R.I.P Michael Clarke Duncan

Being that big is very hard on the body. It seems as though bigger people die earlier than smaller people. I have a friend as big as Michael and he's had tons of problems with his body including blod clots.
Damn this is a shocker mannnnn... What scares me is that although he was a big guy he wasn't in terrible shape... :smh:

I appreciate his work and may he rest in peace.
I always see his stroke psa on late night tv.


Damn this is a shocker mannnnn... What scares me is that although he was a big guy he wasn't in terrible shape... :smh:
I appreciate his work and may he rest in peace.

Excerise exercise excerise folks! cardio workouts

He was a natural big guy, probably all he did was lift weights. U got to do cardio exercise as well.

Said his left wife the hospital then came back and he was dead but his mom was there. i think these women be killing their man. Women never dying but the man are, and everytime a man die the women is always around
RIP, MCD. Too young.

John Coffey. Honestly one of the best, most moving characters I've ever had the pleasure of personally witnessing.
Damn this is a shocker mannnnn... What scares me is that although he was a big guy he wasn't in terrible shape... :smh:
I appreciate his work and may he rest in peace.

Excerise exercise excerise folks! cardio workouts

He was a natural big guy, probably all he did was lift weights. U got to do cardio exercise as well.

Said his left wife the hospital then came back and he was dead but his mom was there. i think these women be killing their man. Women never dying but the man are, and everytime a man die the women is always around

You might be on to something here.. Certainly there's no valid reason for a woman to be near a guy when he's about to die.. Must be killing them.
Said his left wife the hospital then came back and he was dead but his mom was there. i think these women be killing their man. Women never dying but the man are, and everytime a man die the women is always around

RIP, MCD. Too young.

John Coffey. Honestly one of the best, most moving characters I've ever had the pleasure of personally witnessing.

I hate coming on NT and seeing news like this, especially with people I liked & respected...RIP.
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