++Random NT contest++(Update) CONGRATS To VERYANALYTICAL85

May 28, 2005
What up NT, Jthagreat here doin a very mundane task. I'm counting change ive been savin up for the past 3 or 4 years. (stems from a change post made by Cam)

Im getting ready to move and im not trying to drag along 60+lbs of change. No Banks in my area will allow me to use their change counter, and im not giving 7-10% or whatever theyre charging at Safeway. so heres the deal,

Guess Right, get 10% of the total.
Be the closest NTer to the total amount, get a pair of shoes from my collection. or $50 (not sure how we'll pick...any ideas for a better prize?)

here are the pics

The beginning

$92 down.

BTW there are bills in there.
hint: there is some large bills in there.


The total was $967.63. i really thought there was more. i think my brother got into it cause i know i put a $100 bill in there, and there was only one $20 bill

Congrats to VeryAnalytical85, one the last guessers. He was off by $7.80

VeryAnalytical85[/td][td][/td][td]#230 [/td][td]http://[URL="http://[/color]"] [/color][/url][/td][td][-][/td][/tr][tr][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 3489

01/02/11 12:45 AM
$975.43 cents
Cool contest, never would have thought of it OP. 
Pm your paypal. $50 headed your way.
What up NT, Jthagreat here doin a very mundane task. I'm counting change ive been savin up for the past 3 or 4 years. (stems from a change post made by Cam)

Im getting ready to move and im not trying to drag along 60+lbs of change. No Banks in my area will allow me to use their change counter, and im not giving 7-10% or whatever theyre charging at Safeway. so heres the deal,

Guess Right, get 10% of the total.
Be the closest NTer to the total amount, get a pair of shoes from my collection. or $50 (not sure how we'll pick...any ideas for a better prize?)

here are the pics

The beginning

$92 down.

BTW there are bills in there.
hint: there is some large bills in there.


The total was $967.63. i really thought there was more. i think my brother got into it cause i know i put a $100 bill in there, and there was only one $20 bill

Congrats to VeryAnalytical85, one the last guessers. He was off by $7.80

VeryAnalytical85[/td][td][/td][td]#230 [/td][td]http://[URL="http://[/color]"] [/color][/url][/td][td][-][/td][/tr][tr][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 3489

01/02/11 12:45 AM
$975.43 cents
Cool contest, never would have thought of it OP. 
Pm your paypal. $50 headed your way.
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