R.I.P Trayvon

The fact that people are using the case to defend Zimmerman's actions sickens me. Lets be honest, all this case does is show how racism is still concealed in this country . Even people who feel Zimmerman should have been acquitted (although I disagree) is totally reasonable and justifiable. I still can't comprehend how someone can equate the legality of his actions to being moral as well. But hey, just my opinion. 
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what does this even mean...

I assume that people who are educated do it for their own good, no?
I guess you did understand my point - just wanted to discard it by your response ..

you are the same person getting at someone because of their education - but yet are being over back words at the backlash Jeantel received ..

come on kid .... who is acting like a child here? really!
What exactly did you 'discard'?

I thought you brought up education?

I just asked how old you were?
The fact that people are using the case to defend Zimmerman's actions. Which lets be honest-shows their true feelings. Even people who feel Zimmerman should have been acquitted- which is totally reasonable and justifiable. I can't comprehend how someone can equate the legality of his actions to being moral as well. But hey, just my opinion. 

saying that Zimmerman in any way shape or form acted in a reasonable manner is pretty much asinine.

**I guess the defense did a great job**
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No doubt there was some from if influence in that jury.People can say up and down the prosecution didnt prove their case but they did. Everything they didnt say during the trial they said during the closing arguments. When GZ said it was God plan on hannity I thought he sealed his fate with these ladies.It shows no remorse, and I'd you didn't intend for this to happen why don't you have remorse. And the prosecution mention that at least three times. Juror 37 said that GZ had learned a lesson but with those words he proved he would most likely be ok with following and teen like that again.

Those women decided to not look at evidence, and not question GZ on his inconsistencies. They convinced themselves that the story GZ was telling and the way he was telling it was solid.

saying that Zimmerman in any way shape or form acted in a reasonable manner is pretty much asinine.

**I guess the defense did a great job**

Actually the defense did a great job defaming a dead teenager.
They played on the perpetual fears white women have of black men.
During closing arguments O'mara showed the jury a picture of Trayvon with his shirt off and sealed the deal.
All the things they learned as children about how savage and worthless black men are was replaying in those jurors heads.
Case closed at that point.
There's no way anyone was going to convince THAT jury, a black beast like Trayvon didn't attack and try to kill someone.
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Actually the defense did a great job defaming a dead teenager.
They played on the perpetual fears white women have of black men.
During closing arguments O'mara showed the jury a picture of Trayvon with his shirt off and sealed the deal.
All the things they learned as children about how savage and worthless black men are was replaying in those jurors heads.
Case closed at that point.
There's no way anyone was going to convince THAT jury, a black beast like Trayvon didn't attack and try to kill someone.
F O H with that statement. It's stupid comments like this that I can't stand. The majority of white folks are NOT RACIST. Keep playing the victim. Yeah I'm mad. 
He didn't say all white people were though. 

Can you honestly sit here and say that after watching the interview with the juror, she wasn't prejudice? 

I'm mad too. Mad that every time someone highlights an overtly racist outlook - which she displayed on Anderson Cooper's program the other night. That very same person has to defend against "reverse racism". Sit down.
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saying that Zimmerman in any way shape or form acted in a reasonable manner is pretty much asinine.

**I guess the defense did a great job**
Actually the defense did a great job defaming a dead teenager.
They played on the perpetual fears white women have of black men.
During closing arguments O'mara showed the jury a picture of Trayvon with his shirt off and sealed the deal.
All the things they learned as children about how savage and worthless black men are was replaying in those jurors heads.
Case closed at that point.
There's no way anyone was going to convince THAT jury, a black beast like Trayvon didn't attack and try to kill someone.
so much truth in this statement man, and it's sad....that's the impression I got from listening to that lady talk. I got the strong sense that she is just a paranoid lady who sadly puts too much stock in negative stereotypes about young black kids.

"george's heart was in the right place...he learned his lesson"  How do you learn a lesson from murdering someone???
^ I didn't watch that interview, but from everything I've read in here would no doubt suggest she was prejudice. But the way I read that portion of his statement suggests  that white women are taught from an early age that black men are bad, which is just not true.
^ I didn't watch that interview, but from everything I've read in here would no doubt suggest she was prejudice. But the way I read that portion of his statement suggests  that white women are taught from an early age that black men are bad, which is just not true.
keep it funky, how many white dads out there are letting their daughters date black men?
He didn't say all white people were though. 

Can you honestly sit here and say that after watching the interview with the juror, she wasn't prejudice? 

I'm mad too. Mad that every time someone highlights an overtly racist outlook - which she displayed on Anderson Cooper's program the other night. That very same person has to defend against "reverse racism". Sit down.
Nah player. Not going to sit down. He made a BS statement that white women are taught black men are "worthless" and for the vast majority of white women, that's just not true. B'leed'at.
^ I didn't watch that interview, but from everything I've read in here would no doubt suggest she was prejudice. But the way I read that portion of his statement suggests  that white women are taught from an early age that black men are bad, which is just not true.
perhaps racism is too strong a word, and I doubt that they are taught to fear black people.

But you see this a lot in middle aged to older white women, especially ones who have been stay at home moms and the only interraction that they have with black people is tv, news, and sporadic encounters. That doesn't make them bad people...just out of touch a little bit.
While you may have a point with his statement. Lets not lose sight of the big picture of what he is saying. That the defenses goal was to tap into negative associations with blacks. In this case Trayvon's image. There was an article that correlated the juror to a current contestant on big brother. They just seem to be out of touch with the real world.
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He didn't say all white people were though. 

Can you honestly sit here and say that after watching the interview with the juror, she wasn't prejudice? 

I'm mad too. Mad that every time someone highlights an overtly racist outlook - which she displayed on Anderson Cooper's program the other night. That very same person has to defend against "reverse racism". Sit down.
Nah player. Not going to sit down. He made a BS statement that white women are taught black men are "worthless" and for the vast majority of white women, that's just not true. B'leed'at.
have you been to the pof thread?
Nah player. Not going to sit down. He made a BS statement that white women are taught black men are "worthless" and for the vast majority of white women, that's just not true. B'leed'at.
Brah - Even Barkley gets call a sell-out because he share the same opinion!

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perhaps racism is too strong a word, and I doubt that they are taught to fear black people.

But you see this a lot in middle aged to older white women, especially ones who have been stay at home moms and the only interraction that they have with black people is tv, news, and sporadic encounters. That doesn't make them bad people...just out of touch a little bit.
This I would def agree with, but I'd add that they are WAY out of touch. 

In the popular imagination and in conventional discourse — especially in the context of highly charged news events such as the shooting of Trayvon Martin — prejudice is all about hatred and animosity.

Scientists agree there's little doubt that hate-filled racism is real, but a growing body of social science research suggests that racial disparities and other biased outcomes in the criminal justice system, in medicine and in professional settings can be explained by unconscious attitudes and stereotypes.
I will keep it funky. A lot. It aint like the old days homie. 
thats the problem, we are still in the old days, trying to make it seem as if we have "overcome" is part of the problem.  i keep saying the only way to have to meaningful discussion is to be up front.  we can't sit and deny that just because racism today isn't whips and chains and jim crow laws that it is not just as pervasive and dangerous as back then. 

would you say the majority of white fathers approve of black men for their daughters, or minority?

and i wouldnt say that they are all taught to fear black men, but for those that are taught by racists, they are taught to keep their distance.
a growing body of social science research suggests that racial disparities and other biased outcomes in the criminal justice system, in medicine and in professional settings can be explained by unconscious attitudes and stereotypes.
which is another way of saying they are racist and dont even realize it.
thats the problem, we are still in the old days, trying to make it seem as if we have "overcome" is part of the problem.  i keep saying the only way to have to meaningful discussion is to be up front.  we can't sit and deny that just because racism today isn't whips and chains and jim crow laws that it is not just as pervasive and dangerous as back then. 

would you say the majority of white fathers approve of black men for their daughters, or minority?

and i wouldnt say that they are all taught to fear black men, but for those that are taught by racists, they are taught to keep their distance.
1. Racism absolutely still exists, nowhere near to the extent it used to. 

2. I would say majority would approve. Majority of fathers want their daughters to date men with good character, regardless of race or ethnicity.
I don't get it. Feel free to elaborate. For every white broad that says that, there's another sista that says she don't F with white dudes, or latin chick that says she don't F with white dude. Which - I have no problems with. I look at it as their preference.
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