's entire cast of characters, he reassured us that, "All characters are unlocked to start." We'll be getting our hands on SSFIV later this week and hopefully we'll get to find out just how much more difficult Seth is becoming.

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