Question: If you were to become famous..... Vol. Kiss and tell

May 9, 2004
This goes out to the guys mostly....

Just say you became mega famous one day, would you be able to live with every one of your potential kiss and tell situations???

Or is there one or more hephers you would have to silence before she could ever make it to the press??

Yeah, I think i'd be able to do it.

I'd hold up a cool image though. So, when the chicks try coming out the woodwork, people will think they're crazy :lol:
I worries about shh like this sometimes man... A whole bunch of memoires about me pureeing their yambs, 20 years prior.

As a US Senator or something, I could live with that.
This is why I only Smash Adams girls with learning disabilities and blind girls.

Gotta cover your bases, that's the responsible adult thing to do.
I'm good with all the beasts in my closet. They don't have evidence (no pics or evidence) that it went down anyway and besides you really think Leo or Will really have to deal with the ugly fat skank they banged in hs?

I mean if I'm mega famous, what medium is gonna risk putting these broads on a platform to talk about w/e sexual perversions I may or may not have? They'd either end up looking desperate for publicity or are prepared to wash their hands of ever having my business, possibly my peers, and whoever else I'm connected with.

Besides all that it'd be a hot topic on TMZ for maybe a week and then they'd move on to the next celeb. I wasn't out there #2'ing on broads, giving them the monster, and right now I'm unaware of any children I might have so if anything this'll just confirm to the public I have had sex and am quite experienced with it. FYI, the mega famous I'm thinking aint gonna involve me having a false pristine reputation that would be capable of being tarnished.
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