PYP 2013....hopefully this one doesn't go down in flames

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Looks like a picture that would be in the liner notes of a late 90s New York rap album.

I was a freshman in college when i took that

I had a MEAN nappy *** afro smushed under that doorag/hat it looked like my avys hair
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Had surgery a few days after this pic. Still was able to cop my 11's while doped up on pain meds. I was a mess. Smh.
Hmmm I usually get Tiger Woods for some reason. But seriously, the last few months have been awful. I've gotten this dude:
girls at Penn State are too easy to go the Manti route
Bruh, it's been incredibly difficult using the Manti route 
 I didn't realize that I looked like him until a week or two before the National Championship. Then the national championship happened. Then the scandal happened.

I've literally had a girl come up to me at a party and say "Excuse me, I don't know if you're aware of this but you look exactly like Manti Teo"

I've tried several times to use it to my advantage but it girls are so turned off after what happened with him. They're all about Mauti, which I look nothing like 
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