Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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Everyone says you cannot be religious and scientific but the notion that such an existence is inherently oxymoronic is a profoundly unscientific one that can only be based on literal, absolutist understandings of holy texts and an appalling failure to contextualise them temporally, culturally, socially, and geographically. To understand faith as a private, otherworldly, soul-enriching experience is to also understand that it can only enhance, rather than clash with, anything else.
Sorry bruh but you need to speak that common sense to the scores of religious fundamentalists out there in various religions.
Some use religion just as a crutch to support their hate and prejudice. I think most religions were started with good intentions, but ideas/philosophies/scriptures get (intentionally) skewed for their own benefit.
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Not to mention the opportunity to use religion to control the masses.

Make the common person think all they need is faith. Then it becomes the opiate of the masses. Got em hooked like addicts.

All actual philosophers would not approve.
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the biggest leap from getting out of religion is accepting that some answers are not yet discovered yet

so no point in making up answers just to feel better about not knowing 

Hate to sound condescending but yeah..... /thread

At the end of the day. As long as you aren't intolerant or hurting others. To each his own. 
All I want to know is who created us and why. 

I really don't believe in the "Big Bang Theory" because it no way something out of nothing, can just create the reproduction system that separate male from female. 
All I want to know is who created us and why. 
I really don't believe in the "Big Bang Theory" because it no way something out of nothing, can just create the reproduction system that separate male from female. 
Why does it have to be a who? or a what?

Why can't something come out of nothing? If you're willing to believe a who created us and has a reason where did that being come from if something can't come out of nothing?
All I want to know is who created us and why. 

I really don't believe in the "Big Bang Theory" because it no way something out of nothing, can just create the reproduction system that separate male from female. 
Balance. Ying and Yang. Nothing and everything. Reproduction system didn't just happen. It's evolution.  We are 200,000 years old. The universe, over ten billion years old. It will go on for billions of years after us.  On top of all that, it's theorized that this is just one universe in a multiverse. 
You can take Catholic Class OR Ethics Class... That should tell you enough right there... You can take one but not both
Honestly I never thought about it that way 

My elementary school was considered a catholic school but they also offered that ethics class as an alternative for non-catholic students, you just had to specifically ask to not take catholic class. For a long time it was just me and a muslim boy. I think it was around the 3rd grade that other people joined. Eventually we had about 7 or 8 people.

The ethics class was called ethics but it was pretty varied, not just ethics.

Especially in the first few years it was mostly about art and creativity. Lots of drawing, painting and crafting.

It was only later on that it really become about ethics, morality, philosophy, ...

I did my first communion for the gifts but other than that the only time I've set foot in a church is for a wedding or a funeral.
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" If there were serious compatibility issues between science and spirituality I would feel them like a knife through my mind, but instead my experience is that they nourish each other."
" If there were serious compatibility issues between science and spirituality I would feel them like a knife through my mind, but instead my experience is that they nourish each other."
there's a huge difference between spirituality and organised religion though 
Oh i know lol

The quote originally said "Christianity" but i changed it to how i feel
Why does it have to be a who? or a what?

Why can't something come out of nothing? If you're willing to believe a who created us and has a reason where did that being come from if something can't come out of nothing?
Well, from what my family accepting Christianity, I suppose I believe the words, " I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." So that right there is infinite.

As I am growing into my own and using my mind to expand out further from what I was nurtured with and with what I am able to learn from my own concepts of thinking/reading/experiences, I can't say that I am truly a believer of Christ BUT I definitely do believe there is something or someone out in the universe that has the powers to create life and galaxies. 

So, going back to the why I don't believe in the Big Bang Theory, is because I don't believe that something can come out of nothing. If oppose something does come out of nothing, where does that nothing began from? If there is a creation, therefore, there has to be a Creator. Energy does not come out of nothing. 

Nothingness is just dead. 

Science can explain many things, and many things are that science can not explain. So who ever that created us, created us in the image of the being itself to have the imaginations and creativity to explore and venture the greatest boundaries to Humanity, so what ever being that gave us the consciousness to explore, definitely gave Science to us to learn how the world functions. We can't rely on just "God" to help explain why the universe is the way it is or the Earth itself, instead, we have Science to help us discover the world and the universe. 

This is why I don't believe that Science negates God, vice versa, but that it is all there as resources for us to use to continue to search and understand the world. 

I could be wrong. 
Why is it that when science doesn't give definite, concrete, 100% visible proof of something, people are so willing to default to "it has to be a higher being"?

Theories are created and supported with circumstantial evidence, yet it's never enough to overcome "it has to be a higher being."
Why does it have to be a who? or a what?

Why can't something come out of nothing? If you're willing to believe a who created us and has a reason where did that being come from if something can't come out of nothing?
Well, from what my family accepting Christianity, I suppose I believe the words, " I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." So that right there is infinite.
Then ask yourself why can't the universe be infinite and a big bang just happened within it? The energy was always there since scientifically speaking energy can not be destroyed just transformed in to something else.

Any wild made up concept you apply to a higher power you can simply apply to the universe or multiverse. If GOD was always here the universe could've always been here and **** just happens within it like big bangs.
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With regarding the male and female reproductive system, you guys speak of evolution. 

How long do evolution take and as we all already know, evolution doesn't happen overnight and therefore, life being what we know, humanity before our times would of been dead one by one before evolution can kick in since reproduction period is waiting on evolution. 
With regarding the male and female reproductive system, you guys speak of evolution. 
How long do evolution take and as we all already know, evolution doesn't happen overnight and therefore, life being what we know, humanity before our times would of been dead one by one before evolution can kick in since reproduction period is waiting on evolution. 

Evolution can and does happen overnight. Mutations happen, Darwinism comes into play, and the strongest survive.

Also, I have no idea what "humanity before our times of been dead one by one before evolution can kick in since reproduction period is waiting on evolution" means.
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