R&B Thread About Nothing

Has this come up before in here?

As a former R Kelly fan that sneaks a listen every now and then, I believe I have a pretty good ear for songs that he’s written

I’ve come to the conclusion that he 100% wrote this song. These days with dudes having iPhones and everything in jail it’s really not that far fetched. He might have a damn studio in his cell :lol:

Listen to that second verse… it’s almost like his vocals are in it. C’mon, no doubt that’s Kellz production.
Sam Cooke’s daughter was Linda. Her mother shot Bobby Womack when she found out. She went on to marry Bobby’s brother Cecil and create this gem….

(2:10 on my ****!)

Bobby was on that BS :lol:

This was too much for most of Sam Cooke’s family members, including his brother Charles Cooke Jr.

When Bobby Womack and his new wife Barbara decided to go to Chicago that summer, they ended up in a violent confrontation with Charles.

Charles, 38, went to pay the Womack’s a visit at a local motel, for what he described as a “personal talk.”

Charles had told Bobby in so many words that he would be assaulted if he ever showed his face in Chicago.

Bobby Womack had decided he would not live his life in fear after marrying Barbara, so he phoned ahead to let Charles know that he would be in Chicago to attend the wedding of Sam Cooke’s niece.

Barbara had loaded a gun with bullets in anticipation of the visit, while Bobby Womack also prepared for the altercation.

“I figured if Charlie was going to do something, I wanted to get it over and done with,” Bobby Womack said in his autobiography “Midnight Mover: The True Story of the Greatest Soul Singer in the World.”

“Barbara and I flew to Chicago,” Womack said. “We checked into the Roberts Motel and I called Charlie. I told him ‘I’m here. We’re in 2112. In the motel room, Barbara busied herself loading bullets into a pistol. Barbara had a mean streak in her.”

When Charles arrived with his brothers David and L.C., he pistol whipped Bobby and beat him to the point that his teeth went through his lips, rendering him unconscious.

“I opened the door and Charlie punched me. He beat me so bad my whole head swelled up like a melon…he even broke my jaw,” Bobby Womack revealed.

Barbara attempted to fire the gun at Charlie, but Bobby Womack had already taken the bullets out of the pistol, just before Charles and the rest of Sam’s brothers arrived.

For all of their troubles and tribulations, Bobby Womack’s marriage to Barbara Cooke ended in 1970.

apparently that's the brother that put hands on him

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