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Staff member
Jan 23, 2007
Hey guys,
As you can see, Niketalk has changed drastically. Unfortunately, not everything ported over to the new Niketalk. This includes the buy/sell area as a whole.
Please recreate all listings and I will do my best to keep approving them so that we can all get back on the ball.

I will approve listings that have pics up to 7 DAYS OLD for the initial few days as I know how inconvenient it is for you guys to relist items.

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Ok we still need 300 posts, does that include the 3 month rule as well?

Only reason I'm asking is because I created a new account for the new site (hated my username)  and would hate to have to wait the 3 months again.
is it 1 item per listing now, or is it like before where you can combine several pairs as long as they're the same size?
This is a shame. We need 300 posts and prior to the big move, I had 667 posts and joined back in 2003. Is there no way to fix this?
is it 1 item per listing now, or is it like before where you can combine several pairs as long as they're the same size?

the new site is set up for 1 item per listing so you can have multiple listings if you desire.
you may also but an arbitrary number in the price field and list multiple items in 1 listing as we had before.
I was about to post some stuff in the upcoming weeks, I was close to 300 post but now back down to 44. Is there anything I can do? I joined back in 2003.
I was about to post some stuff in the upcoming weeks, I was close to 300 post but now back down to 44. Is there anything I can do? I joined back in 2003.

im waiting to hear from the bossman. there is nothing i can do at the moment.
I was good on my post limit. 325 post and been a member since '05. Now it says I only have 24 posts. I also had 2 previous listings that were up before this unexpected change. Is the fix in? Lol.
I had over 300 posts, been a member since '05, and had 2 listings up at the time of the change but now the system says I only have 24 posts and I can relist the items I had up. What gives?
Mods can you control or maybe make a rule so that users who post sale listing put up at least the actual price of at least one of the items they are selling. Like putting up shoes and the posting them for 1$ as the sell price is just absurd. Save people the time... Thanks. And looking forward to the new NT!!! Even though change is hard....
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