Racism towards Obama and African American People

Oct 1, 2008
This have go to be the most ignorant person on youtube. The dude clearly don't know what's he's talking about.
First off, what does race have to do with running the country?
Second, Obama is not Muslim nor he is a terrorist, he's a christian born in Hawaii.
Third, the racism towards African American people, that's just ignorant at it's best yo.

I mean if you don't like Obama, then fine don't vote for him, but don't call him name and being mean towards African American people.

[font=Verdana, Arial]http://tinylink.com/?K2T4xdAPvbhttp://tinylink.com/?K2T4xdAPvbhttp://tinylink.com/?K2T4xdAPvb[/font]
That dude is clearly ignorant. Racism is ignorance. Misconception of anotherperson without knowing who they are, is ignorant. I swear, I wanted to smack the s*** out of my computer. Dude wouldn't step into a crowd full of black orhispanic people with that s***. Good thing he feels safe behind that camera. I'm tellin' y'all NT, if I knew dude, I would f*** him up fory'all. You can't pay attention to these kinds of people. Dude wuz just lookin' to offend somebody. And Barack is Muslim btw. I mean, if he says ithimself, it's true. There's no way to argue about that one. It doesn't matter where you were born OP. If you choose to practice the Muslim faith,that's that. There's no other way around it.
Just ignore it... it's gonna exist as long as you pay attention to it. Look the other way from now own.
You know whats really stupid? He's half white! That alone shows you the state of mind of some people lol.
ok i agree but what about racism towar others races such as whites hispanics and even asians and so on? and how come its only a big deal if it happens to blackpeople?
^ ARE you Slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !?!

Racism is Bad ! Doesnt need to be only towards African Americans !
People need to get over it sooner than later. Because Obama is going to be the next President. McCain seems to be slipping behind more each day.
Racsim was here before the election and will be here well after Obama wins.
Hopefully Obama's presidential term will do enormous good for the country and the worlds nations, while educating the ignorant people that choose to hateinstead of
gain understanding.
it happens everyday. if you claim it dont happen then your probly one of the ******s doing it
it happens everyday. if you claim it dont happen then your probly one of the ******s doing it
I don't care if he's a hermaphradite...if his platform was to not raise my taxes, I'd vote for him/her.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by mikykr20

ok i agree but what about racism towar others races such as whites hispanics and even asians and so on? and how come its only a big deal if it happens to black people?

Please provide examples of such rampant racism against "whites", Hispanics and Asians.....

You have to be kidding my dude .. Don't come in here talking about you never seen hispanics, asians and or whites getting descriminated andgetting talk down too .. GTFOHWTS - This happen all the time period ...

Originally Posted by Bree Olsen

Its One nation under God


One nation under Allah

Hopefully Obama's presidential term will do enormous good for the country and the worlds nations, while educating the ignorant people that choose to hate instead of
gain understanding.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

since when did religion become so prevalent in politics?

no, seriously....

i hate how religion is a big deal in politics when it clearly says its not suppose to be. I wouldn't care if Obama was a Muslim or a Buddhist, I'dstill vote for him.
Originally Posted by mikykr20

ok i agree but what about racism towar others races such as whites hispanics and even asians and so on? and how come its only a big deal if it happens to black people?

This thread ain't even about the rest of your post.

Originally Posted by SGS MM

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by mikykr20

ok i agree but what about racism towar others races such as whites hispanics and even asians and so on? and how come its only a big deal if it happens to black people?

Please provide examples of such rampant racism against "whites", Hispanics and Asians.....

You have to be kidding my dude .. Don't come in here talking about you never seen hispanics, asians and or whites getting descriminated and getting talk down too .. GTFOHWTS - This happen all the time period ...

you serious?
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