Question for anyone 21-25: You feel like time's running out?

Originally Posted by finnns2003

i feel like my prime is now

Exactly. That's just the model I set for myself long ago. I just envisioned that by now I'd be in a different place. Crazy thing is...I'm doingbetter than all of my peers (the ones that don't play professional sports) but yet I feel so far away. From the outside looking in...@*+%%@ think I'mliving the life but I'm really not. I'm doing things alot of people (even older) around me covet but I know my own inhibitions have prohibited fromhaving more. My mom tells me every day that she envys the life I lead in comparison to her own at my age...but I feel like I'm not doing %!*+ in comparisonto what I want, what I expect, and what I feel like I COULD HAVE had by now if I would have taken the neccessary steps to get it.

To be completely honest, I've let society poison me with the idea that wealth is the grand prize one can gain in life. I KNOW that money isn'teverything and one must attain so much more in life and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what that is...because right now my mind is infected withluxurious thoughts and having the finer things in life. It's like...I know what I have now is OK...but I WANT more and I feel like I could have MORE butI'm stopping myself by not moving at the pace I feel like I should be.

All in all...there's been some pretty good feedback from all of you...unlike most threads here.
Yea I'm 24 and I feel that if you think that way you're setting yourself up for trouble. There's no need to rush, right now is when things startcoming into focus. The older you get, the more mature you become. It leads to you seeing the world a different way and viewing your life differently. All yougotta do is take it one step at a time and things fall into place. By no means are you or anyone in here old, and you should not feel that life is passing youby. Things will start to happen, you'll find your niche. This age is not too old to be patient.

Set goals, that is important. If you have no goals in life you will get nowhere and end up depressed.
I know exactly how you feel man, just turned 23 a couple of months ago.
frown.gif seems like 1984 was a baby booming year...I'm 24 soon to be 25. I feel the same way but again like OP said, it's the media feeding these ideasinto our minds. Regarding school and degrees, I think it is harder today then say about 20 years ago. My mom had my older brother when she was 20, me when shewas 23. Both her and my dad graduated college around the same time and found excellent paying jobs. Today it seems like everyone needs an advanced degree tofind that good job that pays well. That takes time and by the time you know it, you're already in your mid 20's. I haven't had a mid life crisisbreakdown yet since I'm still in school...I just hope everything plans out the way I envisioned by the age of 27.
Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

Originally Posted by finnns2003

i feel like my prime is now

Exactly. That's just the model I set for myself long ago. I just envisioned that by now I'd be in a different place. Crazy thing is...I'm doing better than all of my peers (the ones that don't play professional sports) but yet I feel so far away. From the outside looking in...@*+%%@ think I'm living the life but I'm really not. I'm doing things alot of people (even older) around me covet but I know my own inhibitions have prohibited from having more. My mom tells me every day that she envys the life I lead in comparison to her own at my age...but I feel like I'm not doing %!*+ in comparison to what I want, what I expect, and what I feel like I COULD HAVE had by now if I would have taken the neccessary steps to get it.

To be completely honest, I've let society poison me with the idea that wealth is the grand prize one can gain in life. I KNOW that money isn't everything and one must attain so much more in life and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what that is...because right now my mind is infected with luxurious thoughts and having the finer things in life. It's like...I know what I have now is OK...but I WANT more and I feel like I could have MORE but I'm stopping myself by not moving at the pace I feel like I should be.

All in all...there's been some pretty good feedback from all of you...unlike most threads here.


My mind is filled w/ Audi S5's and BMW 645's.

I feel you bro'.

For the 2nd time, you posted my exact thoughts.

You sure we ain't cousins?
pretty toney, good points. again, i just feel like after late 20's it's all downhill. physical prime, physical appearance, sex drive, being in your20's, health, everything... life isn't ideal once you leave these prime years.
The only thing im mad about is i thought id never be 23 this quick when i was 18. Had i known time flew by like this id done things a lil different and quicker

ahh but what can you do.
I fell like Im getting old, but at the same time Im attempting to build my wealth up so I can do whatever I want throughout my 30 and 40s so I fell like tyhoseyears will be great too. you can still bag bad ones in your 30s so im not really tripping
When I was like 16,17 ...... I envisioned now being a whole lot different ... but I couldn't foresee the crisis that hit me when I was 19 and I'm justgetting out of ...... Right now they're two sides that are struggling my projections for me at my current age and the adjusted projections ...... somethings took a lot longer than I hoped it would and the worse part is there really was absolutely nothing I could do about that than be thankful I got throughto begin with, 'cause it was looking like I was on my way back to Trini with a cutlass in hand, with no hope of getting out in the next decade

But regardless of my ambitions and goals ..... the people who have actually gone from rags to riches or middles class to riches, who weren't entertainersdidn't do it until mid forties to early sixties ..... The problem is we see the tv littered with people in their twenties with rich parents andgrandparents, thinking they got what they got coming from the bottom up
Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

My mom tells me every day that she envys the life I lead in comparison to her own at my age...but I feel like I'm not doing %!*+ in comparison to what I want, what I expect, and what I feel like I COULD HAVE had by now if I would have taken the neccessary steps to get it.

All in all...there's been some pretty good feedback from all of you...unlike most threads here.
1. LOL. What does she say exactly

The first post wasn't hateful so other followed suit
My pops is old and has just started making bank on another level so it made me realzie that life is a journey and not a race. Just cause you doing it early ondon't mean you doing it later.
I'm 28 about to be 29. I guess that makes me old. You guys have to relax. I still go out to bars, meet girls all that good stuff. Only difference betweennow and 5 years ago is that I have a stable income and much more managable debt. Also, I'm more of a predator now when it comes to women instead of ascavenger.

Age ain't nothing but a number.
Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

I'm 28 about to be 29. I guess that makes me old. You guys have to relax. I still go out to bars, meet girls all that good stuff. Only difference between now and 5 years ago is that I have a stable income and much more managable debt. Also, I'm more of a predator now when it comes to women instead of a scavenger.

Age ain't nothing but a number.
See. This is why i don't worry. If everyone looked at it like how Qpit is, you'd be a lot more stable.

Everyone cant be that 21 year old young dude with a BMW/Benz and a bachelor pad
and has money out the ++$. I thought it would be like that when i was 15.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

Originally Posted by finnns2003

i feel like my prime is now

Exactly. That's just the model I set for myself long ago. I just envisioned that by now I'd be in a different place. Crazy thing is...I'm doing better than all of my peers (the ones that don't play professional sports) but yet I feel so far away. From the outside looking in...@*+%%@ think I'm living the life but I'm really not. I'm doing things alot of people (even older) around me covet but I know my own inhibitions have prohibited from having more. My mom tells me every day that she envys the life I lead in comparison to her own at my age...but I feel like I'm not doing %!*+ in comparison to what I want, what I expect, and what I feel like I COULD HAVE had by now if I would have taken the neccessary steps to get it.

To be completely honest, I've let society poison me with the idea that wealth is the grand prize one can gain in life. I KNOW that money isn't everything and one must attain so much more in life and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what that is...because right now my mind is infected with luxurious thoughts and having the finer things in life. It's like...I know what I have now is OK...but I WANT more and I feel like I could have MORE but I'm stopping myself by not moving at the pace I feel like I should be.

All in all...there's been some pretty good feedback from all of you...unlike most threads here.


My mind is filled w/ Audi S5's and BMW 645's.

I feel you bro'.

For the 2nd time, you posted my exact thoughts.

You sure we ain't cousins?
Seems like every black person in the united states has a relative from one of the Carolinas....might be.
Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

I'm doing things alot of people (even older) around me covet but I know my own inhibitions have prohibited from having more. My mom tells me every day that she envys the life I lead in comparison to her own at my age...but I feel like I'm not doing %!*+ in comparison to what I want, what I expect, and what I feel like I COULD HAVE had by now if I would have taken the neccessary steps to get it.

To be completely honest, I've let society poison me with the idea that wealth is the grand prize one can gain in life. I KNOW that money isn't everything and one must attain so much more in life and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what that is...because right now my mind is infected with luxurious thoughts and having the finer things in life. It's like...I know what I have now is OK...but I WANT more and I feel like I could have MORE but I'm stopping myself by not moving at the pace I feel like I should be.

You have a lot of ambition and a strong desire to achieve, so do I - there's nothing wrong with that.

Just don't confuse luxury/wealth with "making it."

Ignore the Candace Parker pics
, but here you go:

well instead of regretting or worrying about what you done or what you haven't done . Why don't you start doing what you want to do now. Just dontwaste anymore time partying . Start building a future for yourself
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

well instead of regretting or worrying about what you done or what you haven't done . Why don't you start doing what you want to do now. Just dont waste anymore time partying . Start building a future for yourself

Who said anything about partying?
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

well instead of regretting or worrying about what you done or what you haven't done . Why don't you start doing what you want to do now. Just dont waste anymore time partying . Start building a future for yourself
and who said you cant party and build a future for yourself at the same time. if your young you SHOULD be partying. cuz best believe when you getolder its not going to be as fun anymore and your time will be up bro.
damn- your title aint help me out- i'm turning 25 in a like a week
how am i at the END of your age range

Originally Posted by Kingtre

damn- your title aint help me out- i'm turning 25 in a like a week
how am i at the END of your age range

Damn thats crazy i thought you was like 30
. Your morethan GOOD fam
1984 stand up! Lol. I'l be a "quarter of a century" this December. I got a degree and will be starting my teaching career this year. I feel goodabout where I'm at. Before my dad passed he told my mom that he knew I was READY for life. And I am...everything I do will be in his honor. And when I hitthe grave I want to be empty of all my gifts. And only God knows how old I will be. My pops lived to see 60, it hit me that I could die in 30 years. In my eyeshe lived a long and successful life. He saw all 3 of his children graduate college. So I just want to live it up and stay young while I'm still here.
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