**Public Restroom Etiquitte (or lack thereof) Thread**

Jul 18, 2012
Original topic:

If it isn't automatic, does anyone actually flush after using a public urinal?

Saw this topic raised on deadspin....never really gave it much thought before today, but I can't say that I ever flush after using a urinal in a public bathroom. Of course I wash my hands before leaving, but for whatever the reason, I just don't touch the lever to flush the urinal. In a stall...foot ONLY.

New one (see thread title)
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You sound like the type to piss on the seat.

I always flush, not cause I care but just cause I'm accustomed to always flushing. You the reason those places smell so bad.
You sound like the type to piss on the seat.

I always flush, not cause I care but just cause I'm accustomed to always flushing. You the reason those places smell so bad.

Different dynamic in a public restroom, brah.
I'm a germaphobe so I usually don't unless I take a ****, which I rarely do at public restrooms. You know how many hands touch those handles after holding their *****?
Hell nah... If i'm feelin froggy I'll give the lever a swift kick to get it goin but other than that NO
Unless it's super gross in there, I use my foot to flush and if there's a handle I flush it holding some toilet paper 
If i flush a urinal i use my foot.

I cant stand ppl who piss and crap allnover the place. ***** *** ***** someone, most likley an old dude has to clean it up. You aint 6. Aim and flush.
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automatic flushers. 
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