Random Myspace Chicks

May 3, 2006
So i know u guys have had jus some random myspace girl hit u up. Well this chick who says she is 24 (an im 18) says she wants to meet up an do the do.
What do u guys think? scam? but whats wierd is she "lives somewhere" close by.
probably looks like this

btw its probably a scam
Here's a pic form "her" myspace....i wasnt really gonna go thru with it jus seein wat yall had 2 say haha
on the real homey... dont go thru with it.
be smart and you shouldnt need to ask nt to know right from wrong.

if you have seen her in real life and know info about her than maybe..
but ehhhh. just be careful.
yo lolll you sure its not one of those spam bots.
I get about 10 a day. All of them are hot and looking for some action
how many pictures does she have? if she has a ton, then she's probably legit...if it's just one or two then no go my dude...
i would just go but sit somewhere slightly away from where you are suppose to meet so you can eye her out first. if you see an old dude sitting there then boltbut if the actual girl is there then just bust out and go talk to her. also make sure to post pics if you do go and give us the story
I mean you could do it but this could happen:
1.) she could be real and trying to get you robbed when she takes you back to her crib (happens a lot)
2.) could be some dirty!$%% old man

or you just picked up a easy slide off ,make sure you trust the situation though
If this if you then its definitely a trap. No girl like her would go for a Gary Coleman x Lil Wayne.
Originally Posted by DrJDoc26

i'd meet at a mall or somewhere, then check everything out.....but good luck

word, call her up ask her where she's at, and look from a distance, ifthings seem right, then go for it.. and uhh, take some pics or somethin to share with us.
Tell her you want ot meet somewhere public but stay hidden and see if she really shows up.
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