Quentin Tarantinos Movie Thread - “THE MOVIE CRITIC” cancelled

Channing Tatum surprised the hell out of me in 21 and 22 Jump Street, so I'm all for seeing him in yet another unexpected role.

Looking forward to this either way, though.
I'm looking forward to seeing him in the Foxcatcher, looks like dude is going to change a few minds with that film.

Yeah...I don't think people know of Foxcather at all and he's supposed to be really good in it. Actually I heard everyone is good in it.

Quentin Tarantino plans retirement after 10th movie

Director Quentin Tarantino has revealed he plans to retire after completing his 10th film, saying he likes the idea of leaving audiences "wanting a bit more".

He told an American Film Market (AFM) audience in Santa Monica: "I don't believe you should stay onstage until people are begging you to get off".

The Pulp Fiction director was speaking at an event to promote his current project, western The Hateful Eight.

"I've got two more to go after this," the 51-year-old continued.

"I like that I will leave a 10-film filmography," said the director, whose other titles include Reservoir Dogs and the two-part Kill Bill.

"It's not etched in stone, but that is the plan."

Tarantino said directing was "a young man's game" and that he intended to spend the remainder of his career "writing plays and books".

The director's statements drew light-hearted mockery from his fellow panellists, who included his regular collaborator Samuel L Jackson.

"What's Quentin going to do with himself if he's not doing this?" said the actor, who worked with Tarantino on Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown and other titles.

The Oscar-winning writer and director announced in January he was putting The Hateful Eight on hold after its script was leaked online.

He reversed his decision later in the year, saying the film - about a group of outlaws left stranded by a blizzard - would be made after all.
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This is his eight film, no?

Want him to do the film about the black soldiers go on an apache warpath which was supposed to be part 3 of his revenge films trilogy (IB and DU)

He said he would be interested in doing a sci fi flick, too.
I actually think him going out with 10 solid films is a G way to end his directorial movie career. I feel like he could venture into other less prestigious things. Television could be is later route.
qt after that money

he gonna make a cute little 10 dvd boxset of all his movies and call it the QT collection
As long as he isn't in a comic relief role, this could be the film that legitimizes Channing Tatum.
I'm really excited for Foxcatcher, but for some reason I'm kind of expecting it to fly under the radar.
I think it'll be big come Oscar time where some are saying Carell might get nominated. Might even surprise a few if Tatum gets a nod for the film as well along with Rufallo if the film is good enough?

I'm not sure if I want to see it int he theater or just wait to download it since little films like these usually leak earlier than blockbusters.
I heard JK Simmons could ruin things for Carrell but they said he should be up for supporting actor rather than actor since the kid is the main person in the movie.

Yah that is Miles Tellers breakout role and if he does get a nod for best actor, that'll help F4 immensely.
I can't call JK Simmons a sporting actor in that movie. Then again I think waltz being a supporting actor in django was ridiculous as well so I won't be suprised.
this hateful 8

& that foxcatcher tho 
 so many feels
I would hope the bride would be a movie and then a return of the vega brothers

"For me it has more of a Western Iceman Cometh kind of vibe about it. A bunch of guys in a room who can’t trust each other,"
Tarantino explained to Entertainment Weekly. "That wasn’t a marching order when I sat down to write the script, but pretty quickly I realized this is kind of a nice coming-full-circle."

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