Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Meek done. Time to go into other avenues with his rich friends. His rapping days are behind him. What was his last big song?
Where did hip hop originate?

You mean how was it so influential it spread across the globe?


One day you're going to realize how laughably bad your argument is.
You mean how was it so influential it spread across the globe?


One day you're going to realize how laughably bad your argument is.

For me to agree with you it would take me believing slavery was a choice, and racism doesn't exist in America.

I pray I never suffer a brain injury that traumatic to make those statements.

Pretty sure lil tjay got popped over there by that high rise. Feels good to be back up top for a lil bit.
Man, Drogas Wave was such a dope album.

Its really is. The overall concept of it is amazing.

Just gave it a chance a couple months back im still piecing things together. every once inna while, my ears key
in on some new lyrics that they glazed over before. Once i process em, i be on stuck like a mfkr. Lol

That new album tho, ehhhhhhhhh…
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