PYP...VOL. Myspace/Facebook default

is there anyway to put a GIF up as your profile pic on facebook and keep it in motion?

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Kinda looks like the screenshot for a new BBros ep...

Tical what kind of bass and amp set up is that and what kind of music are you into?
why does everything involving a girl have to have some porn/or sexual relation?
seriously guys, grow up.
Originally Posted by DJ bana

why does everything involving a girl have to have some porn/or sexual relation?
seriously guys, grow up.
This is niketalk, we some toys R us kids ya figga deal me?

nah but seriously dudes are od'n.
Originally Posted by DJ bana

why does everything involving a girl have to have some porn/or sexual relation?
seriously guys, grow up.
I can't see the pic, but you stay with them lenses they use on BB, nothing to do with being a girl, your pics just look like a screenshot.

Ok now i see the pic, that one just looks regular, i see what you sayin.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Tical what kind of bass and amp set up is that and what kind of music are you into?
It's a Lakland 55-02 5-string bass. The big amp is a 300 W Ampeg B-series, and the smaller ones are 80 W Rogues which I run a distortionchannel through.

I'm into everything really, but I really enjoy playing/covering Tool and Rage Against the Machine and since Tim Commerford and Justin Chancellor are my twofavorite bassists I'd say my style slightly reflects theirs.

You play an instrument? What type of music are you into?

- Tical.
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