R.I.P Stacey Krause....500 signitures down BAY AREA RESIDENTS PLEASE SIGN!!!!!!!! ONLINE PETITION**

May 26, 2006
petition is for a close friend Stacey Krause who was lost due to the dangerous intersection of alemany and san juan in the city...since then several accidentshave occurred at this intersection and to prevent any other from happening please feel free to sign this petition......

for those unfamiliar with the alemany/san juan intersection here is additional pics/vids of the intersection


all info is within link. thank you


Bless her .

I signed .... EVERYONE on NT in THE NOR CAL forum should SIGN , SO DO IT . THANK YOU .
Thats near where I grew up. They always seem to do something (i.e stop sign, etc) after someone gets hit by a car on alemany or any other street. The citynever looks ahead at about what could happen on a certain intersection until something does happen. Somebody I went to middle school with got hit by a car anddied on alemany and niagra back in the day. It's sad. Rest in peace
signed, and rest in peace.. too young. and pretty. my sister's age..
signed. I can't believe a petition is needed to increase safety; one casualty is bad enough.
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