Racism towards Obama and African American People

eNPHAN wrote:
did i deny it happening?

Where did i say "I never seen..."?

you need to learn how to read, bruh.

I asked for examples of RAMPANT racism against "whites", Hispanics and Asians....

maybe it doesn't seem like "such a big deal" because its not as widespread and systematic when it comes to other races/cultures of people....

"Please provide examples of such rampant racism against "whites", Hispanics and Asians.....

Just by that statement, it's clear to me that it had a double meaning. I might not be the brightess person in the world, but you made it seem like it'sunheard of .. so once again it happens and it's more widespread and systematic than what you clearly say it's not .. maybe you need to change your skincolor to brown or yellow and you will learn how to spot the obvious ...
MrPolow23 wrote:
Let me Fix that For you . . . .

McCain is gonna lose..I can't wait for Sarah PalinMANIA to be over

Amen to that
Originally Posted by SGS MM

Just by that statement, it's clear to me that it had a double meaning. I might not be the brightess person in the world, but you made it seem like it's unheard of .. so once again it happens and it's more widespread and systematic than what you clearly say it's not .. maybe you need to change your skin color to brown or yellow and you will learn how to spot the obvious ...
Out of curiosity,what race are you?
i dont get why people are saying religion shouldnt affect politics ... if you belong to a religious sect that enjoys sacrficing humans and murdering childrenid like to know ... to say religion shouldnt have any part in politics is nonsense because a persons values should be reflected in their decisions ... if mypresidents decisions are influenced by a religion i dont agree with then i dont want that ...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

There is racism towards EVERY minority group of people in this country, not just black people.

But it's ridiculous to argue that it is as widespread and/or systematically organized as it is toward "black people"......

Once again you are smoking my dude .. LMAO

I'm going to drop this because it's obvious you have no damn clue ...
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by SGS MM

Just by that statement, it's clear to me that it had a double meaning. I might not be the brightess person in the world, but you made it seem like it's unheard of .. so once again it happens and it's more widespread and systematic than what you clearly say it's not .. maybe you need to change your skin color to brown or yellow and you will learn how to spot the obvious ...
Out of curiosity,what race are you?

I'm hispanic if that really matters ...

The fact of the point here is that everyone is exposed to racism, however when it's towards black .. OMG the world it's about to end, however when itstoward a dumb poor mexican it's whatever or to a slanted eye shrimp fried rice cookin chino is well whatever or when it's to the obese McD eatingtrailor trash white, the deserve it .. come on .. give me a break
Like someone said earlier, all the closet racists are coming out because there's a good chance Obama can become the next president. And yall are right itdoesn't only happen to black people but in terms of this election and racial incidents when do you ever see any news of anyone shouting to kill McCain orPalin at one of Obama's rallys or making false claims about thier religions?

You and I both know its 98% geared towards Obama. And what does his religion have to do with anything regarding running the country? It just baffles the helloutta me to see ignorant McCain supporters saying the blacks are going to take over, and he's a terrorist, and he's a Muslim. There is no truth to anyof these claims so why keep complaining about it. I'd rather hear someone just say I'm not voting for Obama because I am a Republican or I don'tagree with his policies, but to play the role of the Oracle and assume that he's going to do everything wrong for this country and call for his death isjust ignorant.

Obama will truly be a hero in my eyes if he can win and make it past all of these obstacles that no other president in history can even compare to. Can'tno one in here name one major hurdle that McCain has had to overcome during his campaign. (Other than Palin's shortcomings)
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I don't care if he's a hermaphradite...if his platform was to not raise my taxes, I'd vote for him/her.

ruined my cheerios with the mental pic of a hermie...thanks HovKid
To SGS you're arguing with enphan over nothing. He never said that there wasn't racism against all groups and that's not what the topic of thisthread is about. If you really think there's the same level of racism against blacks as there is with other groups then you're the one who'ssmoking my friend. This is coming from someone who's half hispanic if that matters. Point blank when was an asian, hispanic, or WHITE person ever hung froma tree, or tied to the back of a truck and dragged to death simply for being who they were. Never. So don't come in here and make it seem like other peopleget the same hate as blacks.
first enphan, you need to just breathe for a second ... you seem to be getting real worked up over reponses in here lol ...

obviously i made up the religious sect in my example to try and shed light on the fact that we shouldnt turn a blind eye to what religion our presidentpractices ... if there were such a thing as that and he was a part of it why shouldnt we know? why shouldnt that influence our vote?

i didnt say my elected official should be the same religion as me but if he belongs to a religion that is extremely different than mine i would like to knowwhat that religion consists of ...

and since you are a historian, tell me exactly why the United States was founded? LOLOLOL you starting to sound really ignorant right now ...

why cant they have morals? huh? what person doesnt have morals? the point is we are talking about religion and no damn candidate has ever come up and said ibelieve in morals lol ... we are talking about religion because almost all people have a religion in the united states ...
^ Yeah everybody in the United States has a religion but it should never matter in politics. You can still have morals with out religion.
Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

Originally Posted by HOVKid

I don't care if he's a hermaphradite...if his platform was to not raise my taxes, I'd vote for him/her.

ruined my cheerios with the mental pic of a hermie...thanks HovKid
Strangely enough, it actually made my Trix taste just a little bit better.

Thanks, HovKid!
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Like someone said earlier, all the closet racists are coming out because there's a good chance Obama can become the next president. And yall are right it doesn't only happen to black people but in terms of this election and racial incidents when do you ever see any news of anyone shouting to kill McCain or Palin at one of Obama's rallys or making false claims about thier religions?

You and I both know its 98% geared towards Obama. And what does his religion have to do with anything regarding running the country? It just baffles the hell outta me to see ignorant McCain supporters saying the blacks are going to take over, and he's a terrorist, and he's a Muslim. There is no truth to any of these claims so why keep complaining about it. I'd rather hear someone just say I'm not voting for Obama because I am a Republican or I don't agree with his policies, but to play the role of the Oracle and assume that he's going to do everything wrong for this country and call for his death is just ignorant.

Obama will truly be a hero in my eyes if he can win and make it past all of these obstacles that no other president in history can even compare to. Can't no one in here name one major hurdle that McCain has had to overcome during his campaign. (Other than Palin's shortcomings)

Originally Posted by Ritch1088

^ Yeah everybody in the United States has a religion but it should never matter in politics. You can still have morals with out religion.

no doubt ... but the point im making is, completely ignoring a candidates religion is just stupid ... you should at least know ... a lot of people in hereprobably dont strictly follow a religion or dont believe in religion at all ... thats fine, but some people do believe in religion and it heavily influencestheir decision making ... i think its wise to at the very least know what religion a candidate is ...

edit ... enphan ... do you read what people type? who brought up christianity? you seem to be confusing belonging to a religion with radical religious beliefsand practices ... the only thing i suggested was the american people should know if the person they are voting for applies religion to their beliefs, whichwill in turn affect their decision making ... not saying its right or wrong if you believe or dont, but it IS information that shouldnt be overlooked ...

who the hell said they werent gonna vote for the most qualified individual? yeah if the most qualified individual belongs to an extremists terrorist group iwont vote for him ... but the sheer likelihood of that person even being in the position to be voted for is unrealistic ...

ane never did i say i give people extra consideration ... in fact, none of what you typed has anything to do with what i said ... you are just making up thingsto argue that werent even brought up

oh, i was suggesting that the country was founded on religious freedom....you know, the Catholics prosecuted the protestants....who fled...to a "new land"? doesn't ring a bell?
now i know what im dealing with ...

and since your "go to" condescending comment keeps getting repeated ... Im 22 and will be graduating from the university of maryland shortly ... inthe opinion of a college educated young adult, your responses are founded in complete and utter nonsense ... good day
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by Ritch1088

^ Yeah everybody in the United States has a religion but it should never matter in politics. You can still have morals with out religion.

no doubt ... but the point im making is, completely ignoring a candidates religion is just stupid ... you should at least know ... a lot of people in here probably dont strictly follow a religion or dont believe in religion at all ... thats fine, but some people do believe in religion and it heavily influences their decision making ... i think its wise to at the very least know what religion a candidate is ...

edit ... enphan ... do you read what people type? who brought up christianity? you seem to be confusing belonging to a religion with radical religious beliefs and practices ... the only thing i suggested was the american people should know if the person they are voting for applies religion to their beliefs, which will in turn affect their decision making ... not saying its right or wrong if you believe or dont, but it IS information that shouldnt be overlooked ...

who the hell said they werent gonna vote for the most qualified individual? yeah if the most qualified individual belongs to an extremists terrorist group i wont vote for him ... but the sheer likelihood of that person even being in the position to be voted for is unrealistic ...

ane never did i say i give people extra consideration ... in fact, none of what you typed has anything to do with what i said ... you are just making up things to argue that werent even brought up

oh, i was suggesting that the country was founded on religious freedom....you know, the Catholics prosecuted the protestants....who fled...to a "new land"? doesn't ring a bell?
now i know what im dealing with ...

and since your "go to" condescending comment keeps getting repeated ... Im 22 and will be graduatinf from the university of maryland shortly ... in the opinion of a college educated young adult, your responses are founded in complete and utter nonsense ... good day

Sure everybody should know what religion the candidate is but my whole point is religious morals should not be mixed with politics. I knowreligion plays a role in politics, I just think its wrong.
im still waiting for you to show me where i said im only voting for a candidate with the same religion i have
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Like someone said earlier, all the closet racists are coming out because there's a good chance Obama can become the next president. And yall are right it doesn't only happen to black people but in terms of this election and racial incidents when do you ever see any news of anyone shouting to kill McCain or Palin at one of Obama's rallys or making false claims about thier religions?

You and I both know its 98% geared towards Obama. And what does his religion have to do with anything regarding running the country? It just baffles the hell outta me to see ignorant McCain supporters saying the blacks are going to take over, and he's a terrorist, and he's a Muslim. There is no truth to any of these claims so why keep complaining about it. I'd rather hear someone just say I'm not voting for Obama because I am a Republican or I don't agree with his policies, but to play the role of the Oracle and assume that he's going to do everything wrong for this country and call for his death is just ignorant.

Obama will truly be a hero in my eyes if he can win and make it past all of these obstacles that no other president in history can even compare to. Can't no one in here name one major hurdle that McCain has had to overcome during his campaign. (Other than Palin's shortcomings)

Originally Posted by Ritch1088

Sure everybody should know what religion the candidate is but my whole point is religious morals should not be mixed with politics. I know religion plays a role in politics, I just think its wrong.
o no doubt, but the sad fact is it does seem to mix ... look at the issue of abortion as evidence
you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeach so far its laughable ... im not even gonna continue debating with you cuz you remind me of an affiliate for faux news orbspn with your carefully constructed context lol ... plus, you know because your bachelors of arts degree in english puts you head and shoulders above myalready degree requirement completed economics and already degree requirement completed double in psych, it wouldnt even be much of a debate ... eh ...

my final thought ... open your eyes, relax a bit and stop thinking you are superiorly intelligent to everyone ... you will be better off
Why are people arguing over which minority gets discriminated against more?

That's not what is important. What IS important is that all minorities are discriminated against, and all at different levels at different times.

This country will turn it's back on you the second it is fed enough propaganda to believe it's right.

As for Obama being a Muslim:

Me being a Muslim, I believe his father may have wanted him to be raised Muslim, but his mother was Christian.

Now we all know that these types of things a mother teaches a child. She has the most influence in this aspect, and she was Christian.

Other than that, we know the guy went to church, we scrutinize his relationship with his church every damn day! You can't have it both ways, a Muslim anda radical Christian

When I look at it, it's sad for me to see how Obama had to reject his (possible) Muslim upbringing to get a leg-up in politics. How he automaticallybecomes the devil if he is Muslim.

As if it took the entire world 1400 years to figure out that Islam is a religion of hate.
Grow up people.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

just stop.

i'm going to respond with your idiocy with ONE response...


Name the last Hispanic hate crime that resulted in a death......

and post the story in the thread....
No my dude I will leave you with this .. because you aint worth my time
No time for this ... You want to say black get discriminated the most .. OK .. So beat it ..
Some stats might show this is the case .. so beat it .. however I believe and I say I believe so I can be lazy and state my opinion.
Hispanics get hated on as much as Blacks in the US. Hispanic hate crimes are on the rise and it's a proven fact. However, some of the stats might now showhow much we hispanic get hated on becuase the fact of the matter is most of this hispanic are illegal aliens and even though something bad has happen to them,the fear of deportation keeps them from reporting such hate crimes. You go back to your books and facts finding, but I know what's really happening on thestreets ...

The sad part is that although is happening they treat them like garbage and inhuman ...

So keep saying that it's not happening as much as blacks but I will stand here and say it is .. thanks
Name the last Hispanic hate crime that resulted in a death......
They happen all the time...................................


Luis Ramirez came to the U.S. from Mexico six years ago to look for work, landing in this town in Pennsylvania's coal region. Here, he found steady employment, fathered two children and, his fiancee said, occasionally endured harassment by white residents.

Now he is headed back to Mexico in a coffin.

The 25-year-old illegal immigrant was beaten over the weekend after an argument with a group of youths, including at least some players on the town's beloved high school football team, police said. Despite witness reports that the attackers yelled ethnic slurs, authorities say the beating wasn't racially motivated.

. . .

Crystal Dillman, the victim's 24-year-old fiancee, who is white and grew up here, said Ramirez was often called derogatory names, including "dirty Mexican," and told to return to his homeland.

"People in this town are very racist toward Hispanic people. They think right away if you're Mexican, you're illegal, and you're no good," said Dillman, who has two young children by Ramirez and a 3-year-old who thought of him as her father.

On Dillman's fireplace mantel hangs a medallion of Jesus that Ramirez was wearing the night he was beaten. Ramirez had an imprint of the medallion on his chest, marking where an assailant stomped on him, she said.

Police Chief Matthew Nestor acknowledged there have been problems as the community - the birthplace of big band musicians Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey and home of Mrs. T's Pierogies - has tried to adjust to an influx of Hispanics, who now comprise as much as 10 percent of the population.

Teenagers have sprayed racially tinged graffiti and yelled racial slurs at the newcomers, he said.

"Things are definitely not the way they used to be even 10 years ago. Things have changed here radically," Nestor said. "Some people could adapt to the changes and some just have a difficult time doing it. ... Yeah, there is tension at times. You can't deny that."

Retired Philadelphia police Officer Eileen Burke, who lives on the street where the fight occurred, told The Associated Press she heard a youth scream at one of Ramirez's friends after the beating to tell her Mexican friends to get out of Shenandoah, "or you're going to be laying next to him."
. . .

Arielle Garcia and her husband, who were with Ramirez when he was beaten late Saturday, said they had dropped their friend off at a park but returned when he called to say he had gotten into a fight.

She saw someone kick Ramirez in the head, she said, and "that's when he started shaking and foaming out of the mouth."

The Garcias said they heard the youths call Ramirez "stupid Mexican" and an ethnic slur.
Saldy blacks get discriminated the most and Latinos are close behind. Asians don't get discriminated nearly as much.
No my dude I will leave you with this .. because you aint worth my time
No time for this ... You want to say black get discriminated the most .. OK .. So beat it ..
Some stats might show this is the case .. so beat it .. however I believe and I say I believe so I can be lazy and state my opinion.
Hispanics get hated on as much as Blacks in the US. Hispanic hate crimes are on the rise and it's a proven fact. However, some of the stats might now show how much we hispanic get hated on becuase the fact of the matter is most of this hispanic are illegal aliens and even though something bad has happen to them, the fear of deportation keeps them from reporting such hate crimes. You go back to your books and facts finding, but I know what's really happening on the streets ...

Hispanics get discriminated on alot in the United States period. So do Asians. So who ever said thry don't is crazy!
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