Question about purchasing an iMac needed.

Oct 30, 2007
I'm getting my girlfriend an iMac for Xmas dilemma is ...Best Buy sent me a promo for a free 130$ gift card for purchases over 1000$ and it expirestoday. I was under the assumption that Apple products usually don't go on sale until a new model comes out etc. So pretty much would purchasing today andgetting the gift card would be me my cheapest route? Or should I wait until Xmas approaches and wait for some other deal to come around (if that even happenswith Apple stuff) Thanks in advance.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

get it, the new imac just came out so your good.

Thanks for an actual answer, I might as well grab it and get the gift card while I can...only thing worrying me is Best Buy 14 day return policy luck this one will be broke right out the box and it will be too late.
Spend the extra money and get the AppleCare Protection Plan. 3 years of hardware support. Dont let the geek squad dudes try to sell you their version of it.
Originally Posted by Buttons McBoomBoom

I'm getting my girlfriend an iMac for Xmas dilemma is ...Best Buy sent me a promo for a free 130$ gift card for purchases over 1000$ and it expires today. I was under the assumption that Apple products usually don't go on sale until a new model comes out etc. So pretty much would purchasing today and getting the gift card would be me my cheapest route? Or should I wait until Xmas approaches and wait for some other deal to come around (if that even happens with Apple stuff) Thanks in advance.
Good choice on thinking of purchasing an iMac for your girlfriend. I myself just bought a 27" Core 2 Duo and I love it. It is fast enoughfor all my needs. I personally think you should purchase the iMac if you have the money now. Yet, I prefer you to actually go to an Apple Store and have themanswer any of the questions that you may have. Which iMac do you plan on buying for her? the 21.5" or the 27"? Either way, both models are solid andthe LED screen is simply amazing.

As far as your question in regards to Apple having sales. I believe the only time they will have a sale on any of their hardware would be during Black Friday. Previous prices have had the iMac listed a $150 cheaper. It's $50 more of a discount compared to the education discount. So, don't count on anyspectacular sales in regards to Apple hardware.

And when you do purchase the iMac, I would suggest buying AppleCare asap. You can purchase this within the first year of your purchase, but, since this is foryour girlfriend, you should be safe and purchase the AppleCare at the same time.

She'll definitely enjoy the iMac. It's a great machine and I personally am happy with it.

Oh yeah, if you need to do anymore research or have additional questions in regards to the iMac or any other Apple related hardware/software, check the linkdown below. A forum related to anything Apple. A lot of the people on that forum are very knowledgeable and are very helpful.

I've been without a home computer for about two months and am planning on getting the 27" mac....I just cant get myself to pull the trigger.
Originally Posted by Baybully650

I've been without a home computer for about two months and am planning on getting the 27" mac....I just cant get myself to pull the trigger.
The screens are great on the new imac's I just wish Apple would have put a real graphics card inside of it to take full advantage of it.
apple computers are great and reliable. i have macbook and i had it for about 2 yrs now, and nothing has changed from the day i got it. Still fast and greatpicture quality.
Buy it for yourself but let her use it. That way when you guys break up you won't have to post in the "Things you paid for your Ex" thread.
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