R.I.P Trayvon

i think he meant considered suspicious...not actually being suspicious. its the perception. and im sure it holds true in many areas. its not right but not everything is.

so its just something to be forever be tolerated?
Race aside...what if there were no guns? i doubt someone would have been beaten to death that night. i kno that the no gun thing is about as plausible as no racism but damn that gun played a big part in the outcome here. not tryin to advocate crazy gun control just playing a lil devils advocate here...just a thought
can I post a FB for yall to go in on??? This broad is dumb as rocks.

so its just something to be forever be tolerated?

no absolutely not but things dont change overnight. this country has come a long way in a short time with its racial battles. not everything isbalways going to be like it should though. these are facts unfortunately.
Race aside...what if there were no guns? i doubt someone would have been beaten to death that night. i kno that the no gun thing is about as plausible as no racism but damn that gun played a big part in the outcome here. not tryin to advocate crazy gun control just playing a lil devils advocate here...just a thought

if it wasn't a gun, it would've been some other weapon. and again,I don't kno who would allow somebody to follow them at night and not ask why our something.
Race aside...what if there were no guns? i doubt someone would have been beaten to death that night. i kno that the no gun thing is about as plausible as no racism but damn that gun played a big part in the outcome here. not tryin to advocate crazy gun control just playing a lil devils advocate here...just a thought

if it wasn't a gun, it would've been some other weapon. and again,I don't kno who would allow somebody to follow them at night and not ask why our something.

There is no way he would have stabbed or beaten him. Using a gun is too easy and too remote. It allowed this idiot to kill someone not in a fight - but because he had the far superior weapon.
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As part of the under 30 crowd on here and in this country, we need to put the racial predispositions away.

This case is a casualty of the generation before us. Both Zimmerman and Trayvon were raised by "our" parents. You can think what you want, you're entitled to your opinion in this GREAT country we live in. (Not going to argue the beauty of America with anyone, you're free to leave and move somewhere else if you really dislike America. Try Egypt, heard there's fun stuff to do there right now.)

Fact is, if you're going to assume Zimmerman is a racist, at least acknowledge the fact that Trayvon is ESTABLISHED to have racial undertones when he saw Zimmerman (creepy "cracka").

Personally, I don't believe George Zimmerman to be a racist. There's no evidence, no CONCRETE evidence, that points to such an accusation.

Is he an idiot? Absolutely.

Did he take his job too far on March 12? Yes. As a matter of fact, from my knowledge of the evidence and facts in this case, I can think of about 3 different ways he could have handled that situation much better and that's just right now. I'm SURE there are 10000 different ways he could have handled it.

But the race wars and race baiting has got to stop. I've seen people say "WE have got to do BETTER" a lot on here, FB, twitter, etc... but that applies to all of us. In an instant last night, our country divided. And that's ridiculous. It's ridiculous to think that every black person is whatever society attributes to "being black", just like it's stupid to assume that about any other background or ethnicity.

I was involved in an incident extremely similar to Trayvon Martin's not 2 months ago in Gulfport, Mississippi. Waiting for my entire family to return from my Godson's baptism (I was late due to work so I was waiting in my car outside my cousin's home) at 11:00 am in the morning, I was surrounded by 3 police officers because there had been reports of a "suspicious person" hanging out outside of a house for 2 hours in the neighborhood. Apparently, there had been a number of break-ins in the neighborhood, TVS, and what not stolen out of houses in broad daylight over the last few months.

Were all 3 cops white? Yes.

Am I white? No.

Am I black? No.

I spent 40 minutes being harassed by the police, lectured by the police, being threatened with arrest on trumped up, ******** charges by the police, and forced to sit there as the police proceeded to disrespect my mother, grandmother, cousins and rest of my family as they arrived, all because I posed the question "Is this because I'm Asian?" after handing over my driver's license and registration.

Here's the kicker. My entire family is white. I'm adopted. Even after my family confirmed my identity, that didn't stop Sergeant Johnny Law (Yes, he was a Commanding officer with two of his deputies) from giving me a lecture (I'm a 27 year old grown man, I don't need a lecture about life from the police) about how I need to stop "playing the race card" and get the "hatred out my heart and chip off my shoulder".

Moral of that story? I didn't immediately go inside and punch all my white family members nor did I accuse them of all being racist. The system is flawed, but that's not the "white" system. That's the system of not just condemning and damning anyone the minute they are accused of something.

I'm not better than anyone on this board. Nor am I pretending to be some "holier than thou" pariah. I just know that the world can't be filled with as many naive and ignorant idiots as the media wants us to believe.

And ironically enough, my aunt's house down the street from my cousin's home was broken into about a month ago. Same cops showed up to investigate. Weren't rude to my family, nothing. And while I think the police officer who detained me had a chip on his shoulder that day, he was doing his job.

Let go of the hate people. There are more good people out there than bad. Not everything is about black and white.
As part of the under 30 crowd on here and in this country, we need to put the racial predispositions away.

This case is a casualty of the generation before us. Both Zimmerman and Trayvon were raised by "our" parents. You can think what you want, you're entitled to your opinion in this GREAT country we live in. (Not going to argue the beauty of America with anyone, you're free to leave and move somewhere else if you really dislike America. Try Egypt, heard there's fun stuff to do there right now.)

Fact is, if you're going to assume Zimmerman is a racist, at least acknowledge the fact that Trayvon is ESTABLISHED to have racial undertones when he saw Zimmerman (creepy "cracka").

Personally, I don't believe George Zimmerman to be a racist. There's no evidence, no CONCRETE evidence, that points to such an accusation.

Is he an idiot? Absolutely.

Did he take his job too far on March 12? Yes. As a matter of fact, from my knowledge of the evidence and facts in this case, I can think of about 3 different ways he could have handled that situation much better and that's just right now. I'm SURE there are 10000 different ways he could have handled it.

But the race wars and race baiting has got to stop. I've seen people say "WE have got to do BETTER" a lot on here, FB, twitter, etc... but that applies to all of us. In an instant last night, our country divided. And that's ridiculous. It's ridiculous to think that every black person is whatever society attributes to "being black", just like it's stupid to assume that about any other background or ethnicity.

I was involved in an incident extremely similar to Trayvon Martin's not 2 months ago in Gulfport, Mississippi. Waiting for my entire family to return from my Godson's baptism (I was late due to work so I was waiting in my car outside my cousin's home) at 11:00 am in the morning, I was surrounded by 3 police officers because there had been reports of a "suspicious person" hanging out outside of a house for 2 hours in the neighborhood. Apparently, there had been a number of break-ins in the neighborhood, TVS, and what not stolen out of houses in broad daylight over the last few months.

Were all 3 cops white? Yes.

Am I white? No.

Am I black? No.

I spent 40 minutes being harassed by the police, lectured by the police, being threatened with arrest on trumped up, ******** charges by the police, and forced to sit there as the police proceeded to disrespect my mother, grandmother, cousins and rest of my family as they arrived, all because I posed the question "Is this because I'm Asian?" after handing over my driver's license and registration.

Here's the kicker. My entire family is white. I'm adopted. Even after my family confirmed my identity, that didn't stop Sergeant Johnny Law (Yes, he was a Commanding officer with two of his deputies) from giving me a lecture (I'm a 27 year old grown man, I don't need a lecture about life from the police) about how I need to stop "playing the race card" and get the "hatred out my heart and chip off my shoulder".

Moral of that story? I didn't immediately go inside and punch all my white family members nor did I accuse them of all being racist. The system is flawed, but that's not the "white" system. That's the system of not just condemning and damning anyone the minute they are accused of something.

I'm not better than anyone on this board. Nor am I pretending to be some "holier than thou" pariah. I just know that the world can't be filled with as many naive and ignorant idiots as the media wants us to believe.

And ironically enough, my aunt's house down the street from my cousin's home was broken into about a month ago. Same cops showed up to investigate. Weren't rude to my family, nothing. And while I think the police officer who detained me had a chip on his shoulder that day, he was doing his job.

Let go of the hate people. There are more good people out there than bad. Not everything is about black and white.

Your story is nice and all but Zim does not have to be a flat out racist for finding Trayvon suspicious. Did he not say to the operator that he's tired of these young punks getting away? I believe he profiled TM as a young troublemaker worthy of being followed
As part of the under 30 crowd on here and in this country, we need to put the racial predispositions away.

This case is a casualty of the generation before us. Both Zimmerman and Trayvon were raised by "our" parents.

Personally, I don't believe George Zimmerman to be a racist. There's no evidence, no CONCRETE evidence, that points to such an accusation.

Zimmerman's parents and Martin's parents aren't from the same generation, IMO

Calling the police every time you see a young black male in your neighborhood is racist, again IMO
Your story is nice and all but Zim does not have to be a flat out racist for finding Trayvon suspicious. Did he not say to the operator that he's tired of these young punks getting away? I believe he profiled TM as a young troublemaker worthy of being followed

He was profiled based off of wearing a hoody in the rain or being black? What is your honest opinion on that?
Your story is nice and all but Zim does not have to be a flat out racist for finding Trayvon suspicious. Did he not say to the operator that he's tired of these young punks getting away? I believe he profiled TM as a young troublemaker worthy of being followed


He definitely profiled Trayvon Martin. We just can't PROVE race was a factor. This comes down to PROOF.

Zimmerman's parents and Martin's parents aren't from the same generation, IMO

Calling the police every time you see a young black male in your neighborhood is racist, again IMO

Please provide proof that George Zimmerman called the police everytime he saw a young, black male.
He was profiled based off of wearing a hoody in the rain or being black? What is your honest opinion on that?

Hoody and not recognizing the kid. In my honest opinion, I think Zimmerman being racist is a construct of the media. So many outlets were focused more on the fact that Trayvon was black, rather than the fact that he was DEAD.
Your story is nice and all but Zim does not have to be a flat out racist for finding Trayvon suspicious. Did he not say to the operator that he's tired of these young punks getting away? I believe he profiled TM as a young troublemaker worthy of being followed

He was profiled based off of wearing a hoody in the rain or being black? What is your honest opinion on that?

I think it was a combination of both and be realistic, what if it was a white girl in a hoody?
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How did Zimmerman hide behind a faulty legal system? He acted...was tried and the outcome was what it was. No hiding there imo. From what ive read of this case both parties seemed at fault to a degree. Why does race play such a prominent role in this case? Why does everyone assume Zimmerman acted this way because it was a young black male and not just a suspicious person? Nobody knows the answer to that last question but Zimmerman. We can assume all we want but it wont change the facts.
did you listen to his 911 call (the unedited one)?  he couldn't pinpoint just ONE thing Trayvon was doing that was, 'suspcious,' - other than being a black kid in a hoodie.  THAT'S ALL HE DID.  if the call had said, 'yea hi, there's this kid here and it looks like he's got a crowbar or something and he's touching and looking in all these cars/houses/mailboxes....,' or something like that I totally get it.  that wasn't what happened, that wasn't what was going on.  he was straight.  up.  profiled.  
Please provide proof that George Zimmerman called the police everytime he saw a young, black male.

My apologies not every single time, I exaggerated. Did you watch the trial? They played plenty of 911 tapes of Zimmerman calling the cops and every single description was "Hi, I see a young kid who looks to be black in my neighborhood". Don't remember a 911 call with a description "he looks to be a caucasian or hispanic"
if someone could answer this question for me

when did GZ have time to take the safety of his gun and cock it back to load the bullet into the chamber?
now assuming he just had it on him, when did he knowingly take the time out to do this if TM was attacking him?
also assuming the he never had the safety on, again when would he have time to pull his gun out, cock it, and then shoot TM?
I am not a big gun person but I am assuming about 4 seconds max to load the bullet in the chamber without someone attacking you?
No saftey on glocks. The safety is built into the trigger. Glocks stay with 1 in the chamber
I cant belive you all are still arguing over this. Its done with. Everybody is going to forgot about GZ soon and his saftey will be fine. Aint nobody going to do nothing. You got gangstas and other people killing over $5,girls,small arguments, but in a case like this they are hiding out.

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My apologies not every single time, I exaggerated. Did you watch the trial? They played plenty of 911 tapes of Zimmerman calling the cops and every single description was "Hi, I see a young kid who looks to be black in my neighborhood". Don't remember a 911 call with a description "he looks to be a caucasian or hispanic"

Yes, I watched.

That's our legal system. Zimmerman was on trial so the state was allowed to attempt to build a case that showed he had predispositions toward young black youth, which would help create their argument of ill will or spite. And in that respect, I agree with the system's allowing those phone calls be played.

But since everyone's screaming about our flawed system, let me throw this monkey wrench in there. The defense was not allowed to introduce evidence that may have shown the jury Trayvon Martin in another light, a light that doesn't depict him as the "innocent 17 year old child" who was gunned down by a racist assailant. (I also disagree with a 6'1 17 year old person being referred to as a child, constantly, as well as pictures of him clearing not depicting his age at the time of the incident, as insulting to my intelligence). Rightfully so, because Trayvon Martin is not who was on trial. Zimmerman was.

They weren't allowed to see his text messages discussing purchasing a firearm for $80.

They weren't allowed to go in depth on why he was living with his father.

Are these things relevant? Yes, in the grand scheme of things, I believe if you're going to look into the background of the head side of the coin, you should look equally as deep on the tail side of the coin. But that's not how our legal system works and we take the good with the bad. IT COULD BE MUCH WORSE.

In terms of a COURT CASE, I believe the defense should have won. That has nothing to do with Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman. The only thing the state did well was their closing arguments.
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