Question for my Physics heads...

Aug 4, 2005
I am trying to calculate work. I know W=Fd when talking about work on a horizontal plane. I am given the mass and the distance, how do I find the force inthis equation in order to solve for work? Also, there is a kinetic frictional force in the opposite direction with a coefficient of .25. Thanks.
Should i use F=mg (basically the same thing as F=ma) to find force and use 9.8m/s^2 as acceleration?
Yeah....I dont think the kinetic force info is needed but thenit depends on the problem you're given
------ x w=f/d ==== !!@?

think there's a reason that there were only 4 responses to this thread HA!
Alright thanks man, I appreciate it. I might be back with some more questions lol. Physics is a pain.
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