r cigarettes dead?

lol I smoked cigs many years chain smoked maybe 2 years and quitish like 6 months ago I still smoke one now n then but the urge is gone
I tried quitting but I'm done with fronting. No I don't buy packs I bum bogeys off people so I consider it cutting down. But I only smoke when drinking or social smoking. I don't go home like I need one badly :lol:
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Real talk: I tried really hard to get addicted to cigarettes when I was in high school. Bought full packs, but I'd get 2 cigarettes in, say to myself "this is disgusting," and give the pack away. Couldn't understand the appeal then and can't understand it to this day.

Forgive OP, though: he's religious and majored in History thinking that afforded him some sort of future. That's a level of sheltered that needs to be conditioned over time.
cigarettes dying is an American thing anyway...go to Europe, The Islands or South America and ask that question.
:lol: I swear I could not smell cigarette smoke back when I used to, now I can detect 3 parts Newport in five trillion air particles. gets in your clothes just by thinking about it. bad delivery system.
I wish. This lady who lives right above me always going out on her balcony to smoke. That ish always seeping in through my window. Hate having it closed because it gets to be kinda stuffy in my apt.
they selling fake ports out here in LA. this is the reason why im quitting.
Real talk: I tried really hard to get addicted to cigarettes when I was in high school. Bought full packs, but I'd get 2 cigarettes in, say to myself "this is disgusting," and give the pack away. Couldn't understand the appeal then and can't understand it to this day.

Forgive OP, though: he's religious and majored in History thinking that afforded him some sort of future. That's a level of sheltered that needs to be conditioned over time.

w)ell damn
I tried quitting but I'm done with fronting. No I don't buy packs I bum bogeys off people so I consider it cutting down. But I only smoke when drinking or social smoking. I don't go home like I need one badly :lol:

Wow. Everyone hates you.
I mean I see people smoking all the time, especially here in the Casinos....

But I get what OP is saying.... I don't "notice" it anymore like I used too.

It does seem that smoking went down... and supposedly it did.
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