PYG Vol. Props to all the NTers with lovely ladies

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It's kind of weird reading Steezys post about what he does to his wife's butt considering me and her are friends in real life.

As for the rest of you animals...if you going to talk about your girls anal beads that you put in your soup, the least you could do is post more pics so we could all see who's getting that work.
There is no normalization of ingesting your own sperm, none.

Especially not out of the feces factory.

That's just an unhealthy mental and physical extreme and probably means your stroke game is lacking.
So lemme get this straight, it's gay to eat your woman's P after sex, but it's straight to judge another man's stroke?

Aight. I'm gonna let you marinate on that for a minute.

You're the second dude in here making that lame assumption. I don't even know how another man thinks it's straight to question my stroke. Funny style. If women have complimented me, jokingly proposed to me and have called me amazing among other things, all on first encounters, I'm confident that my stroke and my D is beyond ridicule or mediocrity. BEYOND. But thanks for that goofy *** comment bruh.


Wasn't e'em talking bout you bruh.

Was talking about Steezy that said he dumps in his girls butt then devours it.

That's deviant.

Has nothing to do with her G-spot, ****oris, labia etc. It's a purely mental thing where the underlying factor is extreme self-deprecation. You're not pleasing the biological centers of pleasure so you have to go to the mental extreme.

It's similar to fecal eating, constantly drinking your partners golden showers etc.

Do what you do in the bed, just don't act like there isn't an underlying psychological component to things that get you off mentally.

Think about, most of the pleasure is actually being derived by him, looking at himself slurping his own semen from his girl's anus. Maybe that explains his selfie obsession.

Also explains his constant subservient posts he makes in regards to relationship dynamics.

To each his own, that's just extremely overzealous and weird imo.
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Hole up steezy said what now :nerd:

I must have missed where he said he bust in her bunghole and sucks it out
Yeah, I didn't see him say that either.

And I didn't see him say that he gets off on sucking his own juice out of a woman. He said very specifically that if it's there and he wants to finish his girl off, it's not going to stop him from doing so. No one in here said they get off on slurping up their own juice. :smh: Let's stick to the facts and what was actually said and not assumptions. I'll let Steezy defend himself, but it's sad that y'all didn't even read the posts and are attacking something that I don't recall him saying.

Gay is being in a relationship with a man, having sex with men or being attracted to men. The end. What a man does with his woman is not gay as long as she's not strapping up and piping you down. Some of y'all are seriously small minded. By the logic some of you use, anything other than vaginal intercourse is not hetero.
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What if you're having sex with a woman but you're fantasizing about a man? Not because you find the dude attractive but because you have this raw passionate desire to **** him.
Is that gay?

Edit: I didn't think steezy had said that either.
But reading that quote up there, you gotta admit it's kind of implied.
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Best part was when my dude asked her "how often you pick up the spare."

Chick was rollin
Gonna go out on a limb and say steezy meant when he nuts in da p :lol: it just came after the booty licking part which might have confused some.

I think
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Edit: I didn't think steezy had said that either.
But reading that quote up there, you gotta admit it's kind of implied.


Several posters specifically asked if he was referring to "eating to icing out off the cornhole" as it was so eloquently put and he didn't say he doesn't, he replied....

Far from desperate....sometimes you gotta switch up the flow of things and your partner sure as hell appreciates it.

Plus if you've ever dumped in a girl's butt before you know that your juice lingers around unless she cleans it out.

Like I said to each his own but then don't share that kind of abnormal intimate details and get mad at people for questioning and commenting on it.
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You gotta ease up on calling it abnormal though.

I may not bring straws into the bedroom but ain't nothing wrong with eating ***. Under the right circumstances it can even taste better than *****.

You gotta let the homie steezy cook in the bedroom without judging.
:smh: Im completely content with never reaching that level of savage no matter the woman :x
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You gotta ease up on calling it abnormal though.

I may not bring straws into the bedroom but ain't nothing wrong with eating ***. Under the right circumstances it can even taste better than *****.

You gotta let the homie steezy cook in the bedroom without judging.

:rofl: :x

You're a wild boy Diego but I'm done. Just had to comment on that real quick.

Not trying to distract from whatever was going on in here.
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