PYG Vol. Props to all the NTers with lovely ladies

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That is my lil man, but he is not my biological son.  I raised him since he was a back then when people used to stare and ask, yeah I replied he was my son and it was on since then.  Never thought I would be in that situation, but I think I was built for that.   Coming from a single parent household and seeing the struggle, it was a perfect fit for me.  I was given the opportunity to give him all the things I never had...shoot I probably care for him more than her.  
That is my lil man, but he is not my biological son.  I raised him since he was a back then when people used to stare and ask, yeah I replied he was my son and it was on since then.  Never thought I would be in that situation, but I think I was built for that.   Coming from a single parent household and seeing the struggle, it was a perfect fit for me.  I was given the opportunity to give him all the things I never had...shoot I probably care for him more than her.  
Props to you my man, not a lot of men can do that. I'm actually talking to some chick that has a son as well and I'm kind of hesitant.
Props to you my man, not a lot of men can do that. I'm actually talking to some chick that has a son as well and I'm kind of hesitant.
Appreciate it and yeah it is truly not for the faint of heart and you definitely have to be selfless in a number of ways.

If you don't mind me old are you?  How old is the lady and her son?

I am sure people are advising you against it and warning you of all the potential pitfalls and that there are plenty of other women without baggage out there.  And this is all true...but it is up to you if you feel if it is worth it.  Had I listened to other people it may have saved me a lot of headache and such at times, but I may have missed out on someone whom I could share a lifetime with.  I will say that you do get attached to living with/raising a child....just as there is no guidebook for raising another's child, there is also no guidebook for when you split up.  It gets real complicated and there is a lot of risk involved...but there is something attractive about a strong determined woman....and being a young mother makes some females turn into that.
Appreciate it and yeah it is truly not for the faint of heart and you definitely have to be selfless in a number of ways.

If you don't mind me old are you?  How old is the lady and her son?

I am sure people are advising you against it and warning you of all the potential pitfalls and that there are plenty of other women without baggage out there.  And this is all true...but it is up to you if you feel if it is worth it.  Had I listened to other people it may have saved me a lot of headache and such at times, but I may have missed out on someone whom I could share a lifetime with.  I will say that you do get attached to living with/raising a child....just as there is no guidebook for raising another's child, there is also no guidebook for when you split up.  It gets real complicated and there is a lot of risk involved...but there is something attractive about a strong determined woman....and being a young mother makes some females turn into that.
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

Appreciate it and yeah it is truly not for the faint of heart and you definitely have to be selfless in a number of ways.

If you don't mind me old are you?  How old is the lady and her son?

I am sure people are advising you against it and warning you of all the potential pitfalls and that there are plenty of other women without baggage out there.  And this is all true...but it is up to you if you feel if it is worth it.  Had I listened to other people it may have saved me a lot of headache and such at times, but I may have missed out on someone whom I could share a lifetime with.  I will say that you do get attached to living with/raising a child....just as there is no guidebook for raising another's child, there is also no guidebook for when you split up.  It gets real complicated and there is a lot of risk involved...but there is something attractive about a strong determined woman....and being a young mother makes some females turn into that.
Most definitely. We are both 23 years old and her son just turned 3 this month. I actually haven't even seen her son in person yet, I think she knows to take that part slow.
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

Appreciate it and yeah it is truly not for the faint of heart and you definitely have to be selfless in a number of ways.

If you don't mind me old are you?  How old is the lady and her son?

I am sure people are advising you against it and warning you of all the potential pitfalls and that there are plenty of other women without baggage out there.  And this is all true...but it is up to you if you feel if it is worth it.  Had I listened to other people it may have saved me a lot of headache and such at times, but I may have missed out on someone whom I could share a lifetime with.  I will say that you do get attached to living with/raising a child....just as there is no guidebook for raising another's child, there is also no guidebook for when you split up.  It gets real complicated and there is a lot of risk involved...but there is something attractive about a strong determined woman....and being a young mother makes some females turn into that.
Most definitely. We are both 23 years old and her son just turned 3 this month. I actually haven't even seen her son in person yet, I think she knows to take that part slow.
That is good...focus on establishing a relationship between you guys first before you add another person into the mix or even if that is the route you guys want to go.  Just be prepared to never be the first option in her life and if you guys get serious and anything are taking the majority of the risk and stand to lose.  Getting over a girl or a relationship is one thing...moving on from a child you helped raise that walks and talks like you....that is something hard to fathom. 
That is good...focus on establishing a relationship between you guys first before you add another person into the mix or even if that is the route you guys want to go.  Just be prepared to never be the first option in her life and if you guys get serious and anything are taking the majority of the risk and stand to lose.  Getting over a girl or a relationship is one thing...moving on from a child you helped raise that walks and talks like you....that is something hard to fathom. 
Me & her. "Dated" the whole summer, "official" since the start of the month.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

^ Word.

What is she Damon?
haven't been in here for a while.
thanks guys, the first time i saw her i was dumbstruck, most beautiful girl i had seen. Her parents are from southern mexico.  her father was straight mayan from chiapas area, mom from veracruz,  great grandpa on moms side was black. (mexico had african slaves too)

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