Question for Christians: Why is your "God "respected while Lucifer is not?

Originally Posted by seniosoul

be the dumbest and go straight to heavan > be the smartest and go straight to hell
Amen *catchin' holy ghost*
There is no point of this post, because you believe what you believe, and he will believe what he believe.

I'm not big on religion but I keep it to myself. All my friends are, and they keep it to themselves.

And thats how we all get along so well.

Good Questions in my opinon though, and the only answer you're going to get is, cause God & the Bible said so.
I'm definitely using this on my father when he tries to force me into going to church.

But, this is just another reason why I don't buy into organized religion.
Only problem i ever have with these posts is the abrasive, condescending tone they usually take on. You're trying to get a serious answer from thechristians, but being argumentative and insulting never helps. The atheists i've encountered tend to be that way, ever on a pedestal. (im agnostic btw, ilike to ask questions and get absolute answers. I just don't want to be grouped in with atheists, who are similare to their religious counterparts in termsof wanting a controlling stake in the human mind. This prolly has nothing to do with the topic, i just cant stand general not you specificallydre.)
Hmmmm Ok I'm going to give this a try. God is respected because he is feared, he is all knowing and all powerful. Lucifer is Respected in aspects let meexplain I hate Barry Bonds because he lied and cheated the Game but i also respect him for the records he set. He is respected as the damn Devil are youserious the ultimate of evil the culmination of hate .SATAN. In essence your views are of that of opinion and not fact you cannot make broad statements aboutgroups of people especially religious groups for you know not all people. I applaud you for willingness to post this but i simply cannot take this seriously.

PS. In the bible it states we felt no pain and no worries would live fulfilling lives and etc under Gods tutelage and not eating the fruit. On the other handyou can eat the fruit and be what we are now. This alone sounds like a bad shake IMO we have diseases die after 70 some odd years live with fear hatred andjealousy which consumes us if this is smart compared to dumb i wanna be a dumb mother %$#%++
Did you guys/girls know that there are people who think that Satan was too cool for Heaven so thats why God kicked him out? Those may be the powers at be.
I R Andre:
If you don't believe in God or anything to do with Christianity, keep it to yourself.
You sound mildly upset, I asked a question I have yet to get an answer to. Hopefully Ska sees this and can explain it to me.
Yes, I see it.

No, you don't seem open-minded and willing to have an intelligent discussion at all.

If you'll notice, I reserve my discussion of religion for those who show a genuine curiosity and desire to learn; whether they agree with what I believe irnot is irrelevant to me and doesn't matter all. All that matters to me is how mature, curious, and tolerant the person is that I'm debating with.

You definitely seem to have a condescending, 'prosecuting' agenda.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Only problem i ever have with these posts is the abrasive, condescending tone they usually take on. You're trying to get a serious answer from the christians, but being argumentative and insulting never helps. The atheists i've encountered tend to be that way, ever on a pedestal. (im agnostic btw, i like to ask questions and get absolute answers. I just don't want to be grouped in with atheists, who are similare to their religious counterparts in terms of wanting a controlling stake in the human mind. This prolly has nothing to do with the topic, i just cant stand general not you specifically dre.)
QFT. Some people can have an excellent debate without resorting to that tone you speak of. This is not one of them.
Dr Spaceman:
Only problem i ever have with these posts is the abrasive, condescending tone they usually take on. You're trying to get a serious answer from the christians, but being argumentative and insulting never helps. The atheists i've encountered tend to be that way, ever on a pedestal. (im agnostic btw, i like to ask questions and get absolute answers. I just don't want to be grouped in with atheists, who are similare to their religious counterparts in terms of wanting a controlling stake in the human mind. This prolly has nothing to do with the topic, i just cant stand general not you specifically dre.)
Interesting that Spaceman said this a little while before I did after reading through the thread. Why is that interesting? Because I simply readthe initial start to the thread and a few replies, nothing more.
all you new atheists/agnos will eventually quit dumbing down to make arguments with religious people over time....
because i also have quit dumbing myself down to argue against fellow non-believers that its a huge argument that will lead nowhere.....who cares let it be....
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I R Andre:
If you don't believe in God or anything to do with Christianity, keep it to yourself.
You sound mildly upset, I asked a question I have yet to get an answer to. Hopefully Ska sees this and can explain it to me.
I dont have an answer


Why has no one answered the question seriously I want to know.
That is a good question Andre but 99% of Christians cannot answer it. The reason they cannot answer it is because theydon't even know (are not allowed to know) their own religion.

What most Christians follow today can be better labeled the Church of the Vatican than the teachings of Christ. What Christianity is today has been shaped overmore than 1 Millenium by the Vatican.
Today's Christian beliefs have been influenced more by the Vatican than by Christ. Many Christians will take offense to this but it is the truth. I find itamusing that the majority of Christians that we encounter do not even have rudimentary knowledge of the Vatican and it's history through the centuries. Notonly it's religious history but it's political and economic history.

The answer to your question probably lies in a few ancient volumes somewhere in the secret Vatican library that's only accessible by a select fewChristians in this world.
That's how the Vatican derives its power. It knows the entire truth of Christianity and what Christianity was meant to be but only disseminates bits andpieces and creates its own 'Christianity' from the rest.
I R Andre:
I R Andre:
If you don't believe in God or anything to do with Christianity, keep it to yourself.
You sound mildly upset, I asked a question I have yet to get an answer to. Hopefully Ska sees this and can explain it to me.
I dont have an answer


I'm clueless, immature, condescending, and narrow-minded when it comes to religious debates, but I'm too stubborn to see it.


@ trying to bait me in by suggesting that I don't have any sort ofanswer.

I would expect that tactic to present itself in a middle school debate. "What? You don't know, right?
That's why you ain't answering; 'cause you don't know.
Yeah, I stumped the teacher. Hahaha!"
That is a good question Andre but 99% of Christians cannot answer it. The reason they cannot answer it is because they don't even know (are not allowed to know) their own religion.
Agreed... sort of.

I don't know where you get the idea that Christians aren't allowed to now their own religion, because that's certainly not true.

But the notion that 99% of Christians can't answer the question? Agreed. And the notion that 99% of Christianscan't answer the question because they don't know their own religion? Agreed.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

That is a good question Andre but 99% of Christians cannot answer it. The reason they cannot answer it is because they don't even know (are not allowed to know) their own religion.
Agreed... sort of.

I don't know where you get the idea that Christians aren't allowed to now their own religion, because that's certainly not true.

But the notion that 99% of Christians can't answer the question? Agreed. And the notion that 99% of Christians can't answer the question because they don't know their own religion? Agreed.

Try getting access to the Vatican's secret library of ancient Christian texts and writings on those texts.
Why are they not accessible to all Christians? Why hide religious teachings and varied analysis of those teachings from 99% of Christians?

Maybe knowledge = power but in a sort of twisted way for the Vatican?
Yeah ok lol answer the question if you can instead of just playing games. I'll be open minded.
^ First off, it's not just about being open-minded vs. narrow-minded. You come off as condescending, immature, narrow-minded, and clueless towards thisthing you are putting down (Christianity), in that you seem to only know of things on a surface level. It's no coincidence that others had already noticedthis before I even started replying.

Secondly: a zebra can't change his stripes, no matter how hard he tries.
That is a good question Andre but 99% of Christians cannot answer it. The reason they cannot answer it is because they don't even know (are not allowed to know) their own religion.
Agreed... sort of.

I don't know where you get the idea that Christians aren't allowed to now their own religion, because that's certainly not true.

But the notion that 99% of Christians can't answer the question? Agreed. And the notion that 99% of Christians can't answer the question because they don't know their own religion? Agreed.

Try getting access to the Vatican's secret library of ancient Christian texts and writings on those texts.
Why are they not accessible to all Christians? Why hide religious teachings and varied analysis of those teachings from 99% of Christians?

Maybe knowledge = power but in a sort of twisted way for the Vatican?
I see what you're saying, and you're spot on. The Vatican is definitely fueled by control and power, absolutely.

So in that regard, not being allowed to know of/read/research certain things because certain things are kept under lock and key, it's an unfortunatereality, but a reality nonetheless.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I R Andre:
If you don't believe in God or anything to do with Christianity, keep it to yourself.
You sound mildly upset, I asked a question I have yet to get an answer to. Hopefully Ska sees this and can explain it to me.
I dont have an answer


Why has no one answered the question seriously I want to know.

Look at what we've become? Look at what we've allowed thisworld to become? Look at the pain we cause? For us to be so smart we are very dumb. I'm sure God had great plans for us but that got nixed. Why do greatthings for people who can't follow basic instructions? Satans' goal was not to open our eyes for the good. He knew what we would become. He knew whatGod knew. God told Adam and Eve to stay away from the fruit not because He wanted them to be "dumb", but because He knew what it would lead to. Thinkabout for a second? Satan. A being who wants to have Gods power and is a hater. He was mad about the attention and praise God was getting. So in return he gotin some of the angles ear and turned them against God. He was cast down to hell along with the angles. Do you honestly think someone like Satan really had ourbest interest at heart when he was telling Adam and Eve what to do?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ First off, it's not just about being open-minded vs. narrow-minded. You come off as condescending, immature, narrow-minded, and clueless towards this thing you are putting down (Christianity), in that you seem to only know of things on a surface level. It's no coincidence that others had already noticed this before I even started replying.

Secondly: a zebra can't change his stripes, no matter how hard he tries.
That is a good question Andre but 99% of Christians cannot answer it. The reason they cannot answer it is because they don't even know (are not allowed to know) their own religion.
Agreed... sort of.

I don't know where you get the idea that Christians aren't allowed to now their own religion, because that's certainly not true.

But the notion that 99% of Christians can't answer the question? Agreed. And the notion that 99% of Christians can't answer the question because they don't know their own religion? Agreed.

Try getting access to the Vatican's secret library of ancient Christian texts and writings on those texts.
Why are they not accessible to all Christians? Why hide religious teachings and varied analysis of those teachings from 99% of Christians?

Maybe knowledge = power but in a sort of twisted way for the Vatican?
I see what you're saying, and you're spot on. The Vatican is definitely fueled by control and power, absolutely.

So in that regard, not being allowed to know of/read/research certain things because certain things are kept under lock and key, it's an unfortunate reality, but a reality nonetheless.

The question is what are they hiding and for what reason?

Of course I have no evidence for this as we can only speculate but both Islam and Judaism have major mystical components. I can't really speak on Islam butin Judaism, Kaballah is the mystical component of Judaism and in reality it can be thought of as a very advanced (and "higher") knowledge of Judaism(In fact men under 40 who don't have a thorough knowledge of the "written" texts aren't even allowed to study it Kaballah texts are availableand the general outline is known but the true meanings behind them are mostly passed down verbally from scholar to scholar). The mystical component also holdsmany of the esoteric meanings of the religion.

I'd bet that many of the texts that the Vatican hides do explain this more mystical side of Christianity and that it creates a far less dogmaticChristianity than many Christians follow today.
A question like Andre's (whether it was posed to Christians, Moslems, or Christians) would be best answered by the mystical scholars of the religion inquestion.
If Satan already knows what is written and that he's going to be condemned to hell, why doesn't he repent?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I R Andre:
If you don't believe in God or anything to do with Christianity, keep it to yourself.
You sound mildly upset, I asked a question I have yet to get an answer to. Hopefully Ska sees this and can explain it to me.
I dont have an answer

Why has no one answered the question seriously I want to know.

Look at what we've become? Look at what we've allowed this world to become? Look at the pain we cause? For us to be so smart we are very dumb. I'm sure God had great plans for us but that got nixed. Why do great things for people who can't follow basic instructions? Satans' goal was not to open our eyes for the good. He knew what we would become. He knew what God knew. God told Adam and Eve to stay away from the fruit not because He wanted them to be "dumb", but because He knew what it would lead to. Think about for a second? Satan. A being who wants to have Gods power and is a hater. He was mad about the attention and praise God was getting. So in return he got in some of the angles ear and turned them against God. He was cast down to hell along with the angles. Do you honestly think someone like Satan really had our best interest at heart when he was telling Adam and Eve what to do?

RKO2004 - you my friend are a smart man
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