PYP...VOL. Myspace/Facebook default

wow PYPs gotta be the top threads on NT
Originally Posted by Black Milk

shes 16 though, dont you have a baby on the way, though?, why are you trying to wine and dine with an underage female? save your money for diapers
I sure do have a baby on the way (hope it's a girl
), and if you really take me seriously, youneed to relieve some stress.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Hold the hell up. ALL YA'LL can back up of my green-eyed redheaded female. She mine. Ain't that right, Ms. D?

EDIT: Bobby V made an appearance.
Although predictable, the reaction when even a semi good-looking (no disrespect greeneyes) female posts their pic iscomical. I honestly feel bad for some of you, it's obvious you don't get out much. It leaves me wondering why a girl would even remotely considerposting here in the first place...

Originally Posted by Black Milk

Originally Posted by One Love

thb still on his "im a girl" tip

You might as well tell me you love me NOW. I'm so prepared to wine and dine you then leave you. So, with all that said...My name is Lincey. Pleased to meet you.
shes 16 though, dont you have a baby on the way, though?, why are you trying to wine and dine with an underage female? save your money for diapers

Black Milk wrote:
Originally Posted by One Love

thb still on his "im a girl" tip

You might as well tell me you love me NOW. I'm so prepared to wine and dine you then leave you. So, with all that said...My name is Lincey. Pleased to meet you.
shes 16 though, dont you have a baby on the way, though?, why are you trying to wine and dine with an underage female? save your money for diapers

...and you tried to say you weren't Mayor.

Only you would say something like that (regardless if it's true or not)...

Give up the act.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Lincey, you're still standing at the door cuffing?
You see that Lincey? You standing at the door...You ain't even enter the room yet.....

Come on cuffing abilities far exceed those of normal men. DiMPLY has entered the threadpre-cuffed. I could teach you if you wanted me to.
Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Although predictable, the reaction when even a semi good-looking (no disrespect greeneyes) female posts their pic is comical. I honestly feel bad for some of you, it's obvious you don't get out much. It leaves me wondering why a girl would even remotely consider posting here in the first place...


Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Although predictable, the reaction when even a semi good-looking (no disrespect greeneyes) female posts their pic is comical. I honestly feel bad for some of you, it's obvious you don't get out much. It leaves me wondering why a girl would even remotely consider posting here in the first place...

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