Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Son made quiet moves and now we’re all marveling at his portfolio.

Been thinkin about this tho.

Am i a stan bc i feel like jay is more hands on with his business ventures?

Am i a hater if i feel like nas doesnt have much of a business savvy mind and is just funding these investments reported to him by a team of advisors?

I def dont have any concrete info, but nas has never struck me as that typa dude.

No knock, just sayin.

I mean, floyd makes investments but aint nobody foolish enough to think he’s the brain power behind that.

Been thinkin about this tho.

Am i a stan bc i feel like jay is more hands on with his business ventures?

Am i a hater if i feel like nas doesnt have much of a business savvy mind and is just funding these investments reported to him by a team of advisors?

I def dont have any concrete info, but nas has never struck me as that typa dude.

No knock, just sayin.

I mean, floyd makes investments but aint nobody foolish enough to think he’s the brain power behind that.


I think everything you’re saying just further exemplifies that they’re different dudes who move different.

Maybe have different goals.

Remember Nas had kids/got married before Jay so maybe he enjoyed laying low with his family more than he was trying to hustle hard in different industries. Different circumstances.

So their end games or measurements of success aren’t necessarily comparable.

This Roc Marci verse

I'm a music fan first, Jay and Nas business acumen's to me are irrelevant as a fan. I hope their able to live out their dreams and provide for their loved ones just like I do for every other person on this planet

Part 1 of episode one is up.

YEA I KNOW I was all over the place
YEA I KNOW the audio is not great
YEA I KNOW IM A RAMBLING *** ***** but bare with me NT It WILL get better :lol:

I broke it down by parts so I can get some constructive criticism from the fam and make part 2 better. Going forward I want every episode to be 1 part and between 30-45 minutes, soon available on all platforms

Episode 1: Love vs. Lust, Loyalty? Part. 1

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