Raekwon Claims Jay-Z & Kanye Have Lost Touch With the Streets

Regardless of Rae's bitterness or not, is he lying????? Truth can come from any angle. Sorry to all of Jay's pom pom girls, but it's true. Dudeswas not diggin Wu when they I SHtted on BIG for going that POP route. The same can hold true here. It's the truth, just not popular.
Just like Rae fell off & is a shell of his former self lyrically. So is Jay being removed from the common Hip Hop fan (even though it's cool to thinkof your self as a future CEO as well as a future emcee just like your big brother Jay).
Hip Hop is full of knee jerk reactions. Think about it........ Rae is bitter & at the same time telling the truth. Both can exist simultaneously.
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

What the hell does he expect? Black peoples morals are all screwed up and that's the truth. Jay-Z and Kanye probably do more FOR the streets than Rae does IN the streets..Clown

He says, "A lot of street people don't put stock in them anymore because they aren't doing enough to excite anyone. (They should) Come back to the hood and drop $100,000."



Why give a man a fish when you can help provide jobs for thousands?

actually.....da net's comin to brooklyn will destroy da black neighborhoods there and gentryfying anything and everyone.
So what if its true?

True street cats tune out if you mention anything outside of guns, drugs, hos, car or clothes. Should Jay and Ye aspire to stay in that box?

If this is the truth....more cats need to start losing touch with "the streets". Maybe we'll hear some better music.

Should BIG have canned Hypnotize, One More Chance and Big Poppa?

Dudes are really pathetic nowadays....the cats who keep bloggin about "street****" are on NT 23 Hrs a day or in the studio 6 days out the week. Whenare all of these rappers and fans finding time to move all of these birds and drop all of these bodies? In between stops on the Scream tour or after intenseBHS sessions?

Its getting to be despicable. Im all for hardcore Hip-Hop but not the senseless glorifcation of black criminality that lames seem to be craving for.

Hip-Hop needs "Excuse me Miss" as much as "Where I'm From". Ler cats breathe and expand their horizons a little.
ChampionHood wrote:

actually.....da net's comin to brooklyn will destroy da black neighborhoods there and gentryfying anything and everyone.

AND YOU.....

Always interjecting with them smart-dumb answers. You had to be that dude in class that was always raising his hand to answer questions, butthe teacher never called on you because you said the stupidest %%#$. Typa _ to confuse the whole class, while sitting in the back of the room lookin like youjust found the cure for AIDS....

How are "Da Nets" going to destroy "da black neighborhoods"? The stadium is going up in one neighborhood....a neighborhood, which hasvirtually no black residents and is by far the wealthiest neighborhhood in BK.

If this is the truth....more cats need to start losing touch with "the streets". Maybe we'll hear some better music.

I'm not disagreeing with you on that. But dudes just so quick to defend Jay, they don't even think about the issue at hand. Can you really say Rae islying though (good or bad)????? 80% of these dudes just D ride & don't contemplate the question.
You right about the D-ridin on here.....but in this case Rae seems to be the one doin the ridin. Hes commenting on dudes who have absolutely no affliiation tohim, have said nothing about him and are doing what they are supposed to be doing. I don't see him any where dropping off buckets of cash in the hood. Whatpoint is he even trying to make? Just more influence to help pervert the thought process and perception of inner-city youth.

Without a doubt Jay has lost the ear of alot of true ciminals and hood dudes. He had their loyalty when he was rapping his *** off about the drug game, gunplay and flossing. Those dudes that tuned out are probably listening to Jim Jones, Hell Rell of Cassidy right now. But he also matured and brought alot offormerly misguided youth along with him..to me thats more important and commendable.
Just more influence to help pervert the thought process and perception of inner-city youth.
I don't know about that. Was Wu "perverting the youth" when they I SHtted on BIG for going the pop route. Or were they trying tokeep this Hip Hop thing grounded (see street) & keep it a voice for the youth & not the big business. You have to understand the Wu perspective(judging by your Avy I think you do). By street, Wu & by proxy, Rae means the common folk. Not necessarily criminal types. And I agree with him. A dudelike Joe Budden gets played out for not making wild money, yet he makes music for you & me. Not music to satisfy big business. Wu has been consistent intheir meaning from the beginning, platinum records or bricks. That gets a lot more respect from me than Jay & his play the fence, half pop, half"I'm keeping it real fellas, please believe me" records & albums.
Seems to be a confusion or misunderstanding between musical/hip hop integrity and responsibility for you music. The street mentality should never impedeyour growth as an artist the same way monetary gain should never fabricate it. Unfortunately we all know that is not the case.

That drop 100,000 in the hood statement just registered with me, that is unfair to say the least. n yea I see the d-riders but just cuz what Rae sayin is thetruth(and it is) doesn't mean dudes should be something they're not. Its all about keepin it real when you look at it.

it must be a slowday at Realtalkny, or Rae said this before.
Wasnt this talked about like a year ago?
The Nets movement will remove blacks from their homes and soon after small businesses.

I can't really agree or disagree with Jay loosing respect in the streets, because these days most people who buy music are ignorant and don't respectcreativity. Most people like jay because of his economic success rather than his music. I feel the percentage of fans who care about music dedicated to theorigin of the streets is small. With that said, even people in the streets admire jay only cuz he has a lot of money. I feel that no matter how much money youmake , as a hip hop artist it is very important to cater to the streets, because that is the origin of the music. American Gangster was a sad attempt by Jaytrying to rap about drugs again, who claims he was inspired after watching the movie(YEAH RIGHT! inspired by a drug dealer who destroyed harlem). Point beingJay can still have respect from the streets by just putting full effort in his music and lyrics with intellegence and creativity. Rap has become such a hustlethat people have forgotten the creation of hip hop was designed behind the idea social responsibility, so yes Jay should care very much about the streets andso should kanye. When you rap about how the streets are in your music strictly for profit, then you are exploiting it and your no better than the whiteindustry owners.
I mean....commenting on someones music is all subjective and opinion based.

You can feel however you feel about someones music....but dude is criticizing these men for being succesful.

He sounds like an idiot right about now. If someone gave him an oppurtunity to make 500 million dollars, would he turn it down? And oncehe had the money, would he go arounf the hood randomly dropping off a 100 stacks. He's been letting his hate cloud his logic lately. Hes the one thatreally alienating himself...from the streets, from the burbs, from his fans and from his own family.
Raekwon has a lot to be salty about. There's no way dude is rich. Think about it..like 5 group albums (profits split like 10 ways), one solid album (plat),and two booty albums, although Immobilarity did go gold. What else does he have? Dude seems lazy as hell. Three solo albums in 12 years? Kanye's releasedthat many in 4 years. Jay has released 10 albums in less time than Raekwon's dropped his first four albums. Sales aside, KWest and Jay just simply havemuch more creative inspiration and desire than this cat. This is saltiness at its peak.
A bigger board problem than d riding is the false interpretation of an opposing view as d riding.
Yea. That's the problem!!! False interpretation. When a vast majority of the young Hip Hop fans are scared to call a spade a spade for fear ofbeing called a "hater" (what ever the eff that is).
Call it how you see it duke. It's OK to say your favorite emcee is slipping. It happens. It's inevitable. Let dudes merits stand on its own. You canput Wu amongst anyone all time.
Jay is out of touch. Just like most of Wu has nothing to say anymore. It's OK, I can admit it.
But yo, "false interpretation" is the real problem. Not the enticement of corporate money at the expense of integrity. Right?????????????????????
Edit: I take that back. "salty" is the new "hater".
Like being "salty" dilutes the truth. Yall dudes are too funny man.
the hood definetly cares more bout hov and kanye moreso than raekwon... they know him as the fat gopher lookn dude from wu tang...nothing more... he's justmad....
Originally Posted by iLLscan

A bigger board problem than d riding is the false interpretation of an opposing view as d riding.
Yea. That's the problem!!! False interpretation. When a vast majority of the young Hip Hop fans are scared to call a spade a spade for fear of being called a "hater" (what ever the eff that is).
Call it how you see it duke. It's OK to say your favorite emcee is slipping. It happens. It's inevitable. Let dudes merits stand on its own. You can put Wu amongst anyone all time.
Jay is out of touch. Just like most of Wu has nothing to say anymore. It's OK, I can admit it.
But yo, "false interpretation" is the real problem. Not the enticement of corporate money at the expense of integrity. Right?????????????????????
Edit: I take that back. "salty" is the new "hater".
Like being "salty" dilutes the truth. Yall dudes are too funny man.

"False interpretation" is strictly in reference to the back and forth between people on a msg board, regardless of the topic....the reliance ond-riding as a label for those who don't see things the way you see it.

What you feel about Jay is what you feel. **** don't move me one way or the other.
It seems like Rae catching feelings....
I don't even really gotta speak on this...
You know it know its a problem the posters on realtalkny went In Raekwon....

[Dave Chapelle] I think He should Just Shut The F
Up... Shut......The..... F
...........Up [Dave Chapelle]

He`s talking about the streets in general not the street aspect . The inner city Hip Hop head .

The urabn streets are what the average cat is... whether it is an electrician , drug dealer , 9-5 er , schemer`s etc ...

I agree though , I can't relate to chillin in France with trust fund baabies , sippin Ace of Spades , buying Gucci man purses , wearing astronaut boots,and label dropping every chance i get .

It`s pretty simple .
I just don't see the point of bringing this up despite it's truth. So what? He acts like this is some huge revelation that nobody has ever touched onbefore. Like we didn't know this already. Hell, Jay has said the same thing, hence him coming back and re-living his street days with "AmericanGangster".

We could sit here all day and call dudes out on different things, including the Wu. What is this statement going to do or change? I was always taught to speakwith a purpose or shut the eff up. What purpose does Rae's statement have other than to call another dude out?

And that is why a lot of people are calling Raekwon salty. It seems like he's just running down the list of successful people in the rap world, andthrowing shots at them. True, he does have merit in some of the things he is bringing up. But again I ask, what good is it doing? What is it changing? Not adamn thing.

If dude spent as much time focused on HIS craft as he did yapping about everybody else, we'd have another classic by now.
They're @@%$!@$ millionaires. Why would they be in "the street"?

Regardless of Rae being right or wrong, he's just stating the obvious. It ain't that deep.
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