Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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No, it is arrogant that you believe we SHOULD be at a point in time where we know everything.

So that is actually overvaluing the ability of humans, let alone diminishing the complexity of the universe.

We’re sending objects that weigh tons into the air and even to space, communication is at our fingertips to the point where we can talk to each other through watches. We apparently built the pyramids but no one can figure out why we just so happen to have a sinoatrial node to keep the heart pumping 4,000 times an hour for the rest of your existence. You think something that intricate happened because rocks crashed into each other?
Who said "everything" is by chance? I sure as **** didn't. I just didn't say "God did it" because I don't see any evidence for that being true.

I'm more than comfortable saying "I don't know."

I never said “God” did it either. Could be the spaghetti monster for all we know. I personally don’t think there is a right or wrong answer in terms of religion but a higher power isn’t beyond belief in my opinion.
I never said “God” did it either. Could be the spaghetti monster for all we know. I personally don’t think there is a right or wrong answer in terms of religion but a higher power isn’t beyond belief in my opinion.
Substitute "God" with "a higher power" and my statement remains the same, and I still stand by it.

No evidence of a "higher power."
Explaining what we HAVE done isn't strong evidence to support the claim of, "there SHOULDN'T be anything that is unexplainable."

There are things we know exist, that we can't explain.

There are also things that we don't know exist, that we can't explain.

I just don't understand why you would even make such a statement.

Yes, human arrogance.
Universal disrespect
We are matter, this is true. What is also true is how limited our thinking can be, due to what we are exposed to, or what we are allowed to be exposed to. What is unfortunate is that thought is controlled in this world through fear, which is the enemy of will. Until people rid themselves of the fear of free thought, free will, they will never comprehend what we are actually capable of, therefore always being surprised at something new.
We’re sending objects that weigh tons into the air and even to space, communication is at our fingertips to the point where we can talk to each other through watches. We apparently built the pyramids but no one can figure out why we just so happen to have a sinoatrial node to keep the heart pumping 4,000 times an hour for the rest of your existence. You think something that intricate happened because rocks crashed into each other?

I don't think you understand what point you are attempting to make.

Not sure how and why that last question was asked.

I never suggested I believed that at any point of this conversation
We are matter, this is true. What is also true is how limited our thinking can be, due to what we are exposed to, or what we are allowed to be exposed to. What is unfortunate is that thought is controlled in this world through fear, which is the enemy of will. Until people rid themselves of the fear of free thought, free will, they will never comprehend what we are actually capable of, therefore always being surprised at something new.
Irrelevant and #fakedeep.
Still no evidence.
Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as higher intelligence? I do not know your position here nor there on what actually exists, but you must admit that there is more out there, than what we know of. If we are an evolving species, which we are, you must admit that when we do grow, much of what we though was true, no longer is applied. Funny, there are still those who feel that the world is flat. lol I thought we got past that one. Perhaps it is proof that some can devolve as well.
Irrelevant and #fakedeep.
lol, that's cool. Fake deep. I like that. It takes all kinds, doesn't it? If it were not for the fake deep, you would not have improvisation or freedom to explore artistically. You would not have the internet either. It all began with a "what if".
People need to accept we’re not that important and when you’re dead you’re dead. This isn’t even out planet. It’s mostly aquatic and we’re out numbered by insects. Sorry
Then there is the thought that we all are sentient beings, and all are very relevant. All to be respected, as is the earth.
Are you suggesting that there is not such thing as higher intelligence? I do not know your position here nor there on what actually exists, but you must admit that there is more out there, than what were know of. If we are an evolving species, which we are, you must admit that when we do grow, much of what we though was true, no longer is applied. Funny, there are still those who feel that the world is flat. lol I thought we got past that one. Perhaps it is proof that some can devolve as well.
I will most certainly admit that there's more out there than what we know, you'd know this already if you actually read the last page or so of this thread where I explicitly declared "I don't know."

Still doesn't mean we were the creation of a higher power/intelligence.
Are you suggesting that there is not such thing as higher intelligence? I do not know your position here nor there on what actually exists, but you must admit that there is more out there, than what we know of. If we are an evolving species, which we are, you must admit that when we do grow, much of what we though was true, no longer is applied. Funny, there are still those who feel that the world is flat. lol I thought we got past that one. Perhaps it is proof that some can devolve as well.
There are colors we can even see and sounds we can’t even hear. There are animals that communicate using signals can can detect. We are not better than anything nor are we even capable of knowing everything
I will most certainly admit that there's more out there than what we know, you'd know this already if you actually read the last page or so of this thread where I explicitly declared "I don't know."

Still doesn't mean we were the creation of a higher power/intelligence.
Sorry, I am new here and just saw the post pop up. I like this sort of discussion. Apologies for not doing research on you.
That said, mostly, I like that you need proof, solid proof, no beef there. Keep going until you get it. I think that's awesome.
lol, that's cool. Fake deep. I like that. It takes all kinds, doesn't it? If it were not for the fake deep, you would not have improvisation or freedom to explore artistically. You would not have the internet either. It all began with a "what if".
There's a huge difference between someone with a cogent idea with a plan as to how they're going to implement/apply it to the real world and the vapid babblings of someone who thinks they're smarter than they are.
There are colors we can even see and sounds we can’t even hear. There are animals that communicate using signals can can detect. We are not better than anything nor are we even capable of knowing everything
Perhaps you've misunderstood me.
I think that I said that all things are relevant, all sentient beings. Respect is due to all, with none being any better, all being of value.
Perhaps you've misunderstood me.
I think that I said that all things are relevant, all sentient beings. Respect is due to all, with none being any better, all being of value.
People can believe what they want, we agree there, but for some reason Christianity is passed off as the end all be all and actually can negatively impact people here in the US. That, I DO have a problem with. Believe what you want but you keep that at home. Brainwashing is another problem
There's a huge difference between someone with a cogent idea with a plan as to how they're going to implement/apply it to the real world and the vapid babblings of someone who thinks they're smarter than they are.
You are right.
Creativity is sparked by something, inspired by even the smallest nudge. The key is to make the approach without ego. I am not here to convince you of anything. I like atheists. I like that fact they haven't been mislead.
People can believe what they want, we agree there, but for some reason Christianity is passed off as the end all be all and actually can negatively impact people here in the US. That, I DO have a problem with. Believe what you want but you keep that at home. Brainwashing is another problem
Oh, I am not Christian, best believe that. Jesus is no friend of mine. In fact, he is my enemy. I see no good in what his presence has done in this world, especially to people of color. He even wiped out the Norse, who had their own beliefs. Free will is exactly that, free will. Judaism/Christianity/Islam, all compromise your ability to be all that you can be, to borrow a term from the US Military. lol
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